A List of 11 Concept Classes



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Yes, I've played D&D before.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


It is important to note that Psychics introduce a new type of skill, the Psyche Skill. These are multipurpose skill that, if defensive, can only be targeted on the caster. These are considered skills, not spells, and many behave like enchantment spells. Several new skills would be introduced along-side the Psychic, in other classes such as Mesmer, to shut down these unique defenses.

Insight [primary]__________________________________________________ ________________
Through the eye of their minds, blessed by Kormir, the Psychic is capable of perceiving that which has not yet happened, and reacting to it before it has come. Insight also blesses the Psychic with knowledge of the nature of things, and the nature of their mind. For each rank in Insight, non-spell & non-ritual skills activate 4.375% faster.
The Power Within
10 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 8 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 5...10 seconds, your attacks deal 5...20% more damage.

Psychic Mend
5 Energy / 1 Sec. Cast / 2 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. Heal yourself for 10...25 health for each recharging Psyche skill on your skillbar.

Psychic Notions
5 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 20 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 15 seconds, you have a 5...50% chance to dodge attacks.

Relapse of Flesh
-1 Energy Regeneration / 2 Sec. Cast / 5 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. While this skill is maintained on yourself, nothing happens. When this skill is ended, you lose 1...3 conditions. When this skill ends, you lose 5 energy. *If you have less than the available energy when this skill ends, you will drop into the negatives.

-1 Energy Regeneration / 4 Sec. Cast / 30 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. While this skill is maintained on yourself, you gain physical damage reduction of 1...5. When this skill ends, you lose 10 *If you have less than the available energy when this skill ends, you will drop into the negatives.energy.

-1 Energy Regeneration / 2 Sec. Cast / 15 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. While this skill is maintained on yourself, you gain an additional 8...30 armor. When this skill ends, you lose 10 energy. *If you have less than the available energy when this skill ends, you will drop into the negatives.

Revitalizing Safety
-1 Energy Regeneration / 2 Sec. Cast / 10 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. While this skill is maintained on yourself, whenever you dodge, block, or otherwise avoid an attack, you gain 1...3 energy. When this skill ends, you lose 10 energy. *If you have less than the available energy when this skill ends, you will drop into the negatives.

*Ultimatum* [elite]
10 Energy / 6 Sec. Cast / 30 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. Your next attack skill drains all of your energy and deals 40...180 more base damage. This skill causes exhaustion. *Warning! This energy drain will shut off any maintained psyche skills that require energy upkeep.
Pugilism__________________________________________________ ________________
Through their hands, and the gauntlets they wear to strengthen them, the Psychic masters the art of hand to hand combat. Gauntlets and knuckle weapons use both hands. *A hand attack is a standard attack that requires use of a knuckle or gauntlet. A Grapple Attack is a skill that can only be used if both hands are free - that is, it cannot be used if wielding a two handed weapon. (Also note that all Pugilism attacks (hand and grapple that is) have fast activation times. This means the attacks are not connected to the weapon speed, and therefore can be chained quickly, similar to how a martial artist would release a flurry of various blows.)
Strong Punch
5 Energy / ½ Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Attack target foe, dealing an extra 4...18 damage.

Double Whammy
5 Energy / ¼ Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Strike twice, each hit doing 25...10% less damage.

Kaiser Knuckle
5 Energy / ¼ Sec. Cast / 6 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Attack target foe, dealing an extra 1...10 damage. This attack has 20% armor penetration.

One-two Punch
5 Energy / ½ Sec. Cast / 8 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Attack target foe dealing 5...10 extra damage, then immediately attack again. If the first attack resulted in a critical, the second attack does 10...25 extra damage.

Slamming Fist
5 Energy / ½ Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Attack target foe, dealing 10 more damage. If this attack is a critical, or strikes a foe from behind, this attack deals 5...15 extra damage.

5 Energy / ¾ Sec. Cast / 6 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Attack all adjacent foes once, each attack doing 1...9 more damage.

Crutching Rollover
5 Energy / ¾ Sec. Cast / 8 Sec. Recharge
Grapple Attack. Grab and roll with touched target, you are both knocked down.

5 Energy / 1 Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Melee Attack. Attack target foe with a fiercesome slam, doing 10...30 extra damage. If this attack results in a critical, the target is also knocked down.

Invisible Fist
5 Energy / ¼ Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. This attack cannot be avoided. Attack target foe, this attack always results in a critical.

*Megapunch* [elite]
5 Energy / ¼ Sec. Cast / 4 Sec. Recharge
Hand Attack. Strike target foe with unprecedented force. This attack deals 15...40 extra damage.

*Mad Strike* [elite]
10 Energy / ¾ Sec. Cast / 6 Sec. Recharge
Grapple Attack. Strike target adjacent foe, doing 10 extra damage. If this attack is successful, target is dazed for 3...8 seconds. If this attack results in a critical, the target is also knocked down.

