Originally Posted by holymasamune
Btw, why isn't this made into a poll option, instead of having to tally up responses?
PvE and PvP population stats? demographics?
I'm PvP only, but I only use PvE characters.
Abbas Paterna
I'm PvP and PvE. I spend a lot of time questing and just enjoying the RPG feel of the game, but I love to hop into HA and RA with my monk and go for more challenging situations.
mostly PvE , but play AB alot for the fun. rarely RA, almost never HoH,never tried 1on1/GvG/TA
Gimme Money Plzkthx
Damn, I thought this was going to be an actual demographics poll like average age of PvErs vs PvPers or something... somehow I think those results would start a flamewar though. Anyway, I PvE for the purpose of getting my characters perfect for PvP, thus, I am a PvPer.
100% PvE Iget enough of competion at work, don't need more when I relax.
Lord Xeshm
I am about 50/50
Sometimes I will PvE for weeks and then PvP for weeks.
When I get bored of one, I move to the other!
Sometimes I will PvE for weeks and then PvP for weeks.
When I get bored of one, I move to the other!
IMO this isn't a fair indication really because I honestly don't think AB's and competetive missions(Ft Aspenwood etc.) qualify as PvP. To me AB's are nothing more than total chaos (and all the more fun because of it) and areas such as Ft. Aspenwood are more in line with the Luxon vs Kurzik background aspect of Factions story. And i've seen on numerous posts PvPers saying the same thing too.
Take AB's and competetive missions into account and I'm playing PvP/PvE 50/50. Discount them and I am 99% PvE.
Take AB's and competetive missions into account and I'm playing PvP/PvE 50/50. Discount them and I am 99% PvE.
PvE and only PvE. Are they gonna release more quests soon?
*Mostly PvE and rarely PvP - just for a change of pace.
I'll PvP when it's necessary to further the PvE storyline, or when my guild/alliance is doing some GvG skirmishes. Other than that, it's all PvE.
I think the answer to this can be summed up in two acronyms: GW2 and GW:EN. While PvP is still a big part of both, it's easy to recognize that the majority of new developments in both, at least the ones being publicized now, are targetting the PvE side of things. This leads me to surmise that GW's PvE has become more popular than originally anticipated.
It would be interesting to see Anet's database results on player activity over the last the two years. One would presume they've been keeping track of this.
I'll PvP when it's necessary to further the PvE storyline, or when my guild/alliance is doing some GvG skirmishes. Other than that, it's all PvE.
Originally Posted by countesscorpula
But she'll never tell. It's a secret.
It would be interesting to see Anet's database results on player activity over the last the two years. One would presume they've been keeping track of this.
I spend about 75% of the time in PvP, 15% of my time in pve doing whatevers needed as far as getting through a campaign for skills armor and whatnot, and the last 10% im either observing or just goofing off.
PvP has more to offer me because to me its more fun to be there to outwit and outplay another thinking person, where as PvE, while having its moments of fun, is more linear than PvP is as far as reactions and predictability
PvP has more to offer me because to me its more fun to be there to outwit and outplay another thinking person, where as PvE, while having its moments of fun, is more linear than PvP is as far as reactions and predictability
PVE all the way.
I have nothing to prove to myself or anyone else.(I.E. PVP)
I have nothing to prove to myself or anyone else.(I.E. PVP)
Don Zardeone
mafia cyborg
on an average week out of million/s who bought guildwars i guess its somethin like this
80% dont play the game
15% pve
5% pvp
80% dont play the game
15% pve
5% pvp
In the beginning; avoided PvP because of burnout on it in other games. Entered the various arenas in the areas, because they were there. Concentrated on PvE for more than a year. Tried PvP again, not enough unlocks, went back to PvE to unlock. Not having much luck on unlocking, runes and some other items, chests just won't drop any 'Golden' runes or any Gold items for me. Ran out of money buying keys, farming to raise the money. Finally, "The heck with PvP."
Last 6 months - 100% PvE.
Last 6 months - 100% PvE.
I would say I'm around 65% PvP and 35% PvE. I do enjoy some aspects of the PvE game like just going around doing missions and running rampant in the Explorable Areas, but I don't farm for the fun of it, only when I need money. I love the idea of playing against other people not really to prove myself, but just because I prefer playing against an actual person as opposed to a cold, heartless computer. Plus most of my PvE characters are there to benefit me in PvP somehow either through unlocks or just a better looking character.
Also, just to be technical, I count PvP as anything to do with me fighting against other people (afterall, the most basic definition is Player versus Player, not Player in a guild versus Player in guild)
Also, just to be technical, I count PvP as anything to do with me fighting against other people (afterall, the most basic definition is Player versus Player, not Player in a guild versus Player in guild)
PvE, although for a time I did a lot of Fort Aspenwood.
PvP tends to require a time commitment which I usually do not have.
PvP tends to require a time commitment which I usually do not have.
Edge Martinez
Mostly PvE and rarely PvP - just for a change of pace.
When I PvP it's Random Arena because everyone I know PvE's. Have fun there, though. Still 90% PvE for me.
When I PvP it's Random Arena because everyone I know PvE's. Have fun there, though. Still 90% PvE for me.