Personal "houses" in GW?
Boomy Mcbam
I just thought of an awsome idea for GW. While my sister was playing Webkinz, I realized that the only way it attracts people is the rooms they get in it. That made me think about Entropia Universe, where you can buy a room, and put furniture in it and such. So I thought, what if GW had this? TONS of people would start playing GW just for these. If anyone has a thought about this, please post!
PS: Not to get off topic, but Entropia Universe is a great game, where the game money = $$$REAL MONEY$$$! Check it out at the link above.
PS: Not to get off topic, but Entropia Universe is a great game, where the game money = $$$REAL MONEY$$$! Check it out at the link above.
Guild Wars isn't World of Warcraft, Entropia Universe, or Vanguard.
Sorry to say, it's been suggested a few thousand times and the developers seem to have no interest.
Sorry to say, it's been suggested a few thousand times and the developers seem to have no interest.
Originally Posted by Boomy Mcbam
where you can buy a room, and put furniture in it and such
but, i do think its a good idea, you can put items there and stuff like that - although i think that would make gw too much like some other (possibly not online 1s) mmos.
you can also customize the command post if you have nightfall. its not a house but its good enough for now.
this is a REALLY REALLY old idea that has been shot down more times than a lame duck in open season..
Boomy Mcbam
Originally Posted by Darksun
this is a REALLY REALLY old idea that has been shot down more times than a lame duck in open season..

Angel Netherborn
I'm just thinking that if you so admire the digital house and furniture in those games, why not play those games in addition to GW and let the developers focus on more important updates than just rewriting some code on how and where characters sit.
yea... guildwars is a casula game no houses and dumb stuff like that, you want that go play ultima online lol
Knightsaber Sith
The idea of personal houses and personal rooms is where they derived the Hall of Monuments.
It was hard enough convincing them to give us more storage, but houses? There's no point to it. In Entropia Universe I can understand it, because that's a "virtual universe" and such, but GW is a completely different genre
It was hard enough convincing them to give us more storage, but houses? There's no point to it. In Entropia Universe I can understand it, because that's a "virtual universe" and such, but GW is a completely different genre
Originally Posted by Boomy Mcbam
I just thought of an awsome idea for GW. So I thought, what if GW had this? TONS of people would start playing GW just for these. If anyone has a thought about this, please post!
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oops i used search and here is the first page of many.
Thread / Thread Starter Created Replies Views Personal houses. MSecorsky 23:15 17-Jan-07 47 671 I would like to see personal houses that are like mini-guild halls in the same way that you can only see and access your own GH.. even if you can't get one from the house)...No types... personal houses Daemon Dremora 06:10 9-Jan-06 1 58 I think it would be awesome if we could have our own houses/buildings..cooler if you could go to your own little house and just hang out.. via the customization options that would ens... Personal "houses" in GW? Boomy Mcbam 14:19 6-Apr-07 4 15 I just thought of an awsome idea for GW... Alternative to Auction house/personal shops Lord Azhren 21:22 1-Apr-07 16 200 and cons to the idea of having an auction house or a traders outpost/personal shops... Yeah...So... rixxxster 06:05 3-Apr-05 6 145 Will there anything like personal housing within the guilds or something of that sort?I know in Star Wars Galaxies you could have houses to store stuff in, that... 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Index of Ideas - Check this thread and use SEARCH before posting ANY new thread King Symeon 17:06 25-Nov-05 238 13560 Personal Shops -LinkA trading areaAuction house - Link for a detailed thread on this.Full preview system, including weapons, armour, dyes... Helmet, cape, weapon display toggle on select screen... TsunamiZ 21:42 18-Nov-05 8 110 characters look like when they are over at your house. Or just for personal preference... Suggestions for elementalist pets,events. Stormz 09:19 13-Jan-06 15 283 i'd like to step in a house or building.-I personally don't like the elementalist armor to much but that's me, it seems like a bad attempt of trying to... the frog speaks benmanhaha 22:11 10-Sep-05 29 2630 I personally think these are the most intersting concerning an auction house and about the new armors... questions, need answers Jythen 05:01 6-Apr-05 8 289 There an auction house system, or anything liek a bazaar (personal shop)?7. In general how does htis game compare to FFXI and WoW, I'm a huge fan... Proposal For An Alternative Auction System TB_ 15:37 20-Nov-05 19 1227 Many people have posted about Auction Houses and so forth and all seem to have the same basic idea, a place people can goto bid on items for sale.. (the important stuff is at the botto... Planatery Improvment/upgrade for storage zamial 19:24 27-Oct-06 0 14 leader/officer/and member based reflect in astetics only.your personal barraks should be per char class well as personal.this can also be a way to link to the action house we w... leaving GW = good thing DrSLUGFly 03:43 5-Jul-05 17 960 my personal work took a backseat...GW is my drug...Fortunately it's a very user friendly drug Now that I've beaten the game (storyline.. but my house is clean again, my sleep... 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InSaNe 10:38 25-Jul-05 3 90 Basically it would introduce house areas to Guild wars.. So you can own your own house which would be cool..Ideas for houses: several layouts you could choose maybe... |
I've had the same idea in many games, and posted it in those many games.
But GW is much more strongly community-based that all those games.
It's meant to people tag allong and join in outposts.
You alrady have a Guild Hall for you and your friends.
But GW is much more strongly community-based that all those games.
It's meant to people tag allong and join in outposts.
You alrady have a Guild Hall for you and your friends.