My two cents on "Mailing"



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ok, if you search... I think you'll find at least three threads about "in-game mail". Well, I personally like the idea, but then it's going to be a rip off of other RPGs... uh oh...
My little idea:
Though this may be inconvenient, the mailing will only have to be done through the Guild/Alliance. Why? Well, I would first think that if anybody can "mail" you, you could potentially end up with 2 billion hate letters.
If someone hates you in your guild, consult with the Guild Leader, unless if he hates you, then good luck.
The mailing system would be only available through the guild halls, this can be an incentive to join a guild... possibly.
So then, for the mailing thingy, there'll be an NPC in the hall next to the Xunlai Agent. He'll say crap like:
Hello (so and so), I'm a (uuuuh.... hand dandy mail-man?), and I keep messages for safe keeping in my storage box here. You may send, receive, and save messages (say up to 20).

So then there'll be little "highlighted" lines that'll say:
I'd like to check my Inbox.
I'd like to send a message.

Click on them and surprise! a tab like the storage thing will show up. Except the messages will be in a list with the titles instead of objects.

A poor example:
INBOX - Game Shoes (I'll use my alias since I'm lazy)
1 Unread Message
"Yo, yo, yo, example?" (of course, the "new" message will be highlighted)
"Example!" (the read ones will be highlighted, but not as highlighted as the new one)
"And so on..."

Open message: (A new window will APPEAR! GASPS!)
From: Bacon Is My God (another alias of mine)
Time Set: today (I really don't want to try to get a clock programmed on the game, they already have things on the guild roster with hours and days, so just use that system.)
"Yo, yo, yo, it's an example for the people at to read! I hope they can at least decipher half of this thread!"
Then a tab for:
Reply (will describe sending message a little way down)
Return to Mail Box

Ok, I hope you can somewhat picture that in a tab as small as the storage one. Now sending...

Sending Message, another poor example:
Send to: Bacon Is My God (well I'll just my alias again because I'm lazy)
Message: (little box underneath, word limit: 1000 characters)
"Hi me! I like bacon, wow... It can't be! I'm only messaging myself! NO WAY!"
Then a "send" button.

This'll send the message to the fellow guild member. And then they can pick it up.

How will they know they got mail?
Well, I was thinking that on the Character Select screen, there'll be an icon that indicates mail, and also it might be somewhat nice if you can check it from the Character Select screen as well. But not really compose I guess.

I know that there are other in-game mail threads as I have stated above, but this is just how I would like to see it. Not everybody has to agree, but I would like it if you did agree with this system.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


My personal view is you dont need it.

If you look at alternative games like WoW, they use ingame mail to mainly send gold and items, because...

1) You cant share storage between characters, or accross realms.
2) You cant give gold or items to players not on your realm.

In Guild Wars you can do all those things.

If you need to share items or gold between characters you simply put in storage. If you need to give another player an item or gold, you can do by trading because you can move into any district and find them.

We also have friends list which allow us to record and whisper people, so we dont need another form of communication. We have all the facilities we need to communicate.

Mail ingame would also result in an increase in scams. Something WoW has problems with via its mailing system.

It would also result in spam mail, abusive mail, and people sending WTSs and WTBs in emails to other players.

Its a facility we just dont need and it require a more complex interface, and add a tremendious amout of information for Anet to store on their servers.

note: I saw you mentioned that mailing would be restricted to guilds and alliances, but it still seems a redundant feature to add.

If you want to email guildies or alliance members, or any other player, then give out your email address if you trust them. Personally I never would.

/not signed because we dont need it. The current system does everything which email would provide, and the current system is alot more secure.

Swampgirl Inez

Swampgirl Inez

"I love reading trash!"

Join Date: May 2005

Home Again

Ok, if you search... I think you'll find at least three threads about "in-game mail".

Always use the search button before posting a new thread to see if your ideas been suggested before.
Always check the stickied Index of Ideas to see if your idea can be found in there.
If your idea is a slight change of another suggestion that's already been suggested, don't post a new thread on it, post it in the existing thread and continue the discussion over the general idea.