Attention all Male and Female gamers! You're invited to this awesome PvP event!
This glorious Sunday, the sentiment will break out as we shall test the skill of our GW warriors vs the GW valkyries. This test is proven to be the test of the Gods, and the winner shall be crowned with supremecy.
We'll gather this upcomming weekend on April 8th, at the GW valkyries usual meeting place, The Temple of the Ages, International District 1 (by the statue of Dwayna) and at their regular meeting time, 1:00 PM Eastern Time (10:00 AM Pacific, 5:00 PM GMT, 6:00PM BST).
This event will be an awesome event, and shall prove to be exiciting. There will be no "real" loser, as I shall pay 1000 gold to the losing participant/team. We shall have fun, and hopefully this event can prove that GW valkyries carries more PvP balls than us sissy men.
What: MAN VS BEAST HOUR - Men pwning Girls EVENT! [PVP]
Where: Temple of the Ages, International District 1
When: April 8th, 1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific, 5:00 PM GMT
Who: GW male players & GW female Players (Requirement: rank 6+/champion)
Why: To prove that female players rocks at PVP and will not get pwned easily.
Prizes: The winning team shall prove glory for his/her sex. The losing team will receive 1000 gold in payment.
5 games of 1vs1 in my guild hall
1 game of 8v8 in my guild hall
Please leave your IGN below and tell me how qualified are you/whether you are MALE/FEMALE. If YOU are qualified, YOU will be taking the task of representing your sex. So dont leave a response, unless you have the balls. If I do not get any response from any qualified females, I have failed my task as it is FACT that Male continue to pwn Females in PvP combat.
MAN VS BEAST HOUR - Men pwning Girls EVENT!
One Plat to lose...sign me up.
The Bloodrose
Why does it have to be r6? Out of a random 30 or so 1v1 in my GH I have yet to lose. I tend to guest invite shit talkers who think they are all that and kill them quickly. After RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing with them a bit that is. I'd gladly sign up to pwn a few girls.
btw I'm r3
btw I'm r3
Guardian of the Light
Arrrg I'm only R3
Anyways anyone wanna bet how many posts it'll take till this becomes a gender flame war
Anyways anyone wanna bet how many posts it'll take till this becomes a gender flame war
you do realize that's easter. i really doubt that many will be able to get on that day.
Who: GW male players & GW female Players (Requirement: rank 6+/champion) |
its gonna be a sausage fest ,
so, you've scheduled an event over an existing gw valkyries event, on an EASTER sunday, with MASSIVE prize of ONE PLAT to be gained? how about you go back to the drawing board, and plan an event for sometime they dont have something planned, maybe communicate with the female players and set something up instead of just hijacking their time and place.
Closed, this is just going to cause flames.