Many of you may have no idea what I am talking about but Logitech have released a gaming keyboard (The G15 that has a small LCD display, on which players of various games are able to view there in game stats (typically ammo, mission or health information). Yet it only works on compatible games. I am a devote GW disciple, but WOW has accessed this feature and I can not see it being too much of a problem to engineer the same for GW. I know it sounds stupid considering all the information that is needed is displayed on the screen, but for those who do not like to have there screen cluttered by the likes of health and manna bars I believe that this would be just a subtle, but most appreciated (at least by G15 users) modification.
Any thoughts???
Frank Tyler
I personally don't use want one now! It would be nice having your health and energy displayed on there, possible your level too
I personally don't use want one now! It would be nice having your health and energy displayed on there, possible your level too
Gimme Money Plzkthx
/signed. I have one, and it would be nice, but seeing as I'm usually PvPing I have my voice comm info up on the screen. Would still be nice to have one, and I really don't see it being that hard to code.
Staring at the keyboard when you should be staring at the screen to see what's going on isn't healthy, especially in high-end pvp.
Osi Ri S
I have one, the screen crapped out on me a while back so this doesnt even concern me lol. Personally i dont care if Anet does this although it would be a pretty nifty feature.