Concept Class - The Kenetic



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


The Kinetic


I. Concept/Background
II. Attributes/Skills
III. Equipment/Misc.
I. Concept and Background


Many Warriors that grown up in the Far North Shiverpeaks became to slow and weak with the harsh conditions. There was in need for a stronger fighting force that could penetrate fast and disable enemies while stilll able to survive. The people known as Kinetics were born. These warriors faught with its hands and feet, swiftly penetrating skin and targeting a bodies weak and strong points. Instead of using force it faught in a different way. A smarter way, a better way.

New Concepts

Hand Attack
The Kinetic specializes in a fast way of movement and fighting and uses its hands and feet for weapons. When using its hands their are chances for these skills to strike twice or three times if the Kinetic is up to it. There is a 10% for this to happen. But unlike many attacks these attacks are used to disable a foe.

Foot Attack
As you know the Kinetic uses its hands to disable and damage a foe. Just like the hands the feet also can disable a foe but do not have the chances to strike twice or three times. But, feet attack have 25% armor penetration and target all adjetant allies of the foe targeted of that foe as well as that foe.

Focus Stance
Unlike many stance the Kinetic uses Focus Stances to distract and evade foes. Focus Stance causes exhaustion because it takes up so much movement but this stance benefits all allies or weakens all foes.

__________________________________________________ _
II. Attributes and Skills


Concentration - For every 3 points in this attribute you move %2.5 percent faster when attacking. Many skills in this attribute help manage energy and can help you stay alive on the battlefield

Sparring Master - Inscreases dammage you do with your hands and feet.

Contending Movement - Many skills in this attribute help you and your allies penetrate foes and gain power on the battlefield.

Deteriorating Movement - Many skills in this attribute help weaken and hurt foes on the battlefield.



Defiant Eye [E]; Elite Skill; For 30 seconds all attack skills cost -10...33% energy less.
10e 2c 30r

Concentration Signet; Signet; Your next 5 attacks cannot be blocked or evaded. They all are critical hits.
1/4c 20r

Inner Conundrum; Skill; You 5 seconds you gain 22...55 health each second. If you are attacking while this happen you lose 2 energy for each second this skill took place.
5e 1/4c 15r

Sparring Mastery

Dancers Sweep [E]; Elite Foot Skill; you attack for +15...32 damage and if you are under a stand target foe is knocked down for 0...3 seconds.
5e 10r

Jaw Jab [E]; Elite Hand Skill; target foe is interupted and takes 20...60 blunt damage. All skills of that same attribute are disabled for 10 seconds.
5e 2r

Cross-Hand Uppercut; Hand Skill; Target foe is interupted and if that interupted skill was a spell, that spell is disabled for 10...40 seconds.
5e 10r

Shin Kick; Foot Skill; Target foe is knocked down. When that foe gets back up they are crippled and have a 25% chance to miss with attacks.

Contending Movement

Penetrating Anger [E];Elite Focus Stance; You and adjetant allies do 25% more damage with attacks and have a 22...55% more chance to do a critical hit for 30 seconds. Every time those allies attack you lose 1 energy. You suffer exhaustion.
5e 10r

Distracting Frenzy; Focus Stance; All adjetant allies and you cause blind for 5 seconds when casting hexes on foes. If the foe they cast a hex on is enchanted, they are also knocked down for 30 seconds. You suffer exhaustion.
5e 30r

Berserk Rage; Focus Stance; All adjetant allies and you attack 33% faster for 30 seconds.
10e 30r

Deteriorating Movement

Acidic Strength [E]; Focus Stance; For 30 seconds, all adjetant foes do -5...15 base damage when they attack but cause life stealing damage.
10e 20r

Unbalanced Blow; Melee Attack; target foe takes 20...100 damage and is knocked down. Your are knocked down and lose all enchantments and suffer a deep wound for 20 seconds.
10e 2r

Mark of Death; Focus Stance; For 30 seconds all adjetant foes take 50% more damage when hexed but you do to.
10e 30c
III. Equippment and Misc.

65 AL

Weapon of Choice
Fists and Feet
10-10 Blunt Damage
Can double or tripple strike

Energy and Health
Standard Health
30 Energy
4 pips of energy

Boss Color and Followed Gods
They don't follow a god.


They are usually young and lean but not as small as an assassin. They are very muscualr but do not have bulging muscles. They usually have short hair and little to no facial hair.

Armor Appearence

Head: Headband

Chest/Legs: Tattoos or Robes with a mixture of tatoos and/or jewels

Feet/Hands: Wrapped Cloth with beads hanging off it or tatoos.
Please leave your opinions



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Holy imabalanced batman

Shin Kick; Foot Skill; Target foe is knocked down. When that foe gets back up they are crippled and have a 25% chance to miss with attacks.
ouch ouch ouch...just OUCH

A built in IAS - bad x_X



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


They don't follow a god.
"Balthazar will enfeeble you for following his acts but not worshiping nor thanking him."

Simply, all professions need to follow a god = P.

they are also knocked down for 30 seconds

Sounds like a Sin/Para too me, dealing damage to foes and buffing allies.
But this is fine enough try improving a bit.
I think it has a potential^^.
Try reading my Mediator.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Brandon1107

Concentration - For every 3 points in this attribute you move %2.5 percent faster when attacking. Many skills in this attribute help manage energy and can help you stay alive on the battlefield
if your running ur not attacking so how would that help?

Dean Harper

Dean Harper

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


The Killer Clan Musketeers [TKCM]


i think he means attack 2.5% faster, but that is wayyyy overpowered, we have skills like Flurry and they only last 5 seconds, but indefinetally, its a no.