Presearing... Hard Mode
well i was thinking, presearing seems a bit tame after u hit a cetain level, so i thought when they activate hard mode theyd do it to the presearing too. make it so that there are higher level monsters and better drops. so that way its possible to get legendary defender and legendary survivor
so what do u think?

nope, already been stated that hard mode is everywhere EXCEPT presearing
It's already possible to get Legendary Defender in pre-searing.
Originally Posted by holababe
It's already possible to get Legendary Defender in pre-searing.
By saying:
'so that way its possible to get legendary defender and legendary survivor'
I think he means get both of the titles, not just one of them
'so that way its possible to get legendary defender and legendary survivor'
I think he means get both of the titles, not just one of them
The lack of a Hard Mode in pre-searing is the reason I deleted my char who was going for that title.
My computer dies after being on for ~8 hours so I can't Death Level.
/signed as long as the highest level is a level 15 or 16 foe.
My computer dies after being on for ~8 hours so I can't Death Level.
/signed as long as the highest level is a level 15 or 16 foe.
Jongo River
Originally Posted by holababe
It's already possible to get Legendary Defender in pre-searing.

/not signed
Fight the charr or go post for "presearing hard mode"
Fight the charr or go post for "presearing hard mode"
Sparks Dawnbringer
/signed You guys are so bad, all you can say is I had to do it that way so do you. Well, I'm tired of death leveling and wish there could be some way to level that was not BORING. God, my computer does not need be running while I'm at work or asleep. Think of the ENERGY saved, consider it your little bit to combat global warming and the brown outs. Make pre harder give is one more area with harder monsters and Save the Earth. Not too much to ask. Think of all the space on the servers that would be saved.
^ Umm... what server space saved?
Anyway, /notsigned
This title is supposed to be something to reward all those people who torment themselves by wasting so much time getting this (just like Drunkards).
Anyway, /notsigned
This title is supposed to be something to reward all those people who torment themselves by wasting so much time getting this (just like Drunkards).
Neo Nugget
But drunkard is 1000 min. not 1000 hours:P
Anyways i would absolutely love hard mode in pre. Would just make it better.
Anyways i would absolutely love hard mode in pre. Would just make it better.
/notsigned for the title (but have an alternative to that)
but /signed for the idea of presearing hard mode. it would be just plain fun.
but /signed for the idea of presearing hard mode. it would be just plain fun.
/not signed
Pre-searing is a training area for new players. If you want to play in the training area, with no decent armor and no decent spells, by all means play. The challenge there is finding something fun to do in a training area with such limited resources.
Pre-searing is a training area for new players. If you want to play in the training area, with no decent armor and no decent spells, by all means play. The challenge there is finding something fun to do in a training area with such limited resources.
Pre-searing is a TRAINING AREA!!!!!!!!
Is it really a huge, shocking, revelation that after a certain point pre-searing is obviously going to get alot easier?
Is it really a huge, shocking, revelation that after a certain point pre-searing is obviously going to get alot easier?
pre-searing is a TRAINING AREA with a title that you can only get if you REACH LEVEL 20 IN THIS TRAINING AREA but with a realy silly way to aquire that said title.
Presearing hard mode would be an alternative way to reach this title and with a requirement (somewhat comparable to hard mode in post having a minimum requirement) new players training in pre won't be affected whatsoever
pre-searing is a TRAINING AREA with a title that you can only get if you REACH LEVEL 20 IN THIS TRAINING AREA but with a realy silly way to aquire that said title.
Presearing hard mode would be an alternative way to reach this title and with a requirement (somewhat comparable to hard mode in post having a minimum requirement) new players training in pre won't be affected whatsoever
Sophitia Leafblade
Presearing is indeed a Training Area but since to unlock hard mode u must have completed the campaign already atleast once, meaning u clearly don't need much more training. Adding Hard mode Presearing would mean a more sensible way to gain LDoA, it doesnt have to be Post lvl difficulty, but a slightly increased difficulty with higher lvl enemys (for better xp gain, like say them being an extra 5 lvls higher or so) and slightly improved drops. It would basically be a reward for having had completed the Campaign.
