Concept Class - The Devinare
Devinare's were no such thing until the 6th god was given her powers. Followers of Kormir, Goddess of Truth, they are known to have all knowledge, blessed by the 5 gods. They spoke the truth of their foes and allies and forced balance around them. They soon created magic that was unlike any other. They send portals from the heavens that was said to be ultimate power. They thought it was blasphemy. Yet, the total opposite. Devinare's soon became outcasts yet the balance on the battle field.
New Concepts
Portal Spells
Portal Spells are powerful spells released from the heavens. Unlike any other spell these are obstructions so nothing can be shot through it. These spells affect the people who run through them and are nearby to them. When in their nearby area all foes near them move 25% slower. These spells last a while and when they end they send out a powerful charge.
Truth Signal
These skills work only when target ally or foe is touched. This affect lasts for a while and whenever the ally or foe touches another ally or foe it spreads.
Armor, Health, Energy, and Misc.
Armor: 70 (because they will be using skills that are very upfront)
Health: 480
Energy: 30
Energy Pips: 3
Weapon of Choice: Staff or Wand and Focus
Truthful Insignia
+10 Armor (while no hexes are in skill bar)
-5 Armor (while hexes are in skill bar)
+5 (while enchanted)
Oracle's Insignia
+5 Armor (with 1 portal activated nearby you)
+10 Armor (with 2 portals activated nearby you)
+15 Armor (with 3 or more portals activated nearby you)
Adherent's Insignia
+15 Armor (if nearby someone of the same class)
-15 Armor (if nearby a demon)
Sinful Insignia
+5 Armor (if there is an ally near you with a Truth Signal on them)
+10 Armor (if there is a foe near you with a Truth Signal on them)
+15 Armor (if there is a foe and an ally near you with a Truth Singal on them)
Energy Absorbtion - For every point into this attribute .5% of the damage against you is turned into energy.
Omniscient Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to creating rifts from the gods and absorbing power.
Truthful Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to balancing the battle field.
Loyalty Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to impowering allies and weakening foes.
Energy Absorbtion
[Elite Signet] Signet of Honesty: For each hex in your skillbar you gain 3...5 energy and 5...30 health. (maximum: 25 energy; 120 health)
1/4c 15r
[Elite Stance] Goddess' Wisdom: For 12...34 seconds your Truth Signals and Portal Spells last 6...44% longer, but cost 50...15% more energy.
5e 40r
[Portal Spell] Beam of Righteousness: You create a portal from the heavens at target foes area. All foes nearby this move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters the portal they lose all enchantments and all hexes. This portal lasts for 60 seconds. When the portal ends all foes in that area are knocked down and take 20...43 damage for each enchantment and hex on them.
25e 1c 30r
[Shout] "No More Lies!": All allies within earshot gain 12...33 health for each hex on them.
10e 15r
[Spell] Sympathetic Bond: If target ally has an enchantment on them it is renewed and 3...1 of your hexes are renewed.
10e 1c 12r
Omniscient Prayers
[Elite Portal Spell] Light of Purity: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foes' allies nearby it move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters the portal they are teleported to another portal in the area. Whenever allies enter the portal their enchantments are renewed. When this portal expires all nearby foes are knocked down and take 20...88 damage.
25e 1c 45r
[Elite Portal Spell] False Blasphemy: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foes' allies nearby it move 25% slower. When ever a foe enters the portal they are knocked down for 4 seconds and take 40...112 damage. When this portal expires foes nearby it are healed from their conditions.
25e 2c 45r
[Portal Spell] Death Stick: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foe's allies nearby it move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters a portal with a death penalty they suffer a deep wound for 5...33 seconds. Allies who enter the portal are knocked down but are relieved of one condition. When this portal expires all nearby allies lose 1 hex but all their conditions are renewed.
25e 1c 15r
[Enchantment Spell] Kormir's Promise: For 120 seconds if target ally dies in this time they suffer no death penalty but are bonded to you. If they die this enchantment is renewed and if they die again in this time you die with them.
5e 1c 2r
[Portal Spell] Shadow Deliverence: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foe's nearby allies nearby move 25% slower. Whenever a creature move through it they are teleported to a random portal nearby if they suffer a hex. When the creatures get out of the portal they become dazed for 5...11 seconds. When this portal spell ends all nearby creatures are knocked down.
