Energy: Similar to that of a Caster, 30 to 40 energy range.
Armor: Similar to that of a Caster. Maybe with a look of having lots layer of cloth and robes. An Arabic or Hooded Priest type of style.
Weapons: Spell Binder does not support any special weapon. There would be wands, staff, and offhand item link to its attributes, which give it additional energy and attack. However, instead of wands, they would equip Ring Hands, which look like 5 finger rings.
A Spell Binder is primary a Supporter class. Much like the function of Monk, they help and protect themselves or their ally. They are the equalizer of a playing field. More so, they could use their bonds to also hurt or hinder their opponent, making them also Mesmer like. They could also have a decent offensive power with out harming them self. Most of their skill are Bond type, which function differently from other kind of spell because of its relation to Bonded target’s movement. Bonds make this class play differently, and also provide a interesting visual effect.
Extending Mind (primary)
“You would reach the star with your minds” For every rank in the attribute, will increase the extend range of the Bonding Cords by 2%. Also increase the casting range of other spells by 1%.
Equalizing Conjunction
“With a proper control of the Inflow and Outflow, equilibrium can be reached”
Increase the power and duration of Bond skill in this attribute. Mostly redirect skills that would shift one attack, damage, spell, etc from one target to another. Can use to heal their ally, or to hurt their enemy.
Binding Connector
“I like my target Binded and Straped!”
Increase the power and duration of Bond skill in this attribute. Many skills that would hinder and debuff their opponent. Also several Anti-bonding skills.
Puppet Mastery
“Who’s Pulling the String?”
Increase the power and duration of Puppeteer skill in this attribute. See below of the special concept behind puppets.
Special Concept:
Bonding Cords:
When applied a Bond type of skill, it function much like if an Enchantment or Hex is cast upon you. For visual effect, it would show a energy cord that link you to with its caster or its anchored, which you could tell where it is coming from. The Bonds often have a duration, and can easily be broken by moving out of the range of the cord. So if you have a negative bond attach to you by an enemy weaver, just simply run away from the caster to break the bond (except for some special type of bonds). A normal range of bond would be about that of a short bow, so about 10M range.
A Mock screen shot at how the Bonding Cords might look.
A spell bonder also can be a Puppet Master. They work very different from that of a Minor or Pet, in that they have no self will, and is directly controlled by its master. When you summon/build a puppet, the control of your character is shift from your character to the puppet.
-Your character, or the puppeteer, for the duration of the skill, will be immobile and cannot do regular attacks.
-Your view, movement, targeting, and attacking will be that of the puppet you control.
-The Puppet can only move within the range of your Bond.
-As a puppet, you could still target and cast spells that the Puppeteer have. So if you are a Bonder/Monk, you could still heal your ally when you are in the puppet mode, but the healing will come from the character, and not the puppet.
-A Puppet has its own health and armor level. But no energy. Any damage done to the Puppet does not effect you.
-Can only control one puppet at time. Once in the puppet mode, use the puppet building/summoning skill again to destroy the puppet and regain the control back to your character.
-You could be force to destroy your puppet and out of the puppet mode and back into your character if your character’s Health are damaged over 25% of its Max. Thus you always try to attack the Puppeteer instead of the puppet.
Puppet Skills also function differently from a regular skill. They are to be “equipped” onto the puppet. First you cast those puppet skills before you make the puppet, which will enable them to be usable. You than make the puppet, which will than be able to use those skills (which take no Energy to use from puppet or puppeteer, but need energy to equip it). You could still equip skills onto puppet after it is build, but would take 3 times longer in casting. So it has 2 phase:
1) use by puppeteer to equip it, cost energy.
2) once equipped, when used, will be used by the puppet for its function.
Skill Examples:
(kinda went overboard with those. The numbers are there as a brief reference, and not fully balanced. Some skills could be combined, where it would have one effect when apply on ally, and another effect when apply on foe. But for easier description, will just separate those)
Extending Mind (primary)
Burning Link
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy for (3-6 seconds) duration. Any enemy that came in contact with this cord will be Burn.
Plasma Link
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy for T duration. Any enemy that came in contact with this cord will suffer X damage.
Thorn Link
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy for T duration. Any enemy that came in contact with this cord will start Bleeding.
Force Link [elite]
10e | 3c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy for T duration. Any enemy that came in contact with this cord will be knock down.
Cord Jump
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy, must be apply at melee range. After 6 seconds, you will “jump” next to the anchor target’s current position.