Presearing is indeed a Training Area but since to unlock hard mode u must have completed the campaign already atleast once, meaning u clearly don't need much more training. Adding Hard mode Presearing would mean a more sensible way to gain LDoA, it doesnt have to be Post lvl difficulty, but a slightly increased difficulty with higher lvl enemys (for better xp gain, like say them being an extra 5 lvls higher or so) and slightly improved drops. It would basically be a reward for having had completed the Campaign.
Kia Lobeli
/not signed
Changing this now would totally destroy the time, effort and dedication put in by people who already have this title. If you can't put in the time required to get this title, then don't. It's that simple.
Being able to get LdoA and Max Survivor would also give prophecies players an unfair advantage in their maxed title title.
Changing this now would totally destroy the time, effort and dedication put in by people who already have this title. If you can't put in the time required to get this title, then don't. It's that simple.
Being able to get LdoA and Max Survivor would also give prophecies players an unfair advantage in their maxed title title.
Originally Posted by Kia Lobeli
/not signed
Changing this now would totally destroy the time, effort and dedication put in by people who already have this title. If you can't put in the time required to get this title, then don't. It's that simple. Being able to get LdoA and Max Survivor would also give prophecies players an unfair advantage in their maxed title title. |
This is already an unfair advantage to any character that was created after titles were implemented
And about the ''changing this now...'' part..
Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
...amongst the poeple who don't want an alternative way to get this title are people that will go through the deathlevelling and will simply oppose any alternative way to obtain this title, no matter how reasonable, just for the sake of them having a title that very few other people have.
Changing this now would not totally destroy the time, effort and dedication put in by people who already have this title but would give people who for whatever reason do not (or cannot) deathlevel but do want to put comparable efford using normal gameplay into obtaining this title.
There's nothing wrong with more people gaining this title as time goes by. As long as theres atleastone way to get to lvl 20 in pre more and more people will get this title and thus this title will get ''less special'' as time passes by.
Might aswell have this title obtainable in a normal way and I'd say that pre searing hard mode will do this job very nicely indeed and in the fairest way possible.
I think it's good for people to be able to choose to either ''die for this title'' or ''kill for this title''
Bloodless Dawn
I can see exactly where you are coming from and at the start, reading this made me want to put /signed.... but no.... I'm fraid my answer is going to have to be
/not signed
It IS a training area.... it is for new people to train, and understand how guild wars works...
ANYONE should be able to find the time to get that title (tbh it only takes about 50 solid hours of gameplay) I can't say I have it myelf... but one day.. I saw a character being made, and within 2 days, he was lvl 20, and still in pre searing...
so don't tell everyone that you need to death level.. it is just not true !
in fact... I wish Pre-searing was skippable... and I wish we would just be given the choice of our secondary profession in a little box and then take straight to ascalon(post Searing) and started at lvl 5 (or whatever level A'net see's to be suitable) but only skippable if you have allready completed it once
well... cya
Bloodless dawn
and btw... never heard the tern "LdoA".... My friends don't usually make things shorter, they just write out the whole name (apart from, afk, ToA,HoD,DoD,FoW and one or two others... (3 lettered ones mainly)
/not signed
It IS a training area.... it is for new people to train, and understand how guild wars works...
ANYONE should be able to find the time to get that title (tbh it only takes about 50 solid hours of gameplay) I can't say I have it myelf... but one day.. I saw a character being made, and within 2 days, he was lvl 20, and still in pre searing...
so don't tell everyone that you need to death level.. it is just not true !
in fact... I wish Pre-searing was skippable... and I wish we would just be given the choice of our secondary profession in a little box and then take straight to ascalon(post Searing) and started at lvl 5 (or whatever level A'net see's to be suitable) but only skippable if you have allready completed it once
well... cya
Bloodless dawn
and btw... never heard the tern "LdoA".... My friends don't usually make things shorter, they just write out the whole name (apart from, afk, ToA,HoD,DoD,FoW and one or two others... (3 lettered ones mainly)
It seems this community is still split when it comes to 1) people who want Survivor in a different (not necessarily easier) method other than death-leveling and 2) people who don't want the title touched at all.
