Pls advise best way to level up my pet


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Well my Necro/R "Vampires Vixen" looks so cool with her Factions Asian/Goth look and her new tiger pet.

Problem is she got the pet at lvl 15 and the pet is only lvl 4 now. I tryed taking the tiger out for some simple kills but the exp showed "0".

Please advise the best way to get the pets lvl up. Or should I just go out and do my thing and the pet will lvl just as well.

Can't wait to get her to NightFall with her heros.

Thanks, Monti



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


If you don't care about the evolution. Just let the pet go off and die while you and your team kill stuff. It gets experience while dead even if it's off the radar. If you do care about the evolution, then you'd have a bit more of a problem.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

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kill sh*t

(twelve characters)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Uh, I guess I'm kinda not up on the latest info, or maybe maybe I might be considered a newbie, but I don't know what u r refering to in "evolution".

Pls advise.



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Well your pet has three final evolutions. Dire, which deals the most damage but has the least amount of health. Hearty, which has the most health but deals the least amount of damage. And Elder, which is the on the fence. In all honesty they won't make much of a difference unless you are a primary ranger.

If you want to train a hearty pet, just take it with you as you are doing missions. It'll level naturally and will most likely become hearty.

If you want a dire pet, it's actually a little tricky. you need to find a way to limit the amount of damage your pet takes, while dealing a considerable amoutn of damage with your pet as your pet levels. This is a time-consuming practice, as it requires an area where you can train your pet solo, control the damage type, and limit the amount of damage your pet takes. I would suggest training outside the Gates of Kyrta killing Mergoyles.

If you want an elder, than train your pet like you are going for dire until it becomes an Aggressive pet, then just let it dye alot while you are traveling around on your missions and quests.

But everything you ever wanted to know about pets can be found here (except maybe pet controls, which are new).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Thanks for the great info guys. Looks like I will just play her and get what happens.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


oh, one point also:
just because *you* get no experience for the kills, doesn't mean the pet gets none. Your pet will gain experience for anything from his level-5(or is it -6) on up just like you do.

Bloodied Blade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006


I actually tend to level new pets (the ones that I don't care about being dire) via Trapping...but I don't think you'll be doing that as a N/R.

If you just want it at 20 and don't care about dmg (i.e. you're using it mainly for the looks/as a tank), just drag it with you on missions and let it die when it dies, don't worry about damage.

trekkie dude

trekkie dude

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007


make a b/p build and if you have proph go to tomb great for minion masters since they basically have a body that can leave a corpse very very quick and i know many people who brought their pets around level 4-5 by the end of 1 game grew many many levels. i did this with my level 15 phoenix within a few games it reached 20. which kinda stinks in a way cuz it won't die as quickly :/



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Pre-level your pet....BEFORE YOU CHARM IT! Go to an area where your chosen critter can be found and clear it of mobs with your heroes. Get naked (take off your armor). Set your heroes to "passive", take away their weapons, disable all but rebirth on their tool bars. Then aggro (don't kill) your future pet and go watch a movie, by the time the movie is over your pet should be lvl 20 Dire from all the experience it got by killing you. When your heroes rez you with Rebirth, you have low health so are pretty easy to kill quickly...put your armor back on and charm your new pet.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hitching a ride on the road to nowhere a.k.a. Yorkshire, England

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I did as Twin Raven suggested to get me a dire wolf, just be warned your character will die alot I died over 250 times doing this. What Twin Raven didn't explain though is that to get your future pet to attack you in the first place you need to start charming it (thus it starts attacking you) and then move BEFORE you finish charming it, this stops the charm from taking effect.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Giggity Giggity [GOO]


Wow raven,that was extremely helpful (really)
I wanted dire on my pet and now i can