So here is my idea: (don't know if anyone posted before, but I can't wait)
My main character is (like with many others) my warrior. I've played a lot on him and have a title too, but now I'm planning to buy ascended gladiators armor. That armor looks totaly cool on a female, but I hate it on male warriors. Also I'm very tired of his look since I play for more than a year with him now. So here's my question: Is there coming a special weekend in wich you can remake your characters? (if you wish to). That would just totaly rock since I know a lot of people who actualy want to change stuff to their characters, but they've done so much with it that it would be a shame if they just deleted it.
Maybe there could even be an NPC where you can change your looks.
Just think of all the female ele's from prophecies who all have the same hair in the same color! Wouldn't it be great for them to get some NF hairstyle?

Really hope you all like it and I even hope more that Anet likes it (or at least reads it