While I fall under the first cluster of individuals, there is some valid points the second group has brought up. This has, indeed, been suggested before, but the suggestion is going to keep popping up until both parties are satisfied with a solution that benefits both parties.
This solution must include (but not be limited to):
* A different method for leveling up to 20 in Pre.
* A method that is just as strenuous and time-consuming (if not more) as Death-leveling.
While I fall under the first cluster of individuals, there is some valid points the second group has brought up. This has, indeed, been suggested before, but the suggestion is going to keep popping up until both parties are satisfied with a solution that benefits both parties.
This solution must include (but not be limited to):
* A different method for leveling up to 20 in Pre.
* A method that is just as strenuous and time-consuming (if not more) as Death-leveling.
Originally Posted by Bloodless Dawn
ANYONE should be able to find the time to get that title...
Having no computer of your own, unstable connection, kicked by anet after around 10 hours (I think it was error 59 or so), no permission from parents to occupy computer and inetrnet for 10 hours non-stop or not having glitched (post) items makes this different from say drunkard where you dont need to drink alcoholic beverages for 10 hours straight or loose any progression when you for whatever reason don't make the full 10 hours.
Originally Posted by Bloodless Dawn
.. I saw a character being made, and within 2 days, he was lvl 20, and still in pre searing...
so don't tell everyone that you need to death level.. it is just not true ! |
Thus I think everyone except you will agree that it is common knowledge that, in order to have a way to reach LDoA, you simply must deathlevel.
I agree that pre searing is just a tutorial area ment for new players but isnt't ascalon city (in post searing) international zone ment for players from different servers to have the ability to team up with eachotehr and not for asian WTS spammers or gold sellers? Isn't ascalon city (in post) ment just for passing through? Instead of trading? Shall we go and fix this ''oversight'' by banning players above lvl 12 from having access to Ascalon City and restore it the way anet originally build it? :P
In games there will always be things happening that was not originally intended, nor foreseen, by it's creators but this doesn't mean this can't ever change
Just 1 final note:
Originally Posted by Bloodless Dawn
ANYONE should be able to find the time to get that title (tbh it only takes about 50 solid hours of gameplay)...

Dougal Kronik
Just make the minimum XP gain from any kill 1 XP.
Bryant Again
Here's a different idea...
Hardmode and larger area of Pre-Searing only after you reach level 20. It would be fair to those that worked their asses off for LDoA title, and it would make a truly elite area.
Just an interesting little thought, and not something I'd want to see implemented.
As to the OP's original suggestion: /Notsigned. People who earned the LDoA the hard way would be pretty pissed and having wasted so much time, since they could've greatly sped up the process my just setting it on Hard Mode and killing monsters normally. It would also take the value off of the title.
Hardmode and larger area of Pre-Searing only after you reach level 20. It would be fair to those that worked their asses off for LDoA title, and it would make a truly elite area.
Just an interesting little thought, and not something I'd want to see implemented.
As to the OP's original suggestion: /Notsigned. People who earned the LDoA the hard way would be pretty pissed and having wasted so much time, since they could've greatly sped up the process my just setting it on Hard Mode and killing monsters normally. It would also take the value off of the title.
People who earned the LDoA the hard way would be pretty pissed and having wasted so much time, since they could've greatly sped up the process my just setting it on Hard Mode and killing monsters normally. It would also take the value off of the title. |
The isdea is basically to have 2 ways to reach LDoA which both require the same amount of efford to gain xp but 1 costing more time afk but less time actually killing the foes (at the rez shrine) and the second costing less time afk but more efford hunting down each group of charr.