Return Jump
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or Yourself to your current position on the ground. After 5 seconds, the bonded ally will “jump” back next to that anchor position.
Retracting Pull
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally to self. After 5 seconds, the bonded ally will “jump” back next to your current position.
Whip Lash
20e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a friendly ally or enemy, must be apply at melee range. After 6 seconds, the bonded target will “jump” back next to your current position.
Equalizing Conjunction:
Redirect Pain
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, (5-20)% of the damage done to you will be apply on to the target. (you take those % damage off)
Redirect Harm
15e| 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, (10-33%) of the damage done to you is apply onto the target. (you still take those 100% of damages)
Redirect Strikes
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, X% chance of strike of melee damages done to you be apply on to the target.
Redirect Negative Spell
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, (25-66)% chance that the next harmful spells (direct damaging, hex, curse, bonds) be apply to the target, and the bond end.
Redirect Harmful Spell [elite]
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, the next harmful spells (direct damaging, hex, curse, bonds) be apply to the target, and the bond end.
Redirect Casting
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, the next boost spells (healing, enchantment) apply on to the target will be applied on to you for the same effect and duration, and the bond end.
Protective Suffering
10e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an ally target for T duration. In the duration, X% of the damage done to the bonded ally will be apply on to yourself.
Intake Harm
10e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. X% change of the strike of melee damage done to the ally be applied to you instead, and the ally be evaded of that attack.
Share Heal
10e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In the duration, when you or ally receive any type of healing, (5-20%) of effect is also felt by the other end of bond.
Life Outflow
10e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In the duration, you will loose 2 arrow of health degen, and the ally will gain 2 arrow of health regen.
Health equalizer
10e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. If you have more Health than the bonded ally, you will automatically transfer the Health you have with +-5 energy degen/regen to that ally till both have the same amount or when the duration runs out. Null if you have less health than the target.
Energy Intake
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. The next spell you cast will have its energy cost share with the target by 50% (so example, your next spell cost 10 energy, you would only use up 5 and the target will take 5 off)
Energy Usage [elite]
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. The next spell you cast will have its All of its energy cost by the target
Energy Inflow
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, you gain loose 2 arrow of energy degen, and the target will loose 2 arrow of energy regen.
Energy Provider
5e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. You will give 50% of the energy needed to cast the next spell your bonded ally is casting for the next spell.
Share Energy
5e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In the duration, when you or ally cast any spells, the other bonded character will help provide 50% of the energy cost.
Energy Outflow
5e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In the duration, you will loose 2 arrow of energy degen, and the ally will gain 2 arrow of energy regen.
Energy equalizer
5e | 1c | 30r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. If you have more energy than the bonded ally, you will automatically transfer the energy you have with +-5 energy degen/regen to that ally till both have the same amount. Null if you do not have more energy than the target.
Redirect Strength
5e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In Duration, you cannot perform any regular attack, but the ally gain +X extra attack power.
Concentrated Energy
10e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a Friendly Ally for T duration. In Duration, you cannot use any skills. The next offensive spell that the Ally cast will gain + (1..4) attribute, and the Bond ends.
Strength Draw
5e | 2c | 45r: Bond to a enemy for T duration. In Duration, the target enemy loose X% of its attack power and you gain +X extra attack power. You cannot use any skill in duration.
Binding Connector
Shackling Bond, Arm
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, target enemy reduce its attacking rate by 66%.
Shackling Bond, Leg
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, target enemy reduce its moving speed by 66%.
Shackling Bond, Body
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, target enemy reduce its max Health by 20%.
Shackling Bond, Mind
15e | 2c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, target enemy reduce its max Energy by 25%.
Bonding Chain
15e | 3c | 45r: Bond to an enemy target for T duration. In the duration, target enemy can not move out of the extend of the bond (stop you when you try to move out of the range)
Shatter Bond
5e | 1/2 | 10r: Break All Bonds current that is on you.
Bond Cutter
10e | 1/2 | 10r: Break All Bonds that is current that is on the target. (target self, ally, or enemy)
Absorb Bond
5e | 1/2 | 10r: You gain +X arrow of Health regen and +Y arrow of energy regen for every Bond that is on you.
Reroute Negative Bond
5e | 1 | 15r: Redirect all the negative Bond on you to a touching enemy.
Reroute Positive Bond
5e | 1 | 15r: Redirect all the Positive Bond on you to a close range ally.
Redirect Bond
10e | 1 | 15r: Redirect all Bonds currently on you to an ally or an enemy.
