GW Names.
Does GW have a random name generizer?
i don't think so because when i made mine i didn't see a randomizer button or anything but i can genereate one 4 u if u want
I know this is retarted lol. But lazerous do you have xbox live? And were you in a RB6:Black Arrow clan called the dysfunctionals, with gizmo76, noblecoder, and me(toastierzebra)
Random, but I just wondering.
Random, but I just wondering.
how did u know who is this?
Dude, its toastierzebra =)
is it really you
is it really you
Yes, please.
commander what your talking about is what PMs are for, and heres a few names off the top of my head :
Feneslos Headbreaker
Isialatus Ferishom
Yoseli Geriam
Foruk Guasto
Istirred Blademaster
Hmantak Steeltusk
Feromash Inerto
Gelami Istera
Halamin Usteda
Thorsham Ironfist
Hakas Horsam
Tilas Kishora
Gelaminos Femtas
Gerund Dilos
Fertino Gestard
I could go on but I wont, and note that the first and last names are completely interchangeable.
Feneslos Headbreaker
Isialatus Ferishom
Yoseli Geriam
Foruk Guasto
Istirred Blademaster
Hmantak Steeltusk
Feromash Inerto
Gelami Istera
Halamin Usteda
Thorsham Ironfist
Hakas Horsam
Tilas Kishora
Gelaminos Femtas
Gerund Dilos
Fertino Gestard
I could go on but I wont, and note that the first and last names are completely interchangeable.
I like Tilas Kishora, comments?
Hmm i have a sudden urge too spam some more names, so here goes:
Histar Lithora
Gilmasti Itriush
Ginoriu Alamsth
Sthemir Tiloman
Herestelam Girs
Gulashimanto Yoeslitam
Halamath Grikthom
Hyorendi Jolek
Yertisumdi Butham
Losterdi Intermeth
Poresil Tikos
Quesltim Xalirth
Qwath Kristos
Glorim Galsa
Jivoslo Galamaster
Griestla Howertam
Usemti Isertal
Xesteral Inuquath
Lithosal Kishotal
Buthemtal Hinothal
Gaeth Herosta
Buthem Kalaman
Trestar Quelst
Piro Detil
Yumastalashi Iksotho
Ilestelami Gorestam
Irothemil Gusta
Ukelim Qualiter
Phistotal Fremsatl
Greeshel Purpla
Givinosta Hirsal
Thimosti Validir
Calixer Insotho
Quewl Kwin
Ifartho Hinsta
Polimtak Kimodore
Vorindosa Himostata
Pilosthes Feramit
Theth Yoer
Fesal Gwyaleth
Turndid Herth
Wasabath Rundid
Mitho Beraki
Kermals Renstad
Yersalim Feromath
Thilles Irestam
Oresa Xela
Gumpth Herusha
Liken Roketh
Shilood Thirom
Xerial Numbath
Heristal Undad
Blerik Hertho
Geral Vorik
Thiliosalamth Herastatl
Ghemar Helineir
Bwathk Kerstud
Gekoth Lirzad
Yunepei Yhomel
Zerda Xalimon
Istal Uremthi
Kira Kalm
Whew now I'm exausted! I promise I'll put in more later...
Histar Lithora
Gilmasti Itriush
Ginoriu Alamsth
Sthemir Tiloman
Herestelam Girs
Gulashimanto Yoeslitam
Halamath Grikthom
Hyorendi Jolek
Yertisumdi Butham
Losterdi Intermeth
Poresil Tikos
Quesltim Xalirth
Qwath Kristos
Glorim Galsa
Jivoslo Galamaster
Griestla Howertam
Usemti Isertal
Xesteral Inuquath
Lithosal Kishotal
Buthemtal Hinothal
Gaeth Herosta
Buthem Kalaman
Trestar Quelst
Piro Detil
Yumastalashi Iksotho
Ilestelami Gorestam
Irothemil Gusta
Ukelim Qualiter
Phistotal Fremsatl
Greeshel Purpla
Givinosta Hirsal
Thimosti Validir
Calixer Insotho
Quewl Kwin
Ifartho Hinsta
Polimtak Kimodore
Vorindosa Himostata
Pilosthes Feramit
Theth Yoer
Fesal Gwyaleth
Turndid Herth
Wasabath Rundid
Mitho Beraki
Kermals Renstad
Yersalim Feromath
Thilles Irestam
Oresa Xela
Gumpth Herusha
Liken Roketh
Shilood Thirom
Xerial Numbath
Heristal Undad
Blerik Hertho
Geral Vorik
Thiliosalamth Herastatl
Ghemar Helineir
Bwathk Kerstud
Gekoth Lirzad
Yunepei Yhomel
Zerda Xalimon
Istal Uremthi
Kira Kalm
Whew now I'm exausted! I promise I'll put in more later...
since that is spam please dont do it
Pedro PenXV
now thats a quality name. interchangable even!
now thats a quality name. interchangable even!
hmm pedro pen15, i get the pen15 part, but does pedro fit in there? pretty immature BTW.
i think this is askin to be closed
Devil's Dictionary
Originally Posted by ThePaper
hmm pedro pen15, i get the pen15 part, but does pedro fit in there? pretty immature BTW.
I hope your joking death, it WAS pretty obvious, and I've seen that joke so many times, it's just not funny or rude to me anymore, just annoying.
huh well the name i gave my guy was skye unknown... i was thinking of puting something called like [ ] the hobo but then i thought of putting a more serios name ...
Ps by the way guild wars has some stuff to download taking me along time but prob take u guys 10 seconds jus tto let u know
Ps by the way guild wars has some stuff to download taking me along time but prob take u guys 10 seconds jus tto let u know
about 6 megabytes for me
took 20 sec
took 20 sec
name generators are silly.. 50 names at once? Who can handle that. For any 'fantasy' name, I just pound on the keyboard for a bit and delete random letters until I get something that remotely resembles a name. Clever, eh?
Originally Posted by LookLeft
name generators are silly.. 50 names at once? Who can handle that. For any 'fantasy' name, I just pound on the keyboard for a bit and delete random letters until I get something that remotely resembles a name. Clever, eh?
Dave III
My naming habit is usually to go through my comics and look for names of favorite characters from series no one remembers. Usually, though, that allowed for one name names, but two names are gonna be harder to come up with. I think I am, however, set up a personal tradition of giving all my characters the same surname, to tie them together... that way people will be able to tell I'm the same person, but a different character.
Or will I be able to do that? I assume I will. I'll be finding out tomorrow. ^_^
Dave III
Or will I be able to do that? I assume I will. I'll be finding out tomorrow. ^_^
Dave III
Thread Closed.