Concept Class - The Fervor
Many casters drew to the elements or toying with the dead. Many thought were undecided. They drew to the Maguuma Jungles where they would live with the Asura where they learned to manipulate energy into power. They would start taking the energy from insects and drawing the power. They soon became masters of manipulation, and soon know as the Fervor.
New Concepts
Energy Skills - Energy skills cost no energy but you are knocked down after using them for 1 second. This happens because of the stored power.
Orb Spells -These spells are in a random foes in front of you, based on adjecant, nearby, or in the area. Then they hit they summon different things. Many of these skills cost lots of energy.
Armor, Health, Energy, and Misc.
Armor: 60
Health: 480
Energy: 30
Energy Pips: 4
Weapon of Choice: Staff or Wand and Focus
Oracle's Insignia
+10 Armor while and Orb Spell is active in the Area
Zealous Insignia
-5 energy
-10 armor (while casting spells)
+10 armor (while a spell is recharging)
Recharged Insignia
+10 armor (against dragons)
+10 armor (against insects)
-10 armor (against plants)
Zealous Embrace - For every 4 points in this attribute you gain 1 energy every time a nearby ally casts a spell that is not a hex or enchantment.
Prevailing Blessings - Many skills in this attribute help to steal energy and converting it to help allies.
Vexxing Blessings - Many skills in this attribute convert yours or a foes energy into power to damage energy.
Epidemic Blessings - Many skills in this attribute weaken and destroy an ammount a foes.
Zealous Embrace
[Elite Skill] Breath of Strength: You sacrifice 5...15% health and you gain 0...1 energy for each point of health lost.
10e 1/4c 10r
[Elite Shout] "You Shall Prevail!": All allies within earshot gain 0...3 energy for each creature within earshot suffering from a hex.
10e 15r
[Skill] Convalescent's Health: You gain 1...3 health for each point of energy you have right now. (maximum: 130)
5e 1c 8r
[Enchantment] God's Manifesto: Orb Skills recharge 22...50% faster but do 50...22% less damage for 20 seconds.
10e 1c 15r
Prevailing Blessings
[Elite Energy Skill] Energy Return: Target ally regains all energy back. You lose 3...1 point of health for each point of energy. You lose 10 energy.
1/4c 15r
[Energy Skill] Defiant Leasure: You lose 15...5 energy. For each point of energy lost, that ally cannot recieve damage under that ammount as a percentage for 10 seconds.
1c 15r
[Spell] Target Impurities: One random nearby foe loses 1...5 energy. Target ally receives 2...10 health regeneration a second for each point of energy that random foe lost.
[Energy Skill] Drawback: Target foe loses 10 energy. You lose 10 energy. Targer ally gains 1...3 energy for each point of energy lost in the area from the last 2 seconds. You gain 5 energy if that ally was below 50% energy.
Vexxing Blessings
[Elite Hex] Withdraw Breathing: Target foe has -2 health regeneration for 5...9 seconds. For each point of health target foe lost that foe loses 0...1 energy.
10e 2c 12r
[Signet] Signet of Reality: Target foe suffers 20...100 damage if their energy is below 0...5. This skill recharges immediatley if target foe is suffering a hex.
[Energy Skill] Thoughtful Dispatch: Target foe is interupted and suffers 50...100 damage. If you are under an enchantment that foe recieves 20...55 damage. This skill is disabled for 10 more second if you are suffering a conditon.
3c 20r
[Energy Skill] Power Overload: Target foe suffers 20...55 damage for each hex on them. Target foe gains 5 energy if they were suffering from 1 hex or less. (Maximum: 120 health)
5e 1/4c 8r
Epidemic Blessings
[Elite Orb Spell] Sinking Nightmares: Shoot 3 projectiles to 3 nearby foes locations. At those locations all adjectant foes become knocked down when a spell recharges for 3...10 seconds. This affect does not happen if they are enchanted or hexed.
25e 1/4c 15r
[Orb Spell] Absent Leeway: Shoot 2 projectiles at 2 foes in the area. Those foes are knocked down if casting a spell. Foes adjecant to those locations lose 5...15 energy if not adjecant to an ally. If they are they are interupted.
15e 1c 20r
[Orb Spell] Crash and Burn: Shoot 5 projectiles to 5 nearby foes. Adjectant foes to that location suffer burning for 3 seconds and allies in that area are relieved from burning. You lose 10 energy.
15e 2c 10r
[Orb Spell] Giant's Tendrils: You shoot 8 projectiles at 8 foes in the area. Nearby foes to those locations move 10% slower. When a foe in those areas leave that location they are knocked down. Each time this happens you lose 2 energy. This happens for 8...17 seconds.
15e 1c 20r
Head: Head Jewelery
Chest: Long tight jacket with lots of hanging ribbons in dark colors. Sometimes there are slits where tattoos are put in.
Hands/Feet: Long Ribbons or cufflings.
Legs: Very baggy pants with a cape like thing behind it.
(Picture coming soon!)
Male Fervor's do not look very old and have short hair with no facial hair.
