How long till people fill the new storage and want more ?
While the new storage is great and everything I'm pretty sure that the people who hoard items will fill it up eventually, then they will be wanting another storage upgrade. I'm just wondering how long that will take (lets assume they don't leave for another game).
Anywhere between now and the release of GW2

Um, actually? I've already pretty much filled my storage. And I didn't really have all that much stuff XD
I'll give people until tomorrow to start complaining about not enough room. Again.
I'll give people until tomorrow to start complaining about not enough room. Again.
Mine was filled within minutes, but no more plumbers crack on most of the characters from carrying too much stuff.
lol my holiday items filled one and a half tabs, gg anet!
Two characters cleaned up a little and it was mostly full, still have a few more PCs with extra loot, stuff to sell. I haven't even touched my armors yet.
Stupid golds I can't seem to sell.
Stupid golds I can't seem to sell.
i only have like 5 slots left in my storage :|
Yea, armor and holiday items filled storage real fast
Feminist Terrorist
My friend said she needed more. I just goggled at her in amazement. I don't know what she could be carrying. I do know that I'm overloaded with swords, axes, their upgrades, and holiday items.
The Ernada
Wow I should rent my space out. I only have 3 items (not including materials in material storage) in my entire storage box.
But yeah, I predict in a couple months the grumblings about wanting more storage will start and complain how little we have now.
But yeah, I predict in a couple months the grumblings about wanting more storage will start and complain how little we have now.
Nexus Icon
Mine was filled stupidly quickly and I STILL have characters acting as mules :|
Ritual del Fuego
When I first started rearranging stuff I filled two vaults with holiday junk (including wintersday weapons). I decided I would keep a mule for that and now the storage works really well, although it is pretty full already.
Thanks again A/Net!!!
Thanks again A/Net!!!
Chilly Ress
I wish they could also make weapon upgrades stackable.. lol
I hate complaining about new things that are purely beneficial.
I hate complaining in general.
I hate speculation.
Put them all together and you get people complaining about how long it will speculatively take other people to complain about a beneficial add-on/upgrade/patch/whathaveyou. This is so amazingly pointless and trash that it blows my mind. Closed.
I hate complaining in general.
I hate speculation.
Put them all together and you get people complaining about how long it will speculatively take other people to complain about a beneficial add-on/upgrade/patch/whathaveyou. This is so amazingly pointless and trash that it blows my mind. Closed.