[Name Display] Incorrect labeling of Creatures
I was going through Dunes mission and there was a Dune lizard as a bladehand...
Bryant Again
Argh, this bug has been going on for awhile now...Sucks that it still exists.
They're not tamable like that, are they?
They're not tamable like that, are they?
Yeah, the dune lizard bug has been around for quite a bit. I often see them as enchanted armor though.
Onarik Amrak
There are lots of mobs around labelled as a pet/animal. Seems like a random occurence.
yeah I saw what looked in-game to be a bone minion but the health bar read as a levle 13 white tiger....
Sometimes their health is weird too...definitely worth looking into
a while ago I got a giant bull trainer named as a bear
I've seen a Jahai Rat rampage after me using Charging Strike and another 1 spamming Stone Daggers at me in the Mirror of Lyss.
Personally i think the worst part is that your actually using both Melonni and Koss
Personally i think the worst part is that your actually using both Melonni and Koss
Yesterday (April 14) when I was doing Thunderhead Keep with my necro, Demetrios the Enduring was labeled as a black bear. Only for me, though, the other players in the mission saw his real name. I took a screen shot of it to prove to them he was labeled as Black Bear on my screen.
- Tain -
I got this in Thirsty River... the mes boss was a Dune Lizard o.O
I have some screens for proof, if we need them.
I have some screens for proof, if we need them.
I once found a Mursaat Ele labelled as "Black Bear" in THK as well. (I've also heard many other accounts of "Black Bear" in THK. It's one of the main sites of the bug.)
Soul of the Scythe
Yea, I have screenshots of an enchanted hammer labeled as a Dune Lizard in Dunes of Despair, and a Jade Armor Labeled as a Black Bear in THK.
Arctic Wind
I just had a Margo reaper in Vehtendi Valley, named lvl 3 Jahai Rat...that rat made a lot of damage for being lvl 3 ..haha...and once i had a lvl 5 Hyena in the ruptured heart having the appearance of a stoneshard crag, also, throwing stone daggers at me