15e 2c 30r
Truthful Prayers
[Elite Truth Signal] Withdraw Lies: Target touched foe loses 2...7% of their health each time they cast a spell. If they touch an ally to them they also have this condition. If they touch an ally of yours that ally gains the health all the foes that suffer from this condition for 30 seconds.
5e 30r
[Elite Truth Signal] Sneer: Target touched foe is knocked down when ever they become adjecant to an ally. This condition is passed to a fellow ally if they become adjecant to eachother. When the condition is passed the person who passed it is relieved of this condition. When a foe gets the condition it lasts for 3...17 seconds.
10e 30r
[Truth Signal] Absent Truth: Target touched ally loses all conditions. When ever an ally touches an ally they have this condition. Whenever they cast an enchantment they lose 0...2 conditions. This lasts for 20 seconds.
10r 30r.
[Truth Signal] Depth of Nightmares: For 30 seconds target touched foe suffers 1..3 health degeneration. Whenever a foe touches one of their allies they also suffer this. Whenever a foe with this condition is knocked down they suffer a deep wound for 3...15 seconds.
5e 40r
[Stance] Miscreant's Leeway: For 6...18 seconds you have a 25% chance to miss with attacks and a 25% chance to evade attacks. Your Portal Spells recharge 5...34% faster.
10e 20r
Loyalty Prayers
[Elite Shout] "You Have The Power!": For each ally, their next 2 skills attributes are boosted by 3
5e 12r
[Enchantment Spell] Exchange Sins: For 20 seconds target ally does +5...18 damage when attacking and you have -18...5 base armor.
10e 2r 4r
[Hex] Dented Armor: Target foes and their nearby allies armor has -10 armor against the elements for 12...22 seconds.
10e 1c 20r
[Enchantment Spell] Air of Apologies: Target ally is healed for 14...45 health each time they cast a spell that targets a foe for 2...10 seconds.
10e 1c 18r
[Skill] Kormir's Kiss: Target ally loses 0...2 hexes for each hex one random foe in the area is suffering.
(Coming Soon!)
Devinare's were no such thing until the 6th god was given her powers. Followers of Kormir, Goddess of Truth, they are known to have all knowledge, blessed by the 5 gods. They spoke the truth of their foes and allies and forced balance around them. They soon created magic that was unlike any other. They send portals from the heavens that was said to be ultimate power. They thought it was blasphemy. Yet, the total opposite. Devinare's soon became outcasts yet the balance on the battle field.
New Concepts
Portal Spells
Portal Spells are powerful spells released from the heavens. Unlike any other spell these are obstructions so nothing can be shot through it. These spells affect the people who run through them and are nearby to them. When in their nearby area all foes near them move 25% slower. These spells last a while and when they end they send out a powerful charge.
Truth Signal
These skills work only when target ally or foe is touched. This affect lasts for a while and whenever the ally or foe touches another ally or foe it spreads.
Armor, Health, Energy, and Misc.
Armor: 70 (because they will be using skills that are very upfront)
Health: 480
Energy: 30
Energy Pips: 3
Weapon of Choice: Staff or Wand and Focus
Truthful Insignia
+10 Armor (while no hexes are in skill bar)
-5 Armor (while hexes are in skill bar)
+5 (while enchanted)
Oracle's Insignia
+5 Armor (with 1 portal activated nearby you)
+10 Armor (with 2 portals activated nearby you)
+15 Armor (with 3 or more portals activated nearby you)
Adherent's Insignia
+15 Armor (if nearby someone of the same class)
-15 Armor (if nearby a demon)
Sinful Insignia
+5 Armor (if there is an ally near you with a Truth Signal on them)
+10 Armor (if there is a foe near you with a Truth Signal on them)
+15 Armor (if there is a foe and an ally near you with a Truth Singal on them)
Energy Absorbtion - For every point into this attribute .5% of the damage against you is turned into energy.
Omniscient Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to creating rifts from the gods and absorbing power.
Truthful Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to balancing the battle field.
Loyalty Prayers - This attribute has no inherit affect. Many skills in this attribute relate to impowering allies and weakening foes.
