breaking the code


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Fellowship of Flanders


Recently I stumbled across a means to say something in team, guild or alliance chat in a collor, which made me wondering.

Its the same system as used in the new "template over chat sharing".

in our guild we were doing some research, and it seems we can change templates by changing specific letters or numbers in the chat representation of a template.

after clicking send to chat, you can change the code if you want, and press enter to actually send it to chat

where the /an part was for Vengeance.
changing that by /aa changed Vengeance by Ice Spikes after clicking the colored text in the chat window.
changing that by /az would do nothing on clicking in the chat window as /az probably doesn't represent a skill (for E/Mo, but maybe it does for other combinations/profs).

of course you can't just use that build if you haven't bought that certain skill on that character.
But it may be possible to "stumble upon" skills from eye of the north and have a nice preview.

so i would ask if there are more people interested and willing to try some combinations and post nice finds here.

Shadow Kurd

Shadow Kurd

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


Scouts of Tyria


GWW has the code, maybe usefull



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Cape Town, South Africa

The Crazy Dragons [TCD]


It would be so awesome if somehow someone worked out a trade system using this XD



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Another fun thing is to type "A new build of Guild Wars is available. Please exit and run the program again." in that manner in guild chat. I got three of my guildies like that yesterday , since it shows up in green.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Overacheivers [Club]


Template codes are easy to make...i believe theres a program aswell which u choose the skills and it gives you a template

The letters represent the different skills so ofcourse changing the letters will change the skills. it doesnt give you any favours at all though. Trade system is nothing to do with templates; templates is changing letters in order to change the skills so how would you be able to change the thing in trade?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Fellowship of Flanders


exactly, and maybe alpha prototypes for eye of the north also have a certain letter combination and thus may be seen

Grasping Darkness

Grasping Darkness


Join Date: Nov 2005

code broken --> OwUC48zBAUCAWCAEJAAA



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Cape Town, South Africa

The Crazy Dragons [TCD]


What I meant is that it would be awesome if we could link items to chat, making trade easier

Yaga Philipe

Yaga Philipe

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007


Vis Decus Vertus [vDv]


Didn't Anet make it so you can't use it in local? There's a reason why they did/should. It's so annoying to see people spamming that.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Fellowship of Flanders


It seems someone as foud a combination with some unkown monster skills.
Good job and lets hope we find more.