Puppet Mastery
Shielding Puppet
20e | 4c | 45r: Create a Lv X Shielding Puppet under your control for T seconds. It has good Armor and Health, but move slower.
Swordplay Puppet
20e | 4c | 45r: Create a Lv X Swordplay Puppet under your control for T seconds. It has good a good melee attack.
Sniper Puppet
20e | 4c | 45r: Create a Lv X Sniper Puppet under your control for T seconds. It can attack from range.
Meat Puppet
10e | 3c | 45r: exploit a corpse to create a Lv X Meat Puppet under your control for T seconds.
Sword Arm
10e | 2c | 45r: Passive Puppet equipment skill. If create a Puppet in the next T seconds, will equip an extra arms with swords. Increase melee attack of the puppet.
Wooden Armor
10e | 2c | 45r: Passive Puppet equipment skill. If create a Puppet in the next T seconds, will equip with an extra armor. Increase AL of the puppet.
Heavy Strike Mechanism
10e | 1c | 45r/5r: Active Puppet equipment skill. Puppet can use this skill to deal X extra damage on the next attack.
Spinal Slash Mechanism
10e | 1c | 45r/5r: Active Puppet equipment skill. Puppet can use this skill to deal X Slashing damage to all next to enemy.
Spring Bolt Mechanism
10e | 1c | 45r/5r: Active Puppet equipment skill. Puppet can use this skill to deal X range damage.
Exploding Mechanism
10e | 1c | 45r: Active Puppet equipment skill. When active this skill, Puppet will self explore, dealing X damage to all nearby foe.
Trading Puppeteer
15e | 2c | 45r: For the duration of T seconds, any damage done to the caster is directed to the Puppet, and any damage to the puppet is direct to the Puppeteer.
Martyr Puppet
15e | 2c | 45r: For the duration of T seconds, any X% of the damage done to the caster is transferred to the puppet.
Puppeteer’s Concentration
10e | 1c | 45r: For the duration of T seconds, need to reduce the your max Health down to (30 – 60%) before breaking the control from your currently control Puppet.
Professional Combo Strategy
As a War/SB, could be play much like another Paladin, using Bonds to heal and reduce damage intake. They could also be a decent Puppeteer Master, since they could use stance to avoid their character from getting hit, lasting the effect of using a Puppet.
A Rang/SB can also become a fearful puppeteer. Create a puppet to take the initial attack, while laying traps all around your self. This lures the enemy into trying to attack the puppeteer, only to be bombarded by traps, and added on with Pet, could double the pain.
An Elm/SB can take easy advantage of the massive energy it provide, and lay more network of bonds than any other can.
As for Mes/SB, imagin the pain you would cause by using their own energy to cast an energy stealing skill! And the Shackling line of skill would become a great hinder to any opponent.
For a Necro/SB. Have to think more about it, but to have Bond and Link to your Minions might create a web of damage. And combing Puppeteer with Minion Master might produce a fearful results.
A Monk/SB could become a great protector, by taking other allies harm on to him self, and healing him self. Better yet, use some Bond skill to both protect your self and doing damage at same time.
A possible Assassin/SB would surely benefit from the Cord Jump type of skill to hit fast and hard, and get out of harm easy.
An Pure Spell Binder have to advantage of longer range Bonds, which translated to harder to break. They could weave a net work of bonds, becoming a central channel for equalizing harm. Think about putting a Bond to a ally that take in their damage, while putting another Bond to an enemy that take parts of your damage, which will just reduce the damage your team is getting while hurting the enemy. It could be offensive Puppeteer as well, while doing support role in the back.
Of course, it is in no way saying a Spell Binder is an uber class. It can easily run out of energy or getting too much of damage, if not manage right. And Bonds could always be broken when the target run out of the range (both to enemy and to ally). A quick spike damage or ganking could quickly put SB down to rest, and a Mesmer or SB interrupter could render them useless as well.
Special Thanks:
This concept was heavily Inspired by those wonderful concept classes.
Theresnothinglft’s Spell Weaver
Jesh’s Phades
Transplanar’s Psion
Writer's Note
Got over board and wrote this big long thing.. which much of skills being just variation of one another. For a brief summary, just read the Premise, the attributes, and the professional combos. Much of the numbers are not very balance, and didn't spend too much time thinking about them. Feel free to give suggestions on those.
Again, while GW does not really need such class, it is just fun for me to write them up. Idea here is not "If they should be in game", but "would they work and balance if they are in game". Just like to pretend to be a dev...

Hope to get some good constructive replies. Thxs for reading.
Concept Classes