Energy Absorbtion
[Elite Signet] Signet of Honesty: For each hex in your skillbar you gain 3...5 energy and 5...30 health. (maximum: 25 energy; 120 health)
1/4c 15r
[Elite Stance] Goddess' Wisdom: For 12...34 seconds your Truth Signals and Portal Spells last 6...44% longer, but cost 50...15% more energy.
5e 40r
[Portal Spell] Beam of Righteousness: You create a portal from the heavens at target foes area. All foes nearby this move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters the portal they lose all enchantments and all hexes. This portal lasts for 60 seconds. When the portal ends all foes in that area are knocked down and take 20...43 damage for each enchantment and hex on them.
25e 1c 30r
[Shout] "No More Lies!": All allies within earshot gain 12...33 health for each hex on them.
10e 15r
[Spell] Sympathetic Bond: If target ally has an enchantment on them it is renewed and 3...1 of your hexes are renewed.
10e 1c 12r
Omniscient Prayers
[Elite Portal Spell] Light of Purity: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foes' allies nearby it move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters the portal they are teleported to another portal in the area. Whenever allies enter the portal their enchantments are renewed. When this portal expires all nearby foes are knocked down and take 20...88 damage.
25e 1c 45r
[Elite Portal Spell] False Blasphemy: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foes' allies nearby it move 25% slower. When ever a foe enters the portal they are knocked down for 4 seconds and take 40...112 damage. When this portal expires foes nearby it are healed from their conditions.
25e 2c 45r
[Portal Spell] Death Stick: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foe's allies nearby it move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters a portal with a death penalty they suffer a deep wound for 5...33 seconds. Allies who enter the portal are knocked down but are relieved of one condition. When this portal expires all nearby allies lose 1 hex but all their conditions are renewed.
25e 1c 15r
[Enchantment Spell] Kormir's Promise: For 120 seconds if target ally dies in this time they suffer no death penalty but are bonded to you. If they die this enchantment is renewed and if they die again in this time you die with them.
5e 1c 2r
[Portal Spell] Shadow Deliverence: For 60 seconds at target foes location all foe's nearby allies nearby move 25% slower. Whenever a creature move through it they are teleported to a random portal nearby if they suffer a hex. When the creatures get out of the portal they become dazed for 5...11 seconds. When this portal spell ends all nearby creatures are knocked down.
15e 2c 30r
Truthful Prayers
[Elite Truth Signal] Withdraw Lies: Target touched foe loses 2...7% of their health each time they cast a spell. If they touch an ally to them they also have this condition. If they touch an ally of yours that ally gains the health all the foes that suffer from this condition for 30 seconds.
5e 30r
[Elite Truth Signal] Sneer: Target touched foe is knocked down when ever they become adjecant to an ally. This condition is passed to a fellow ally if they become adjecant to eachother. When the condition is passed the person who passed it is relieved of this condition. When a foe gets the condition it lasts for 3...17 seconds.
10e 30r
[Truth Signal] Absent Truth: Target touched ally loses all conditions. When ever an ally touches an ally they have this condition. Whenever they cast an enchantment they lose 0...2 conditions. This lasts for 20 seconds.
10r 30r.
[Truth Signal] Depth of Nightmares: For 30 seconds target touched foe suffers 1..3 health degeneration. Whenever a foe touches one of their allies they also suffer this. Whenever a foe with this condition is knocked down they suffer a deep wound for 3...15 seconds.
5e 40r
[Stance] Miscreant's Leeway: For 6...18 seconds you have a 25% chance to miss with attacks and a 25% chance to evade attacks. Your Portal Spells recharge 5...34% faster.
10e 20r
Loyalty Prayers
[Elite Shout] "You Have The Power!": For each ally, their next 2 skills attributes are boosted by 3
5e 12r
[Enchantment Spell] Exchange Sins: For 20 seconds target ally does +5...18 damage when attacking and you have -18...5 base armor.
10e 2r 4r
[Hex] Dented Armor: Target foes and their nearby allies armor has -10 armor against the elements for 12...22 seconds.
10e 1c 20r
[Enchantment Spell] Air of Apologies: Target ally is healed for 14...45 health each time they cast a spell that targets a foe for 2...10 seconds.
10e 1c 18r
[Skill] Kormir's Kiss: Target ally loses 0...2 hexes for each hex one random foe in the area is suffering.
