Gaile Gray in International District 7 [~10pm PST, 12.31.05]
Juicey Shake
There is some VERY informative material in here, I highlighted some of the most interesting.
This is the full chatlog, enjoy.
A very intruiging part:
Gaile Gray: I am thinking the whole Terror Shield is very questionable.
Gaile Gray: Our designer and I both have not heard of them. Maybe a "creative image work?"
Scroll until you see the white-texted 'Red Iris Flower', she said it right after that.
This is the full chatlog, enjoy.
A very intruiging part:
Gaile Gray: I am thinking the whole Terror Shield is very questionable.
Gaile Gray: Our designer and I both have not heard of them. Maybe a "creative image work?"
Scroll until you see the white-texted 'Red Iris Flower', she said it right after that.
nice info cant wait till c2
All the comments on one post
. Thanks Shakester.
Giving a flower... How nice
All the comments on one post
Giving a flower... How nice

Juicey Shake
No problem!
And I was wrong in saying this is the FULL chatlog, there may have been a few lines before the *whistles innocently* but maybe not.
If anyone can't figure out what some questions are that these answers are in reponse to, don't feel afraid to ask! I can remember pretty much the whole of the local chat through this all @_@...
Especially one kid, Bleek Bleek.... he kept asking Gaile for a turnip, and if she will travel around the world in 80 days, and then at all...
>>Sorry if this belongs in screenshot exposition, I didn't really think of it so much as a screenshot as multiple captures of a conversation, so yarr.
And I was wrong in saying this is the FULL chatlog, there may have been a few lines before the *whistles innocently* but maybe not.
If anyone can't figure out what some questions are that these answers are in reponse to, don't feel afraid to ask! I can remember pretty much the whole of the local chat through this all @_@...
Especially one kid, Bleek Bleek.... he kept asking Gaile for a turnip, and if she will travel around the world in 80 days, and then at all...
>>Sorry if this belongs in screenshot exposition, I didn't really think of it so much as a screenshot as multiple captures of a conversation, so yarr.
New weapons announced, I'm willing to bet this is on or before the 16th of January, when the design-a-weapon contest winners will be announced

Very interesting, thanks for organising her speech

I love how she is humoring us on the baker and chocolatier stuff 
I see this chat was a lot about Gaile herself. >.> Wish people asked more game related stuff.
anyways...IDS is permanent. no more price-jacking for people. Cant wait for the pre-release stuff.

I see this chat was a lot about Gaile herself. >.> Wish people asked more game related stuff.
anyways...IDS is permanent. no more price-jacking for people. Cant wait for the pre-release stuff.
"genuflection" lol got to love sales/marketing blurb, they make up these excellent words
it's synergestically enthusinating projectfully inspirationovation!

Originally Posted by Xenrath
"genuflection" lol got to love sales/marketing blurb, they make up these excellent words
![]() |
n : the act of bending the knees in worship or reverence
Really? Well, learned something new there, it does sound very much like marketing blurb I must say lol

Sai of Winter
I'm hoping Anet will give us more character slots on the next update.
Malchior Devenholm
Everybody, scan the international districts this week, I must know some of the assassin's skills!!!
She didn't know much about the Icy Dragon Sword either. It could be something an artist was mucking around with and threw in the last update.
ehm what is IDS?
what does she/he mean about preleasing ? , does it mean that we will have a taste of the new chapter via a update .. or does it mean that we will have the next chapter sooner than expected ?
Since existing players will be able to interact in some manner with expansion owning players (when it's out, from my understanding of the quotes) I'm guessing there will be some kind of event which will let us see some features/monsters/areas/something like that from the forthcoming expansion.
Unless she means pre-order, which is something rather different.
Unless she means pre-order, which is something rather different.
I hope it will soon be finnished , im so excited
And I was wrong in saying this is the FULL chatlog, there may have been a few lines before the *whistles innocently* but maybe not. |
Nice post but yes you must have been there when she come back for the second time, coz some screenshoots(comments) are missing.

Good Job on the post.
Something like this!

