Title says it all as for me.....
....can you guess?
Post sceens to provide evidense
Was there more suppor tfor Dwayna or Grenth is your dis?
Guardian of the Light
Claire Wolf
Couldn't show people screaming "GRENTH GRENTH GRENTH" Cause I held down shift while taking screenies.. Sooo heres alternate proof Grenth pwned Dwayna... and us. ^^
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
....can you guess?
Post sceens to provide evidense Why of course, the Fish God wins
Post sceens to provide evidense Why of course, the Fish God wins
Free Runner
Why support Dwayna? Grenth has an Underworld!
You couldent really not notice if grenth had won or not.Seems like anet loves killing players in towns. But i'm not complaining...free antlers and 10 mins of die - res - die - take wintersday gift - die -take present - die is good fun
i had energy oozing out of my... anyways, grenth was more entertaining