Head: Head Jewelry
Chest: Tight shirt with holes in it with tatoos where the holes are. Sometimes a pale cloth over the holes.
Hands/Feet: Dark or Very Light Ribbon with long bracelets.
Legs: Dark or very light long flowing skirt. Many times with a belt around it.
Female Fervor's have very long hair either tied up or flowing down. They like to show their pale-ish skin and like males dont look old.
Many casters drew to the elements or toying with the dead. Many thought were undecided. They drew to the Maguuma Jungles where they would live with the Asura where they learned to manipulate energy into power. They would start taking the energy from insects and drawing the power. They soon became masters of manipulation, and soon know as the Fervor.
New Concepts
Energy Skills - Energy skills cost no energy but you are knocked down after using them for 1 second. This happens because of the stored power.
Orb Spells -These spells are in a random foes in front of you, based on adjecant, nearby, or in the area. Then they hit they summon different things. Many of these skills cost lots of energy.
Armor, Health, Energy, and Misc.
Armor: 60
Health: 480
Energy: 30
Energy Pips: 4
Weapon of Choice: Staff or Wand and Focus
Oracle's Insignia
+10 Armor while and Orb Spell is active in the Area
Zealous Insignia
-5 energy
-10 armor (while casting spells)
+10 armor (while a spell is recharging)
Recharged Insignia
+10 armor (against dragons)
+10 armor (against insects)
-10 armor (against plants)
Zealous Embrace - For every 4 points in this attribute you gain 1 energy every time a nearby ally casts a spell that is not a hex or enchantment.
Prevailing Blessings - Many skills in this attribute help to steal energy and converting it to help allies.
Vexxing Blessings - Many skills in this attribute convert yours or a foes energy into power to damage energy.
Epidemic Blessings - Many skills in this attribute weaken and destroy an ammount a foes.
Zealous Embrace
[Elite Skill] Breath of Strength: You sacrifice 5...15% health and you gain 0...1 energy for each point of health lost.
10e 1/4c 10r
[Elite Shout] "You Shall Prevail!": All allies within earshot gain 0...3 energy for each creature within earshot suffering from a hex.
10e 15r
[Skill] Convalescent's Health: You gain 1...3 health for each point of energy you have right now. (maximum: 130)
5e 1c 8r
[Enchantment] God's Manifesto: Orb Skills recharge 22...50% faster but do 50...22% less damage for 20 seconds.
10e 1c 15r
Prevailing Blessings
[Elite Energy Skill] Energy Return: Target ally regains all energy back. You lose 3...1 point of health for each point of energy. You lose 10 energy.
1/4c 15r
[Energy Skill] Defiant Leasure: You lose 15...5 energy. For each point of energy lost, that ally cannot recieve damage under that ammount as a percentage for 10 seconds.
1c 15r
[Spell] Target Impurities: One random nearby foe loses 1...5 energy. Target ally receives 2...10 health regeneration a second for each point of energy that random foe lost.
[Energy Skill] Drawback: Target foe loses 10 energy. You lose 10 energy. Targer ally gains 1...3 energy for each point of energy lost in the area from the last 2 seconds. You gain 5 energy if that ally was below 50% energy.
Vexxing Blessings
[Elite Hex] Withdraw Breathing: Target foe has -2 health regeneration for 5...9 seconds. For each point of health target foe lost that foe loses 0...1 energy.
10e 2c 12r
[Signet] Signet of Reality: Target foe suffers 20...100 damage if their energy is below 0...5. This skill recharges immediatley if target foe is suffering a hex.
[Energy Skill] Thoughtful Dispatch: Target foe is interupted and suffers 50...100 damage. If you are under an enchantment that foe recieves 20...55 damage. This skill is disabled for 10 more second if you are suffering a conditon.
3c 20r
[Energy Skill] Power Overload: Target foe suffers 20...55 damage for each hex on them. Target foe gains 5 energy if they were suffering from 1 hex or less. (Maximum: 120 health)
5e 1/4c 8r
Epidemic Blessings
[Elite Orb Spell] Sinking Nightmares: Shoot 3 projectiles to 3 nearby foes locations. At those locations all adjectant foes become knocked down when a spell recharges for 3...10 seconds. This affect does not happen if they are enchanted or hexed.
25e 1/4c 15r
[Orb Spell] Absent Leeway: Shoot 2 projectiles at 2 foes in the area. Those foes are knocked down if casting a spell. Foes adjecant to those locations lose 5...15 energy if not adjecant to an ally. If they are they are interupted.
15e 1c 20r
[Orb Spell] Crash and Burn: Shoot 5 projectiles to 5 nearby foes. Adjectant foes to that location suffer burning for 3 seconds and allies in that area are relieved from burning. You lose 10 energy.
15e 2c 10r
[Orb Spell] Giant's Tendrils: You shoot 8 projectiles at 8 foes in the area. Nearby foes to those locations move 10% slower. When a foe in those areas leave that location they are knocked down. Each time this happens you lose 2 energy. This happens for 8...17 seconds.
15e 1c 20r
Head: Head Jewelery
Chest: Long tight jacket with lots of hanging ribbons in dark colors. Sometimes there are slits where tattoos are put in.
