No Rank Change for GvG
Since 0001 PST, GvG matches have yielded +-0 at the end. I know because my guild lost a hard fought battle to a 1200 ranked guild, then easily rolled over another. Both resulted in 0 rank.
Malchior Devenholm
u mean guild rank yes? cuz you wouldn't gain normal competitive rank through winning a guild war
I pwnd U
thats odd, but it mite be cause its getting close to the guild wars championships or they have already started or sumthin but i wouldnt sweat it theres always next year.

Brother Andicus
same for us, I guess they froze ladder for world champs
If you check the guildwars, site, the dates for the ladder season show that it ended at 8am GMT. The ladder HAS been frozen, and it will probably be reset soon.
Hm. Or maybe not. Either soon, or mid feb when the championship ends.
Hm. Or maybe not. Either soon, or mid feb when the championship ends.
Juicey Shake
Yep, frozen, s'official:
GWWC Qualifying Season Ends 01 January 2006
The period of qualifications for the Guild Wars World Championship has come to an end. As of Midnight Pacific (8:00 a.m. GMT) this morning, the Guild Wars Ladder was locked, and ratings for this pre-championship season are final. These standings determine which guilds will participate in the Regional Playoffs the week of January 7 through 14.
Please see the GWWC Page for an addendum that provides submittal information for the required Guild Rosters and the player eligibility documents. And best of luck to our top Guild Wars guilds as you take part in the Regional Playoffs!
GWWC Qualifying Season Ends 01 January 2006
The period of qualifications for the Guild Wars World Championship has come to an end. As of Midnight Pacific (8:00 a.m. GMT) this morning, the Guild Wars Ladder was locked, and ratings for this pre-championship season are final. These standings determine which guilds will participate in the Regional Playoffs the week of January 7 through 14.
Please see the GWWC Page for an addendum that provides submittal information for the required Guild Rosters and the player eligibility documents. And best of luck to our top Guild Wars guilds as you take part in the Regional Playoffs!
I have heard that the ladder will stay locked until the end of the championships in mid-feb. I don't know if it's true or not, it would be nice to know when a new ladder season starts, or whether they'll run a mini-season from now to mid-feb. That would be nice.
Originally Posted by Siliconwafer
I have heard that the ladder will stay locked until the end of the championships in mid-feb. I don't know if it's true or not, it would be nice to know when a new ladder season starts, or whether they'll run a mini-season from now to mid-feb. That would be nice.
Alex Weekes
The ladder will be restored earlier than the end of the GWWC, fear not. It has been frozen while we determine which guilds have earned a place, and are eligible to participate in, the regional playoffs. I don't know when precisely the ladder will resume accepting results, but I guess it will be as soon as the 36 playoff guilds have been determined.
Ellix Cantero
Originally Posted by Zobi
If this happens to be true, I would be extremely disappointed. I have completed the game with four toons, really dislike Tombs and adore doing GvG. What use is there now if there is no reward for your efforts for around six weeks?
Shanaeri Rynale
Think of it as a time when you can get unrated free practice without needing to arrange it in advance. Also use the time to try all kinds of weird builds and tactics.
Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
The ladder will be restored earlier than the end of the GWWC, fear not. It has been frozen while we determine which guilds have earned a place, and are eligible to participate in, the regional playoffs. I don't know when precisely the ladder will resume accepting results, but I guess it will be as soon as the 36 playoff guilds have been determined.

Guardian of the Light
I liked the frozen ladder FOR now. My guild tested a build of my creation that turned out to be very powerful however I swore to keep it secret ^_^