angry necro wants to be heard!

mystic fatality

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

League of leaders


i personally think is is a stupid nerf... we need to learn nrg management and suffer for it? thats one of the stupidest things i've ever heard, minions are nrg exstensive and require so much nrg its not like we have nrg management spell like elementalists (which is another nrg intensive class) or have the 100 nrg that they have. and if we have to have to add nrg management skills that kills the effectiveness of the build, i personally run 4 minion spells, fleshy, vamp horror, shambling horror, and bone fiend, i run this many to raise minions fast so i have an active spell recharged to raise a minion while others charge. so after 4 spells i use spells to keep myself alive, dark bond, healing breeze, healing circle and for minions blood of the master. where would i have room for nrg management spells and still be effective? next they needed to be nerfed so their more supportive and not so domanant? no they never were domanant, even use them as a solo is hard. you take alot of the harder quests in factions or especially nf with places like the underworld or elite mish like urgoz warren you can't keep minions alive and you need to constantly raise minions to even prove your worth to the party other than that minions are just distractions in situations like that with no real killing power especially now with out constant numbers. one of the most important things about it is when you raise an 11th minion so that one dies normally you get the nrg from ur minion dying which was a nice recycled boost now you can't nor can you keep raising to help the party much at all. if the nerf has to stay at least make the minons lvl 20+ so the pathetic lvl 18s don't die so fast and serve lil to no purpose as they do now cause you can't keep raising them so easily. they so low lvl the numbers of them make a difference but now that its harder to keep up numbers mm builds are so nerfed its not worth having in a party, and the necro fans will be really upset. this also hurts pro mm builds such as variations of death bomber taking the idea of creating lots of minions sending them into a group of nmes with death nova on them and destroying them. builds like this are no easy task for non experienced players and adds a fun challenging spin on having a mm build. i believe this hurts mainly mm and we all no mm are mainly a pve build and soul reaping serves no real purpose in pvp so i think it was a pointless nerf that just makes pple mad. any real pvp build just puts its extra points in soul reaping so its only like lvl 1-3 and isn't relied on, if a build in pvp does rely on this they don't know what they are doing. so bascally this nerf just effects the enjoyability and effectiveness of being a necro in pve. i believe its nerfs like this that kill something thats been fine for ages and gets players upset at developers and causes them to leave, it happens to every game i've played. developers mess it up and lose loyal players cause they don't listen. i've seen multimillion player games go to 20-100 pple on at a given time, so sad... i should start looking for a diff game if this is anet showing true colors.

*note this thread was posted while being fairly upset and little to no effort was given to grammar or spelling, just random thoughts thrown down thx



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by mystic fatality

note this thread was posted while being fairly upset and little to no effort was given to grammar or spelling, just random thoughts thrown down thx
^it shows

couldn't you have just left your post in there rather than make another topic with exact same post?




Join Date: Feb 2006


This is a rant, not a suggestion, and may I remind you that this forum is for suggestions. As well as this, there is already a thread here in Sardelac that does follow the rules (to a greater extent than this one, anyway) on the subject.