As hard mode doesn't actually make it easier to get this title I think the title will remain just as valuable.
I think the only real reason anyone would be against this alternative way to gain this title probably wants the title to remain more rare for their own sake which I think is pretty lame.
I realy think hard mode in pre is a good idea as it solves many problems:
-People who, for whatever reason, dont have the possibility to leave their comps running for 10 hours can work to get this title also
-People who already have this title won't get as many negative attention about them having no life, having glitched the system, being called legendary coffinfiller/timewaster/loser/whatever or anything like that and most likely more positive remarks
-People can use this title and feel like a REAL legendary defender of ascalon
-The increased quality of weapons will somewhat lighten up the burdom of people who don't have max glitched items or the max bonus items
Im sure I've forgotten a few...
The only people not wanting presearing hard mode are probably the ones who want to deny as many people as possible of this title simply so they can have their precious title remain more rare at the cost of the enjoyment of many people who'd benefit from having a more fair way to be able to get this title
Thom The Brawler
lol, hard mode in pre wouldn't help you get to 20. You have to be 20 to get into hard mode

1 up and 2 down
I know I don't have LDoA yet(still working on it) but even if you put in, say, a level 15 monster for hard mode and that was it. And lets say this monster was very deep in the northlands, I am sure more people would go for the d lvling alternative. I say this because most people that don't really know about the title think they you just d lvl striders. But in actuality more people pull about 3 groups of charr and d lvl this way. It would still be faster and much cheaper to just d lvl 4 groups of charr then making hundreds, if not thounds of runs to the deep north lands to find this 1 lvl 15 monster that would only give about 16 exp after a while. Not to mention that you would have to sit and try and find a person to open the gate for you.
So I must say /unsigned, Anet put d lvling back in for a reason, that was for LDoA. If you don't like it then tough luck for you. Well thats my 2gp
So I must say /unsigned, Anet put d lvling back in for a reason, that was for LDoA. If you don't like it then tough luck for you. Well thats my 2gp

Kool Pajamas
You have to be level 20 to enter hard mode....so it really wouldnt matter would it?
Things change.
Survivor was time consuming and even risky in Tyria.
Now, with Factions and the Flag command, you can have the henchmen do all the work, and earn it by questing and by double capture weekends.
Say 'it's not fair for those who already have the title' is a grea mistake, because things DO change.
And those who already have the old titles MUST live with that.
That's for 'a way to make possible LDoA wthout diying'.
But hard mode would require having the campaign finished with at least one characters, and the current character in level 20.
So PreSearing hard mode would be impossible.
Another way should be added, but not this one.
Survivor was time consuming and even risky in Tyria.
Now, with Factions and the Flag command, you can have the henchmen do all the work, and earn it by questing and by double capture weekends.
Say 'it's not fair for those who already have the title' is a grea mistake, because things DO change.
And those who already have the old titles MUST live with that.
That's for 'a way to make possible LDoA wthout diying'.
But hard mode would require having the campaign finished with at least one characters, and the current character in level 20.
So PreSearing hard mode would be impossible.
Another way should be added, but not this one.
@1 up and 2 down;
His suggestion is not about 1 level 15 monster hidden somewhere in the northlands/in catacombs but about one area full of higher level creatures.
Your post makes it seem you ''/unsigned'' your own suggestion instead of the OP's suggestion
The suggestion made by the original poster clearly states his suggestion is to have hard mode in pre so that there would be a way to get both LDoA and surviver at the same time, thus his suggestion is a hard mode in pre accesable to lvl 16's or lower instead of lvl 20
Maybe he should've made more clear how his version of hardmode would need to be accessed (like which minimum requirement there would be for pre hardmode) but to me it's clear that his suggestion is supposed to be an alternative to deathleveling
It seems some of the people who deathlevel are the ones who are opposed to any alternative to deathleveling and I think thats pretty lame..denying people of a title just so their title can remain more rare, this is just plain wrong imo.
