all warriors look like that?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

from all the pics i've seen...warriors look awful! more than half the pictures are warriors with tops half naked? what is up with that? do all warriors later on look like that?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by PlayBoy
from all the pics i've seen...warriors look awful! more than half the pictures are warriors with tops half naked? what is up with that? do all warriors later on look like that?
Half naked? You mean Gladiator Armor?

That armor was made during times of Roman Gladiatorial games to allow for ease of movement while protecting only the most vital points(with use of a shield), because gladiatorial matches only lasted a few minutes at best. They wanted to avoid the quick kills while reserving energy for massive strikes and fast maneuvers. This is why Gladiator armor gives energy, it's supposed to be very light and easy to move in. Funny thing is it's available first in yak's Bend, where it's very cold. Makes little sense to me, it should first be available later on in Lion's Arch, with a slight advantage in numbers. I loved my gladiator armor, but soon outgrew it as I moved onto later areas and found better stat armor. I find it badass, because you see all these weenie warriors in full-decked plate gear being whomped on by these gladiators wearing only a couple pieces of metal, because it takes more than massive metal armor to win a fight. Gladiators were the best fighters out there. Noone could match a Velite or Mermillo gladiator in a man-to-man fight.