I was just thinking, with the release of GWEN, the amount of new stuff for GW is going to start dwindling to nothing. Since most people are opposed to ANet doing another expansion after gwen and not alternating expansions when GW2 comes out, maybe it'd be possible for ANet to start allowing some small amounts of user created content here and there.
For example for people who have beaten the game, they could create quests for other people that have beaten that chapter. They could create a new boss monster (with the skills they've unlocked) for one of the nearby areas and a repeatable quest to hunt it down. They could create new heroes using a system similar to character generation.
Finally there could be user made skills that would have to fit into some sort of formula (sort of like what the elder scroll series does) and it takes up their elite slot... I mean it seems odd that despite there being millions of characters, not one of them have figured out a new variation of an existing skill or spell. For example someone could combine 100 blades with cyclone axe for an axe that hits everyone around you twice. Or an axe/sword attack with a hammer knockdown that'll knockdown someone who is crippled. Or maybe mix mark of rodgort with an air, earth, or ice spell for a 7 degen hex that triggers on being hit by that element. It doesn't necessarily have to be a new skill from scratch as I've shown, just a mixture of two or more existing skills.
*puts on his choco booster because he has a feeling this idea isn't going to be liked.
User Created Content
It'll never happen. The .dat file would have to be unlocked and I'm sure Anet has a lot of proprietary development in it that they don't want shared. There's probably a lot of GW2 work being carried over, or based on the current structure that they want to keep secret.
Plus the way the game works every player would have to have the same content streamed to them and the servers would need that content added as well. I don't think Anet wants to test user created data. There's just too many problems involved for this to ever work.
Maybe 10 years down the road if Anet opens GW up to players to be able to host private servers.
Plus the way the game works every player would have to have the same content streamed to them and the servers would need that content added as well. I don't think Anet wants to test user created data. There's just too many problems involved for this to ever work.
Maybe 10 years down the road if Anet opens GW up to players to be able to host private servers.
Plus, the creation of bosses using your skills wouldn't really work very well. Whenever you need an elite skill, just tell your buddy to create a boss with that elite skill and easily kill him to cap it as opposed to spending half an hour in mineral springs trying to find that stupid boss...
heh yea..... the only user created content i would like is like guild armor or custom guild tags or sumthing like that....
Hockster, that's a good reason for not doing it.
Masamune, I was thinking about that earlier and my best solution would be to give it a cost to create a boss... like 5 plat or something. So if you have an elite unlocked or your friend does *and* you've beaten the game, you can just make a boss that's easy to find.
Masamune, I was thinking about that earlier and my best solution would be to give it a cost to create a boss... like 5 plat or something. So if you have an elite unlocked or your friend does *and* you've beaten the game, you can just make a boss that's easy to find.
if we can give them skills would there be a chance of people giving them more then one elite just so their friend can cap two at once?
~the rat~
~the rat~
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