Hidden treasures recharged again?
I don't really know how they function, but i'm positive i just picked up one of the elonian secret treasures for the thirth time today. If it's global, we will see some more 15K armor soon!
Hell Raiser
Supposedly it resets every 30 days for each character, it isn't a global or account-wide reset. However, The last time I opened them was January ~20, and none of my characters have been able to open any of them a third time..................................
I'm opening them for the third time, but I'm getting purple items occasionally from them for the first time.
Neo Nugget
i havent been able to open with my sin for 2 months now>.>
Hmmm my main character opened them for the first time in January...havent been able to open another yet. A friend and myself were running keys in the wastes, and stopped to check the treasure chest where all the Gravens are just for fun. He was able to get the chest again...I wasnt. That was almost 2 weeks ago, still havent been able to get it.
My characters can't open the chests for about 2 months now... I try about every day, though

Already a thread about this in Elonian Explorers League.