Hands/Feet: Long Ribbons or cufflings.
Legs: Very baggy pants with a cape like thing behind it.
(Picture coming soon!)
Male Fervor's do not look very old and have short hair with no facial hair.
Head: Head Jewelry
Chest: Tight shirt with holes in it with tatoos where the holes are. Sometimes a pale cloth over the holes.
Hands/Feet: Dark or Very Light Ribbon with long bracelets.
Legs: Dark or very light long flowing skirt. Many times with a belt around it.
Female Fervor's have very long hair either tied up or flowing down. They like to show their pale-ish skin and like males dont look old.
[Energy Skill] Defiant Leasure: You lose 15...5 energy. For each point of energy lost, that ally cannot recieve damage under that ammount as a percentage for 10 seconds. 1c 15r |
Is increasing the rank of the skill weakening it?
Or I have misunderstood.
BTW, I underlined you're typos
[Elite Hex] Withdraw Breathing: Target ally has -2 health regeneration for 5...9 seconds. For each point of health that ally loses 0...1 energy. |
[Energy Skill] Thoughtful Dispatch: Target ally is interupted and suffers 50...100 damage. If you are under an enchantment that foe recieves 20...55 damage. This skill is disabled for 10 more second if you are suffering a conditon |
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But this may be you're best class you have made, "yet"^^.
Also I cant wait for the Concept Models^^.
I rate this class:
I started rating when I stopped making CCs^^.
I dunno if it may help try reading Nebojat's Mannai.
I added a picture of a female, she looks really awesome. But anyway I haven't fixed all my typos. I did fix that it targets a foe and not an ally.
I do not think that skill is overpowered because it has a 20r and if you are suffering a condition it is another 10 seconds.
And no the less energy you lose the more benerfition because with 5 energy lost target ally cannot suffer more than 5% damage of your max health. 15 energy loss is 15%.
Can you critisize or COMMENT on the actual concept of the class more
I do not think that skill is overpowered because it has a 20r and if you are suffering a condition it is another 10 seconds.
And no the less energy you lose the more benerfition because with 5 energy lost target ally cannot suffer more than 5% damage of your max health. 15 energy loss is 15%.
Can you critisize or COMMENT on the actual concept of the class more

Okay, But why is it Fervor, It doesn't sound like a Profession.
I think I have seen that Concept Model before I think it is a game called
Last Chaos, or maybe I am wrong.
I think I have seen that Concept Model before I think it is a game called
Last Chaos, or maybe I am wrong.
hmm. i dont really know why I picked the name. i'm sure everyone here who does concept classes has their own way of coming up with a name. sometimes I just try thinking of a cool made up name. but usually i take parts of words or just whole words as a name.
like fervor means great intensity of emotion, or intensly warm., i think that relates to energy and the magical aura of a Fervor.
also for example another class I made was the Voyant, which comes from teh word Clairvoyant which means insight; looking into the future. and that class was physic based.
And im not really sure about Last Chaos???
like fervor means great intensity of emotion, or intensly warm., i think that relates to energy and the magical aura of a Fervor.
also for example another class I made was the Voyant, which comes from teh word Clairvoyant which means insight; looking into the future. and that class was physic based.
And im not really sure about Last Chaos???
I know the meaning of the word "Fervor".
But it doesn't sounds like a Profession.
I could have sworn it was Last Chaos^^.
But it doesn't sounds like a Profession.
I could have sworn it was Last Chaos^^.
What do you mean it does not "sound" like a proffession. Everyone thinks different things sound better.
But what is Last Chaos??
But what is Last Chaos??
Last Chaos is a MMORPG which to me has a significance with the picture.
It's just doesn't sound like a Profession or a Job.
It's just doesn't sound like a Profession or a Job.
ok lets just forget about the name. I want some comments on the "concept" of the class.
can soemone please comment...spend so much time on these yet no one comments yet so many views.
It's intereseting I'll give it that. And yeah... you did put in alot of effort, good presentation
thank you. right now, making more skills, and other things. If anyone has a good pic for a male, please share.
also is this balance???
overpowered - underpowered???
also is this balance???
overpowered - underpowered???
Oh, I think you got that in 9Dragons Online, Am I Correct now?
what are you talking about? I got the pic from some anime site. and it was EXACTLY what i pictured
(check out my other CC)
(check out my other CC)
I asked you before where did you get that and you ignored me.
oh ok. sorry. Magna, just wondering where do you get your pics and emblem things?
Well, I like the picture! 
If you've read my comments on your other class, then you'll know I hate Energy gaining primary attributes. So, that pretty much kept me from liking this concept.
I also don't see anything that makes this class stand out... it just sounds like it's primary function will be a Battery (like some Necros are now), and that's a pretty boring role to play.

If you've read my comments on your other class, then you'll know I hate Energy gaining primary attributes. So, that pretty much kept me from liking this concept.
I also don't see anything that makes this class stand out... it just sounds like it's primary function will be a Battery (like some Necros are now), and that's a pretty boring role to play.