(Coming Soon!)
Intresting Sounds a little like my Sealer and Judge^^.
Here this is you're best CC, better than the Fervor^^.
But some of it are Overpowered you might wan't to nerf it down^^.
I really Like it^^, This is the Only CC which made me wan't to play if it ever releases in GW except for Dubby's Work^^.
Kudos!, Keep up the Creative Work^^!
Here this is you're best CC, better than the Fervor^^.
But some of it are Overpowered you might wan't to nerf it down^^.
I really Like it^^, This is the Only CC which made me wan't to play if it ever releases in GW except for Dubby's Work^^.
Kudos!, Keep up the Creative Work^^!
Thank you
i'll have to read your Sealer/Judge.
Just wondering, what is overpowered about it. Because I agree too just wondering what skills or attribute/energy/health you think is overpowered.
i'll have to read your Sealer/Judge.
Just wondering, what is overpowered about it. Because I agree too just wondering what skills or attribute/energy/health you think is overpowered.
I think Energy gaining primary attributes are overpowered in general, ESPECIALLY if it negates damage as well.
I would go with Damage negation solely, it seems to fit in with the more "front-line" mentality of this class.
The Elite skills are also overpowered.
seems too much like Dervish; nerf to be for Hex only? Oh, and longer recharge for sure (20 sec?)
I like the portal idea a lot! Very original. However, this sounds pretty brutal (cast in middle of enemy Warriors, not only do they get sent away, but if they come back in time for it to expire, they get knocked down!)
I really don't know how to "fix" this, I don't know if other classes will get "anti-portal" skills... if not, then Portals become very powerful on their own.
At least take off the last bit ( If they touch an ally of yours that ally gains the health all the foes that suffer from this condition for 30 seconds.) The spreading to enemies is pretty harsh too, but it is an elite... (more energy cost?)
Holy crap! Is there a cap, or can people end up getting a 19 attribute?!? (or even higher with blessings; +1 att. with Items!)
Either cap it at 17, or just make it a +1 boost for their next skill (most people have a couple of maxed attributes anyway, so this would be truly unbalanced).
EDIT: Just read [M]agna_[C]arta's Sealer. A much better concept, IMO, and frankly it seems you "borrowed" some of his concepts!
(sorry, for the misspelling [M]agna_[C]arta. I still think your concept is better, though, even if the similarities are coincidental).
I would go with Damage negation solely, it seems to fit in with the more "front-line" mentality of this class.
The Elite skills are also overpowered.
[Elite Signet] Signet of Honesty: For each hex and enchantment in your skillbar you gain 3...7 energy and 20...55 health. (maximum: 28 energy; 120 health) 1/4c 10r |
[Elite Portal Spell] Light of Purity: For 60 seconds at target foes location all allies nearby it move 25% slower. Whenever a foe enters the portal they are teleported to another portal in the area. Whenever allies enter the portal their enchantments are renewed. When this portal expires all nearby foes are knocked down and take 20...88 damage. 15e 1c 45r |
I really don't know how to "fix" this, I don't know if other classes will get "anti-portal" skills... if not, then Portals become very powerful on their own.
[Elite Truth Signal] Withdraw Lies: Target touched foe loses 2...7% of their health each time they cast a spell. If they touch an ally to them they also have this condition. If they touch an ally of yours that ally gains the health all the foes that suffer from this condition for 30 seconds. 5e 30r |
[Elite Shout] "You Have The Power!": For each ally, their next 2 skills' attributes are boosted by 3. 5e 12r |
Either cap it at 17, or just make it a +1 boost for their next skill (most people have a couple of maxed attributes anyway, so this would be truly unbalanced).
EDIT: Just read [M]agna_[C]arta's Sealer. A much better concept, IMO, and frankly it seems you "borrowed" some of his concepts!
(sorry, for the misspelling [M]agna_[C]arta. I still think your concept is better, though, even if the similarities are coincidental).
i did not borrow anything for one thing.
i do have to change some of the elite skills.
i am adding mroe skills right now.
there are skills that boost attributes (ex. Glyph of Elemental Power - Boost your next 5 spells attributes by 2 for 15 seconds! That is up to 18 if it is maxed! not even an elite)
i do have to change some of the elite skills.
i am adding mroe skills right now.
there are skills that boost attributes (ex. Glyph of Elemental Power - Boost your next 5 spells attributes by 2 for 15 seconds! That is up to 18 if it is maxed! not even an elite)
Mordakai, My name is Magna Carta not "Magna Carter".
