r15 Sparta's Hero
Djinn Effer
ty ty
Pwnd by a guineapig
Good job on the photoshop, Picture looks great.
Jeff Highwind
But seriously, brilliant edit.
But seriously, brilliant edit.
Oooh that so made my morning. XD Great job!
Djinn Effer
Here's the first one I made... I had a dream that I had a r25 jesus emote once...
I actually made a picture of it afterwords. This was something like 2 years ago though, I don't even remember the dream. But it was just like this big buddy jesus from the movie dogma that popped up and winked and kinda smiled at people and did thumbs up... It was pretty much awesome.
By the way, I just can't resist.
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
I actually made a picture of it afterwords. This was something like 2 years ago though, I don't even remember the dream. But it was just like this big buddy jesus from the movie dogma that popped up and winked and kinda smiled at people and did thumbs up... It was pretty much awesome.
By the way, I just can't resist.
Madness...? *ponders* THIS IS MURDER! *KICK*
Xero Silvam
THIS! IS! SPARTA!~! *kick*
lol, nice photoshop

The Real Avalon
hehehe neato, I remember that buddy jesus