I personally think a thanks is in order for Anet. Thank you for giving us such a huge increase in storage space.
It was the most hottly debated issue in this forum, and Anet (after quite a while) got around to increasing it.
So before all the unsatisfied players start finding another reason to complain about storage, I wanted to get a thanks in there to Anet.
Anet has made some huge updates in the last 6+ months (dye testing, heroes, minipets in towns, storage increase, party search, logout to character screen, etc, etc) which have added alot of features that players asked for.
It may have took longer for certain ones, but they were obviously reading and paying attention to what we wanted.
So again. Thank you Anet!!!!
kudos to Anet for increased Storage and other stuff..
Grasping Darkness
yeah man the storage space is friggin awesome and i myself cant think of an update i've appreciated more thanthat one. i can pick up more than 5 items now and feel so organized even if i dodnt spell it correctly...http://www.moviewavs.com/php/sounds/?id=bst&media=WAVS&type=Movies&movie=Napoleon_Dyna mite"e=sweet.txt&file=sweet.wav
Realm of Fiery Doom
I'm right with you guys.
Thank you ANet!!!
Thank you ANet!!!
Aye I totally agree. These last several months has seen many updates that players have been wanting to see for nearly 2 years. Anet does listen, just give them time to figure out how and even if it is possible to put in the things that we have been asking for. Remember patience is a virtue. Great job Anet.
More storage has been needed for a long time, but its no less appreciated for the wait......
Thanks Anet!!!
Thanks Anet!!!
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I personally think a thanks is in order for Anet. Thank you for giving us such a huge increase in storage space.
It was the most hottly debated issue in this forum, and Anet (after quite a while) got around to increasing it. So before all the unsatisfied players start finding another reason to complain about storage, I wanted to get a thanks in there to Anet. Anet has made some huge updates in the last 6+ months (dye testing, heroes, minipets in towns, storage increase, party search, logout to character screen, etc, etc) which have added alot of features that players asked for. It may have took longer for certain ones, but they were obviously reading and paying attention to what we wanted. So again. Thank you Anet!!!! |
Yes, the storage update seems to have gotten lost in the usual "you've killed my [insert prof]" screams from the skill changes.
So, thank you for taking the time to work out a fair storage increase method.
So, thank you for taking the time to work out a fair storage increase method.
Tetris L
Hey, I'm sure we can still find a reason to whine, can't we?
Seriously, nice move ANet, much appreciated.
Originally Posted by Put name of random GW whiner here
Whaaaaaa ... anet nerfed my storage i bought 10 mule characters now their all unemploid i want my money back u suck anet
Seriously, nice move ANet, much appreciated.
This is the only thing that adequetly expresses my gratitude. Thank-you ANet
yes, Thank you Anet, this was much appreciated
Originally Posted by fRag_Doll
This is the only thing that adequetly expresses my gratitude. Thank-you ANet