Charr Skin
In the Miscellaneous section of todays update, it is mentioned that the Charr Skins have been updated. I'm sure this is in preparation for Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2 and the artistic evolution of the Charr, but I haven't noticed any changes so far.
Does anyone have any Screens or evidence of the change they made?
Does anyone have any Screens or evidence of the change they made?
Yes. They look a lot nicer! The warriors have elongated necks, and the textures just look crisper and cleaner. Or maybe it's just me...
Curse You
I guess I need to go solo Great Northern Wall again...
Already went there after the update and I didn't really notice much of a change in how the Charr looked.
someone post 2 comparison pics?
Former Ruling
Unless you look at them side by side you honestly cannot tell a difference :\
I can't tell the difference, personally.
I can't tell the difference, personally.
You can't? Look at their faces. The new ones have teeth that protrude more, and the resolution is greatly improved.
Actually, I can tell the difference. Though it can't be noticed by heavy movement in-game, I can see more grain and detail on the Charr's armor as easily noticed on the Charr on the right side of that bottom image that Beqxter posted. On the top image, the armor is more stretched out and blurred. Although, I would probably have to venture out there more to find out ... but that's what I could see based on those two images.
Ohhh... they have spots. And tuffs of butt hair.
They do look a little more polished, although it's probably not something I would normally notice until I saw one for the dozenth time and thought, "Something's odd tonight..."
I think people were expecting them to physically change into new creatures or something.
They do look a little more polished, although it's probably not something I would normally notice until I saw one for the dozenth time and thought, "Something's odd tonight..."
I think people were expecting them to physically change into new creatures or something.
They got a bit bigger too, it seems. But only by a tad. O.o
I should have noted that I didn't take the first pic, but got it off Guildwiki, so the resolution differences could be simply attributed to graphics settings.
That said, while fighting them I did think they looked a bit crisper and meaner - but it's a subtle difference.
That said, while fighting them I did think they looked a bit crisper and meaner - but it's a subtle difference.
I've noticed a difference in my mini Charr, the armor is more detailed and the body is sharper (not as blurry/stretched looking).
not a big difference, but I can see it (vaguely)
They look sharper to me. More detailed.
Funny thing was, a few minutes before the update was launched I was near Grendich Courthouse completing my 100% Ascalon exploration. Since I was leveling the pets of my Ranger Heros I had gotten used to the look of the Charr and when I logged on after the update I noticed the textures were much crisper. The actual model itself is the same as far as I can tell. I would've assumed they would've added definable stripes to at least one of the Charr professions considering the GW:EN' Charrs concept art.
Terra Xin
So it's a subtle but not too over-the-extreme?
I can live with that.
I can live with that.
The only thing I thought I noticed was a small in crease in resolution. I wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't said something... =(
The necks are the same... they didn't change the models.
Originally Posted by Aleks
Yes. They look a lot nicer! The warriors have elongated necks, ...