A spellcaster that draws power from plants, weather, and animals. Proficient with a sickle (a curved blade with a short handle) and a wand (-1 damage).
Base Statistics
Health Gain per level: +10
Base Energy: 25
(special) resistant to elements: +20 armor vs. Elemental Damage
(special) charmed to animals: +10 armor vs. enemy pet's damage
Nature's Calling-(primary)
For every 2 points in this attribute, the druid's pet and temporary creatures gain 4 health.
Spells in this attribute affect the druid's pet and also summons temporary creatures. Temporary creatures are summoned to the field to commence a single attack or spell then leave. Temporary animals leave no corpses.
Nature Magic-
Spells in this attribute cause damage, conjure barriers, and cripple opponents.
Cloud Magic-
Spells in this attribute cause lightning damage and water damage.
Spells in this attribute deal earth damage and alter the landscape in various ways.
Sample Skills
Call Animal- 5 energy 10 cast 12 recharge
Turns target animal creature into a pet. You may only have one pet at a time.
Summon Serpent- 5 energy 1 cast 4 recharge
conjures a single coral snake to the field, the snake attacks random nearbye foe and deals poison for 3...10 seconds. dies immediately afterwards.
Summon Lizards- 5 energy 1 cast 4 recharge
conjures 1...3 lizards to the field, the lizards each attack one random nearbye foe and deal 5...15 damage. dies immediately afterwards.
Summon Raven- 10 energy 1.2 cast 6 recharge
conjures a single raven to the field, the raven attacks one nearbye foe for 10...15 damage. dies afterwards
Martial Animals- 15 energy 2 cast 54 recharge
(enchantment) when you summon a temporary creature to the field it remains for 5...30 seconds regardless of conditions. This enchantment ends if you drop below 50% health.
Summon Dread Best- 25 energy 5 cast 12 recharge
conjures one dread beast to the field, it casts Heal party 2...4 times when one of your allies drops below 60% health then dies.
Heal Companion- 5 energy 1/2 cast 4 recharge
your pet is healed for 12...60 health. If your pet is dead he is revived with 25% of his health and energy.
Nature Magic
Vine Slash- 5 energy 1/8 cast 0 recharge
sends out a vine to hit a single opponent for 5...35 damage.
Vine Flurry- 10 energy 1/2 cast 4 recharge
Sends out 2...6 vines to hit up to 2 opponents for 5...40 damage.
Vine Grasp- 5 energy 1 cast 4 recharge
Vines grab hold of a single target foe crippling him for 5...10 seconds.
Plant Barrier- 10 energy 1/8 cast 22 recharge
Creates a plant barrier around all allies in the area including the caster, All attacks strike for 1...10 less damage, Cold damage strikes for nothing, Earth Damage strikes at 50% less, fire damage strikes for 2x the damage.
Cloud Magic(yes the area enchantment effects all proffesions spells and attacks)
Summon Storm- 5 energy 4 cast 12 recharge
(area enchantment) All water and lightning spells cast in the area strike for 20...40% more damage. This enchantment ends after 30...60 seconds.
Stormbolt- 25 energy 1/2 cast 75 recharge
Calls a single lightning bolt to strike target foe. Target foe and all adjacent foes take 15...95 lightning damage. This spell causes weakness.
Call Rain- 5 energy 1 cast 25 recharge
(area enchantment) this encantment can only be used while summon Storm is in effect, summon storm's duration now lasts as long as the caster is alive and a rainstorm begins. All water element spells deal 20...40% extra (added to the Summon storm effect)
Tornado- 10 energy 1 cast 15 recharge
Must cast while call rain and summon storm are both in effect. A single tornado touches down dealing 15...40 damage to all foes i nthe area.
Trunade- 25 energy 6 cast 75 recharge
This spell must be cast while call rain and summon storm are in effect, also the caster must have just used tornado. 1...15 tornadoes touch down dealing 5...20 damage each to all foes in the area and 4...10 damage each to the caster. This spell paralyzes all the casters magic for 20...5 seconds.
Quake- 25 energy 3 cast 45 recharge
Sends out a violent earthquake. All attacking enemies in the area are knocked down and take 10...120 damage.
Earth Maneuver- 15 energy 0 cast 12 recharge
Disappear under the ground for 3...1 seconds. Afterwards, teleport to random opponent and deal 10...35 earth damage to all nearbye opponents.
Mountain- 25 energy 4 cast 75 recharge
Summons a mountain from beneath the ground around you. All enemies within range (10x10 sqrs or whatever the game goes by) are knocked down and take 10...120 damage. The mountain disappears after 2 seconds in which all nearbye enemies take an additional 15...30 damage. This spell causes weakness and paralyzes the caster for 15 seconds (caster cannot attack or move).
ManaQuake- 5 energy 6 cast 120 recharge
Summons a huge earthquake, every enemy within range (same as mountain) takes 30...200 damage and is knocked down for 3...6 seconds. Half of the total damage dealt by this spell is taken out of the caster's energy, if damage is left over, the caster is weakened for 30 seconds.
Rising Earth- 5 energy 0 cast 4 recharge
earth around target foe rises causing the foe to fall down.
Terrashield- 25 energy 1/2 cast 25 recharge
Nearbye earth surrounds caster, all attacks against the caster are negated and only cold damage has any effect. This shield lasts for 20....60 seconds, but may be ended early. The caster cannot attack while this shield is in effect.
Desert Grasp- 5 energy 0 cast 1 recharge
target foe is grasped by earth knocking him down for 3...6 seconds.
Earthen Explosion- 15 energy 0 cast 25 recharge
target foe must be knocked down to use this spell, deal 95 earth damage to target foe. If this spell would cause the caster to drop below 25% energy drop the caster's energy to 0.
Nature's Calling
Speed of Light- 5 energy 2 cast 35 recharge
(enchantment) Move 33% faster and cast spells 33...66% faster for 10 seconds.
Prey's Flight- 5 energy 10 recharge
(stance) You move 33% faster as long as you don't engage in combat, if you are attacked you move 2% faster (maximum haste limit 66%, maximum time limit 60...120 seconds).
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