*Bodyslam* [elite]
5 Energy / 12 Sec. Recharge
Melee Attack. Run to target nearby foe at +33% speed, then attempt a bodyslam attack. If successful, the attack deals only 1...30 damage, and the target is knocked down. If this attack is blocked, or misses, or does no damage, you are knocked down instead.
Telepathy__________________________________________________ ________________
With power over the mind, the Psychic is able to redirect the targets of an enemy spell, inflict pain unto their mind and drain their energy, as well as create illusions of the flesh to inflict injury.
Strength of One
5 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 15 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 10...20 seconds, each time you attack you lose 1...3 energy. For each point of energy lost in this way, foes adjacent to your location are struck for 6 damage.

Radiant Power
15 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 20 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 15 seconds, whenever you attack with a hand attack or attempt a touch skill, your target receives 1...10 damage. This damage is applied even if the attack or skill misses.

Warp Mind
5 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 8 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. If target foe is casting a harmful spell, that spell is redirected to the target's nearest ally. *This does not interupt or force-cast the spell. If the caster is aware they have been warped, they may stop their casting and the spell will not be redirected because the casting has stopped.

Crushing Suggestion
5 Energy / 3 Sec. Cast / 5 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 1...5 seconds, target foe is dazed and suffers 10...20 damage whenever interupted when activating a skill. All your skills are disabled for 5 seconds.

10 Energy / 1 Sec. Cast / 5 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. If target foe is not adjacent to your location, they are struck for 20...50 damage.

*Psychic Blast* [elite]
5 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast
Psyche Skill. If target foe is not adjacent to your location, they are struck for 20...50 damage.

*Puppet* [elite]
10 Energy / 3 Sec. Cast / 10 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. Target corpse is re-animated to 25...75% health and 0 energy, and fights along your side for 20...30 seconds. For each corpse raised in this manner and controlled, you sacrifice 1 energy every 2 seconds to maintain your control.
Concentration__________________________________________________ ________________
The Psychic is master of their own mind, and skillful at utilizing abilities to maintain that level of control. With this knowledge of the mind's limitations, they also learn how to alter and confuse the minds of their foes.
Disrupt Thoughts
15 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 20 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. All non-spell skill effects on target foe end. If target foe is activating a skill, that skill is interupted. *This refers to things such as other Psyche skills, Focus Skills, and other non-specific skills that have a lingering effect when used but are not considered spells. This does not include bonuses gained from spirits, auras, blessings, or wards.

Warp Perception
10 Energy / 3 Sec. Cast / 12 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. If target foe is not adjacent to you, they are afflicted with Confusion 2...8 seconds. *Confusion causes the victim's attacks and skills to randomly redirect to nearby allies/enemies some of the time.

Standing Precedence
5 Energy / 2 Sec. Cast / 8 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 6 seconds, you cannot be knocked down.

Mental Focus
5 Energy / 3 Sec. Cast / 15 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 10...20 seconds, your Psyche Skills cannot be interupted, and each time one would of been interupted you lose 3...2 energy or Mental Focus ends.

*Absolute Control* [elite]
10 Energy / 3 Sec. Cast / 30 Sec. Recharge
Psyche Skill. For 20...25 seconds, you are immune to Dazed, Confusion, and your Psyche Skills cannot be interupted.

Show Acrobat Example Skills
Show Duelist Example Skills
Show Psychic Example Skills


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007

Era of War [EoW]


Originally Posted by Dubby
Yes, I've played D&D before.
I thought you might have played 2nd edition when I read that only humans could be Paladins. But then, you also gave a good explanation of why. I like the idea of the Elite Classes in general, actually.

Also, I had an idea for a class that would introduce a Deafened condition, which would prevent shouts, chants and echoes from working on them. It seems like a logical idea, but a good one!

idiotic moron

idiotic moron

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2007

boring little town in ohio

Just Another Gathering [Jag]


for the psychic, i believe some of the cast times are a bit long for some of the concentration skills such as "Disrupt Thoughts". a 2 second cast on an interupt is sure to miss the intended spell, unless you are a true psychic and are able to predict 2 seconds beforehand when your target will use a spell. only long cast spells such as meteor shower, or perhaps some skills in the sorceror skill line would be effected, but not much else.

Also, one more thing, i think the cast times on the melee attacks might make them a little overpowering unless the base dmg of normal attacks is low. i can see from your example skills that i can hit a target 4 times within 1 second for 68 armor ignoring bonus dmg, one being a critical, and another being 20% armor penetration. I'd prefer if only some of these attacks had cast time, and have a normal rate of attack for the rest such as on other melee attack skills

Good Concepts, hope to have more, go ahead and bring up a discussion ingame with me if ya can remember to... [Jag] is teh wootness



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Actually, IM, thanks for pointing that out. That's actually a case of bad wording - the interupt is the conditional effect, and the ending of non-spell effects always goes off. I'll reword it so it makes sense. Also, with Insight at 16 (-70% time), a 2 second activation changes to just slightly over half a second. The balance, of course, is that insight only works for non-spell skills. And yeah, the base damage on hand to hand is lower then normal, they make up for this by being able to hit with many consecutive skills very quickly.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


What happened?
No more Skills?