And Brandon he already spoke for me^^, Also some skills last too long, and some you could just plain it out^^.
And Brandon he already spoke for me^^, Also some skills last too long, and some you could just plain it out^^.
Interesting concept.
@ 16 points : 80dmg = 6 energy, 74 dmg taken. Most 5 energy heals will heal for more than 74. Seems like too much energy gained.
Originally Posted by Brandon1107
Energy Absorbtion - For every 4 points into this attribute 2% of the damage against you is negated and turned into energy.
in addition to trucker why only every 4 points?
The paragon primary already stinks because it only does something every 2 levels.
Yours would have even more annoying limitations.
Why not every 2 levels 1%? That in the least would make it a little more usable.
But as trucker said 1% every 2 levels in powerfull in energy gain, on top of that it also reduces the damage taken.
Perhaps you should base it of absorbing non-physical damage, or someother thing which is a source of magical energy.
I know that is a typing mistake as it said 3 yesterday, but ohhhhhh the evilness that could be acomplised with this
level 55 fiends and horrors *drool*
this would be soooo powerfull if you use it with a flare spam, en overpowered in conduration with normal spells to, needs much longer recharge and casting time.
How do you target 2 things at the same time? not saying you can't it would be good if you could, but how do you plan to make it work in GW.
What? why do I want to renew a foe's enchantments?
Other than that the naming could be a bit better, I think that any attributes that end with prayers sound way to monkish.
There now the ciritism is done, it is a cool idea
A battle caster, cool! somehow I don't remeber anyone giving mage weapons to a 70AL 3 pip class(I could be wrong) I wonder why it has not been done before...
The portal stuff would likely look mighty impressive, and can probably be very strategically used.
The enchantment renewing could be extremely usefull and a good addition to the game.
It is you best work and not bad at all, still you should keep improving it.
The paragon primary already stinks because it only does something every 2 levels.
Yours would have even more annoying limitations.
Why not every 2 levels 1%? That in the least would make it a little more usable.
But as trucker said 1% every 2 levels in powerfull in energy gain, on top of that it also reduces the damage taken.
Perhaps you should base it of absorbing non-physical damage, or someother thing which is a source of magical energy.
[Elite Shout] "You Have The Power!": For each ally, their next 2 skills attributes are boosted by 32 5e 12r |

I know that is a typing mistake as it said 3 yesterday, but ohhhhhh the evilness that could be acomplised with this

[Enchantment Spell] Air of Apologies: Target ally is healed for 40...93 health each time they cast a spell that targets a foe for 2...10 seconds. 10e 1/4c 12r |
[Skill] Kormir's Kiss: Target ally loses 0...2 hexes for each hex target foe is suffering. |
[Spell] Knowledgeable Descent: If target foe has an enchantment on them it is renewed and 3...1 of your hexes are renewed. 10e 1c 12r |
Other than that the naming could be a bit better, I think that any attributes that end with prayers sound way to monkish.
There now the ciritism is done, it is a cool idea
Armor: 70 Energy Pips: 3 Weapon of Choice: Staff or Wand and Focus |
The portal stuff would likely look mighty impressive, and can probably be very strategically used.
The enchantment renewing could be extremely usefull and a good addition to the game.
It is you best work and not bad at all, still you should keep improving it.
ridiculously overpowered.
*thumbs down*
*thumbs down*
thank you Crush.
please dont say its overpowered if your not going to elabortate on what IS overpowered.
I need to revise all my typos. lvl 55 minions lol.
and I am altering the attributes
please dont say its overpowered if your not going to elabortate on what IS overpowered.