Sry not as gifted as you in posting all comments in one file.

where is the mentioned dialog? missing? :/
Alexi Zingforger
I recall them saying we would have auction houses before Christmas, I'm betting we will have to wait for the release of Chapter 2 for them.
Guardian of the Light
I wish I was there I want to ask Galie about if they took ideas from the thread I started about the Assassin

Ultimate Tanker
Hey are we gonna still be able to use our same accts????? or do we have to get new ones???
Thx for this pictures of her visit, sounds very interesting what she was talking about

Can anyone get up a chatlog for Gaile Gray Europe's visit to International District 1, ~8:30 - (somewhere beyond 10) GMT ? I was going to, but became too busy asking questions myself. There were some very interesting things. She confirmed a lot that there would be many major Guild Hall improvements and ways to 'communite' with guild members. She confirmed Guild Alliances. I asked her about a change of currency, and she said she thought not but had never been asked that before. She had to say many times about yule caps and horns being unavailable, and about there being more character slots and that you can take your current character to the new places. She confirmed more pets, and talked about more storage. She also said there would be some very interesting events before the release of Chapter 2. Hmmmm...?
And, hi Gaile if you're still here
(Mylena Swiftwind)
And, hi Gaile if you're still here
Juicey Shake
To take screencaps of her chatlog:
Hit f11, go to customize layout, make your Chatlog box VERY large [mine spams from the top of my skill bar to the top of my screen]
Turn all forms of chat / emotes off, all that will be left will be: HoH announcements, trade dialog [You traded XX 39883 Ectos for 9 Gold], and Gaile's/The Frog's messages.]
Do this periodicly while she is there, as the massive spam of questions causes her messages to be pushed out of your log, the more spam in local chat,the more often you should be doing these screen captures.
Download.. er, LEGALLY ACCQUIRE... a program like Photoshop or Paintshop, and open all of your screenshots, make a new file much higher than you need, and about the width of your chatlog.
Cut out the bits of chat pieces and paste them into the new file, going from screencap to screencap.
Pretty easy, and then you can post a nice big chatlog! ^^.
That way you can ask your questions, and still have a record of the chat,woo.
Hit f11, go to customize layout, make your Chatlog box VERY large [mine spams from the top of my skill bar to the top of my screen]
Turn all forms of chat / emotes off, all that will be left will be: HoH announcements, trade dialog [You traded XX 39883 Ectos for 9 Gold], and Gaile's/The Frog's messages.]
Do this periodicly while she is there, as the massive spam of questions causes her messages to be pushed out of your log, the more spam in local chat,the more often you should be doing these screen captures.
Download.. er, LEGALLY ACCQUIRE... a program like Photoshop or Paintshop, and open all of your screenshots, make a new file much higher than you need, and about the width of your chatlog.
Cut out the bits of chat pieces and paste them into the new file, going from screencap to screencap.
Pretty easy, and then you can post a nice big chatlog! ^^.
That way you can ask your questions, and still have a record of the chat,woo.
The undead Mesmer
She answered my question Yoda and the Frog arent related darnit but have been aquantences in the past (dunno if spelled right haha)
Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
She answered my question Yoda and the Frog arent related darnit but have been aquantences in the past (dunno if spelled right haha)

Juicey Shake
Originally Posted by King Symeon
The Frog was so obviously Yoda's pet, didn't you see him peering out of Yoda's pocket?
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You are lies, all lies!
Thanks for posting that chat log, there's a lot of neat info in there 
"The Assasin will be in chapter 2"
"You will be able to use exsisting characters in the expansion"
Perfect, got everything I needed
"The Assasin will be in chapter 2"
"You will be able to use exsisting characters in the expansion"
Perfect, got everything I needed
How do you know when and where Gaile and The Frog will be talking. I've always wanted to be there, but I don't know when it is. Do people just sit around in international districts and wait for her or what?
the niht
Gaile also said something about a new item that was customizable and very collectable. this was when she was in Lions American 1.
Retribution X
Originally Posted by the niht
Gaile also said something about a new item that was customizable and very collectable. this was when she was in Lions American 1.
I hope to kiss an undead that we get more char slots.
I hope to kiss a frog that chapter 2 is released SOON! and preorder too!
I was in dis 7 when she was there. I asked her about the Assassin. She replied and said yes the assassin will be a new profession or something like that.
I was in dis 7 when she was there. I asked her about the Assassin. She replied and said yes the assassin will be a new profession or something like that. |

New Profession Revealed 15 November 2005 Play Magazine's third annual edition of the "Girls of Gaming" series features an introduction to one of the new Guild Wars professions, including concept art, a bit of background, and a piece of in-game lore. Learn more about Nika, a Guild Wars Assassin, in the Play special edition, which you will find on newsstands now. |
Lord Crom
Originally Posted by BellyFlop
Yep she did say that Assassin its the new Profession, but that info from her its was old news.
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I think what he means it that it is old news that there is going to be an assassin, and people are wasting questions asking the same things over and over. I wish people would quit waisting her time and questions about things that were confirmed months ago. If you are not up to date on GW don't bother Gaile with questions. Chances are your questions have been asked a 100 times in the past.