The only argument left standing from the ''/notsigned'' camp seems to be ''if you don't want to deathlevel, you don't deserve this title'' which isn't even a valid argument but an opinion.
There are plenty valid arguments to have an alternative way to deathleveling
Isn't hard mode gonna be added to the lowest level areas of Nightfall and factions? If so, why not add hard mode to the lowest level area of prophesies?
I can understand that people who are deathleveling or have deathleveled don't want this title to become cheap but having a presearing hard mode doesn't make this title more cheap in any way!
Having to work for a title by doing hard mode doesn't make this title more easy to get, it may take just as much efford as deathleveling or even more! The only advantage hard mode will have over deathleveling is to not have to be afk for 10 hours non stop!
It does not make LDoA more easy to get
His suggestion is not about 1 level 15 monster hidden somewhere in the northlands/in catacombs but about one area full of higher level creatures.
Your post makes it seem you ''/unsigned'' your own suggestion instead of the OP's suggestion
Originally Posted by KillaKarl
well i was thinking, presearing seems a bit tame after u hit a cetain level, so i thought when they activate hard mode theyd do it to the presearing too. make it so that there are higher level monsters and better drops. so that way its possible to get legendary defender and legendary survivor
![]() |
Originally Posted by Thom The Brawler
lol, hard mode in pre wouldn't help you get to 20. You have to be 20 to get into hard mode
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
You have to be level 20 to enter hard mode....so it really wouldnt matter would it?
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
...But hard mode would require having the campaign finished with at least one characters, and the current character in level 20.
So PreSearing hard mode would be impossible. ... |
The suggestion made by the original poster clearly states his suggestion is to have hard mode in pre so that there would be a way to get both LDoA and surviver at the same time, thus his suggestion is a hard mode in pre accesable to lvl 16's or lower instead of lvl 20
Maybe he should've made more clear how his version of hardmode would need to be accessed (like which minimum requirement there would be for pre hardmode) but to me it's clear that his suggestion is supposed to be an alternative to deathleveling
It seems some of the people who deathlevel are the ones who are opposed to any alternative to deathleveling and I think thats pretty lame..denying people of a title just so their title can remain more rare, this is just plain wrong imo.
The only argument left standing from the ''/notsigned'' camp seems to be ''if you don't want to deathlevel, you don't deserve this title'' which isn't even a valid argument but an opinion.
There are plenty valid arguments to have an alternative way to deathleveling
Isn't hard mode gonna be added to the lowest level areas of Nightfall and factions? If so, why not add hard mode to the lowest level area of prophesies?
I can understand that people who are deathleveling or have deathleveled don't want this title to become cheap but having a presearing hard mode doesn't make this title more cheap in any way!
Having to work for a title by doing hard mode doesn't make this title more easy to get, it may take just as much efford as deathleveling or even more! The only advantage hard mode will have over deathleveling is to not have to be afk for 10 hours non stop!
It does not make LDoA more easy to get
Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
It seems some of the people who deathlevel are the ones who are opposed to any alternative to deathleveling and I think thats pretty lame..denying people of a title just so their title can remain more rare, this is just plain wrong imo.[/U]
That's why death-leveling was put back in just before the addition of this title. It won't go, it won't change for the four same people I see whining over and over this issue in each LDoA related thread for the past months.
Stop whining, get over it, if you can't get it, don't get it.
there should be a more reasonable way to do it than using a stupid exploit-like method. it should be very hard and require alot of work to gain this title, but it should be more about a 2-man party doing challenging fights.
there should be a more reasonable way to do it than using a stupid exploit-like method. it should be very hard and require alot of work to gain this title, but it should be more about a 2-man party doing challenging fights.
Sir Vengence VI
Death leveling is just stupid
and a hard mod would make the most fun area in the game even better
Death leveling is just stupid
and a hard mod would make the most fun area in the game even better
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
But drunkard is 1000 min. not 1000 hours:P
Anyways i would absolutely love hard mode in pre. Would just make it better. |