I need to revise all my typos. lvl 55 minions lol.
and I am altering the attributes
it's intersting I'll give you that. (even though you mispelled [m]agna [c]arta's name :P) . This class seems like a mixture of the dervish and paragon bringing in the power of the gods and using shouts and chants. It just seems too much like what's already here. You might want to edit loyalty and truthful prayers to make it less like a paragon/dervish and more like it's own class.
one of the biggest thing that has annoyed me latley is when people say something but dont give an answer why they think that.
like if someone said you are stupid but doesnt tell you why they think that...that just annoys me
so when you say it is like a dervish or paragon or both, PLEASE ELABORATE.
and i have 2 shouts??? the warrior has more than that, i guess they made the paragon too much like a warrior
like if someone said you are stupid but doesnt tell you why they think that...that just annoys me
so when you say it is like a dervish or paragon or both, PLEASE ELABORATE.
and i have 2 shouts??? the warrior has more than that, i guess they made the paragon too much like a warrior

If you actually read I already stated why it was like a paragon and a dervish. They already have a proffession that uses the pwoer of the gods. A DERVISH!
They already have (yet another) class that summons the power of the gods yet again. A PARAGON!!! they have the god-users all wrapped up so make something new!
They already have (yet another) class that summons the power of the gods yet again. A PARAGON!!! they have the god-users all wrapped up so make something new!
my concept classes only uses the powers of KORMIR! Read everything. geese.
Paragon does summon power of the gods. that is only the dervish who uses all the gods power.
ranger- melendru
monk- dwayna
warrior- balthazaar
mesmer- lyssa
necromancer- grenth
dervish - all gods
devinare - Kormir
all gods summon power of the gods. read up on your Guild Wars.
thank you im done arguing.
Paragon does summon power of the gods. that is only the dervish who uses all the gods power.
ranger- melendru
monk- dwayna
warrior- balthazaar
mesmer- lyssa
necromancer- grenth
dervish - all gods
devinare - Kormir
all gods summon power of the gods. read up on your Guild Wars.
thank you im done arguing.
The Paragon doesn't summon the Power of the God.
They don't even have a skill with a connection with the Gods.
Then soon their was a Connection when the 6th On was Promoted.
But their was already a Paragon before the 6th one, So I dunno who do they worship.
So it sounds like Paragons are Godless but Touched by the Gods, Weird.
And I don't find anything Paragon-Dervish Skill here.
They don't even have a skill with a connection with the Gods.
Then soon their was a Connection when the 6th On was Promoted.
But their was already a Paragon before the 6th one, So I dunno who do they worship.
So it sounds like Paragons are Godless but Touched by the Gods, Weird.
And I don't find anything Paragon-Dervish Skill here.
now that, that is cleared up I am off to make more skills. check out the first post more skills to be added
now that, that is cleared up I am off to make more skills. check out the first post more skills to be added

Alex the Great
Originally Posted by System_Crush
A battle caster, cool! somehow I don't remeber anyone giving mage weapons to a 70AL 3 pip class(I could be wrong) I wonder why it has not been done before...
portal ideas would seem kinda powerful if you put them at a choke point, especially in pve where the monsters just run through........
that means more AI upgrades.......
and more angry nukers........
and nukers are not easy to work with when they are angry
/runs from cynn
overall 7/10
Well all in all since I don't even like Kormir as a god anyway I'll give this class a 6/10. Can't give it higher because I don't like Telling the Truth :P
Grrrrreat reason!
eww please don't conpare the class to a touch ranger. that is the LAST thing i want it to be compared to. most unskillful builds out there and anyone who detests that i'll be happy to hear why. lol. but that is a pretty funny co-winky-dink by the way.

eww please don't conpare the class to a touch ranger. that is the LAST thing i want it to be compared to. most unskillful builds out there and anyone who detests that i'll be happy to hear why. lol. but that is a pretty funny co-winky-dink by the way.
Actually touch rangers don't make that bad a build if you know how to work it. Otherwise yea they suck :P
And I stil don't like the truth so I'm docking my rating to 5/10
And I stil don't like the truth so I'm docking my rating to 5/10

its the noobiest build you can play. it is cheap and takes no skill. there is no "working it" you just go up to someone and start spamming your two skills.
im sure you play it all the time
im sure you play it all the time

Correction the noobest build is a build with skills filled with trash which has no combo, strategy and the attributes are too low, like an ele wielding an axe with air magic but he set up energy storage and axe mastery instead, and he maxed axe mastery but he is not using any axe skills but using air magic but hits people around running. x_x"