There are so few items.
Only weapons and armors. Nothing like books,trophies,candles,papers,ink, magical orbs, wands, Normal clothing, Chairs.
No nothing. The game is so action centered it gets boring really fast. Almost no rpg features.
Second it woud be good if there woud be some basic home citys or areas. Or 2-3 of them. With some skilltrainers.
But not like now. Standing on the street.
Monks shoud get temples. With bookcases and meditation rooms.
Mages with magetowers. After some lv 20-30-40 they can specialyze (summoner,mystic,warlock....) At that level they get tests. Like killing an summoned monster in a mages tower room. Or finding an book in the library.
It woud make player more comfy with the citys. Not yust : shop,skilltraner+henchman.....they are nothing more now. This shoud be fixed very fast...or in Gw2.
More Items/SkillSchools
Swampgirl Inez
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