Alright Here is my concern
It is to my understanding that the Lieutenant's insigna once said reduce damage you take by 5% or maybe i'm just remembering faltly information anyway i'm wondering if the wording used to describe its affects is correct if it indeed reduces the damage you deal by 5% cause all of us know that we all know that the leiutenant's helm hasn't been nerfed enough
if anyone would like to tell what the exact deal with the Lieutenant's insigna is and the exact effects it has and sorry if its little hard to make out exactly what i'm trying to say.
Lieutenant's Insigna
Tyl Kai
Former Ruling
Yes, It reduces dmg you deal by 5%. Non-stacking.
5% isn't that high. Its been 20% ever since the nerf in may 2006, and its always had 20 less armor than other max helms.
5% isn't that high. Its been 20% ever since the nerf in may 2006, and its always had 20 less armor than other max helms.
Drop of Fear
considering that most people do not customize weapons, and that's a 20% damage lost, i dont think 5% is that remarkable
I miss the old 50% ones
Originally Posted by Tyl Kai
It really wasn't that unbalancing in the first place.
Thom Bangalter
considering how broken the effect really is, I'm not too concerned.
Tyl Kai
thanks for the replys