Tome Trader Requested
With the addition of tomes, we now have a new way to unlock things... however the only way to trade them right now is via trade spam. It would be nice if there were a trader that can handle them for at least the elite tomes. Non elite ones would be okay to trader, but the price needs to be reasonable (less than 1k).
I disagree, on the grounds that convenience should come with a higher price. Tomes have made it possible to obtain amazing skill bars before ever leaving Ascalon City, without using a single skill point, and people should have to pay for that level of convenience.
For once, I believe the price of something should be regulated directly by the players, not by the stock level of an NPC (somewhat like weapons).
For once, I believe the price of something should be regulated directly by the players, not by the stock level of an NPC (somewhat like weapons).
Master Ketsu
No reason to force players to endlessly grind just for one elite. Lower then Lv20 PvE being possibly unbalanced by low level characters with an elite skill is hardly a good enough reason to make everyone else suffer having to grind in order to obtain the rediculously high price the economy will put on these items ( especially now that solo farming nerf means they will only be obtainable by random people by totall luck )
Not everyone has no life. I refuse to farm endless hours. Tis a reason I play guild wars instead of WoW/PSO/Rag/Evercrak/.
No reason to force players to endlessly grind just for one elite. Lower then Lv20 PvE being possibly unbalanced by low level characters with an elite skill is hardly a good enough reason to make everyone else suffer having to grind in order to obtain the rediculously high price the economy will put on these items ( especially now that solo farming nerf means they will only be obtainable by random people by totall luck )
Not everyone has no life. I refuse to farm endless hours. Tis a reason I play guild wars instead of WoW/PSO/Rag/Evercrak/.
You still have the chance to either grind for the tome, or just go and get it from the boss itself once you've gotten that far. I'm with Faer on this one, this is too convenient to make it easier to get.
You still have the chance to either grind for the tome, or just go and get it from the boss itself once you've gotten that far. I'm with Faer on this one, this is too convenient to make it easier to get.
The tomes only allow you to learn skills you already have unlocked on you account. Trading in them is only natural, have the market determine the price of them. Why have to become part of spam trading? I reckon the now demoted Scrolls Trader should be the trader.
The tomes only allow you to learn skills you already have unlocked on you account. Trading in them is only natural, have the market determine the price of them. Why have to become part of spam trading? I reckon the now demoted Scrolls Trader should be the trader.
I doubt that either one would end up selling for less than 1k. At the present you can buy any unlocked non elite skill for 1pt & 1k at the end stage towns. So just for this simple tome, the price would be higher for those wanting those same skills at an early point in the game. As for the elites, well they too go for 1k for the sig, but now you're saving yourself some time, specially if you want to buy off an elite from one of those time consuming bosses that might and yet might not spawn at the end of a mission (Ring of Fire for example). So like Faer, I think that people are paying for the convenience here, and the price should reflect it.
I don't really think the price will be an issue to begin with, as the market will certainly keep these close to 100k. I do agree there should be a reasonable lower limit (5k maybe? 10k?) on what the lowest price these will sell for is, although I doubt you will ever find either tome to be cheap, even without artificial restrictions.
I don't really think the price will be an issue to begin with, as the market will certainly keep these close to 100k. I do agree there should be a reasonable lower limit (5k maybe? 10k?) on what the lowest price these will sell for is, although I doubt you will ever find either tome to be cheap, even without artificial restrictions.
Originally Posted by Perynne
You still have the chance to either grind for the tome, or just go and get it from the boss itself once you've gotten that far. I'm with Faer on this one, this is too convenient to make it easier to get. |
But since they are currently tradeable, why should we be forced to use trade spam when ANET already has a better system for trading them ?
Not to say that the traders are perfect, but the do keep the price range stable while allowing people to quickly buy/tomes as they want/acquire them. But the main advantage of wanting a tome trader is that ANET can easily implement them for the tomes.
This is what I think:
* Every single upgrade and stackable drop should have a trader, but trophies (collertor items). That is, Runes, Sigils, Inscriptions, Insignia, Weapon and Offhand Upgrades, Scrolls, Tomes, Dyes, Materials and Rare Materials.
Why to?
* Traders are a reference. You'll never get to scam somebody to make him pay you 5k for an steel ingot, becuase they can always check the trader.
But you can still trade and sell that stuff regardless if they have a trader or not.
-You can still buy ectos in the Temples of the Five gods, most of the time cheaper than in the Trader.
* Traders mean limit in prices. And I will always agree with that for anything but skins, minipets and other 'commodities' that do not really affect gameplay.
- But getting a skill sooner or later does affect gameplay.
* You still need to unlock the skill.
- If you have unlocked them all by PvP, you have the right to get them asier.
- If you have unlocked them by capturing and buying with another characters, you have the right to get them asier.
- If you have paid 35€ for the PvP unlock, you have the right to get them easier.
* Traders save some spam. Every single character byte of spam less will be always welcomed.
And you'll see that getting an elite tome sold for 10k in a a trader would be really great, XD.
* Every single upgrade and stackable drop should have a trader, but trophies (collertor items). That is, Runes, Sigils, Inscriptions, Insignia, Weapon and Offhand Upgrades, Scrolls, Tomes, Dyes, Materials and Rare Materials.
Why to?
* Traders are a reference. You'll never get to scam somebody to make him pay you 5k for an steel ingot, becuase they can always check the trader.
But you can still trade and sell that stuff regardless if they have a trader or not.
-You can still buy ectos in the Temples of the Five gods, most of the time cheaper than in the Trader.
* Traders mean limit in prices. And I will always agree with that for anything but skins, minipets and other 'commodities' that do not really affect gameplay.
- But getting a skill sooner or later does affect gameplay.
* You still need to unlock the skill.
- If you have unlocked them all by PvP, you have the right to get them asier.
- If you have unlocked them by capturing and buying with another characters, you have the right to get them asier.
- If you have paid 35€ for the PvP unlock, you have the right to get them easier.
* Traders save some spam. Every single character byte of spam less will be always welcomed.
And you'll see that getting an elite tome sold for 10k in a a trader would be really great, XD.
I was thinking of this earlier today... they could just add a tab to the rune trader as well.
I was thinking of this earlier today... they could just add a tab to the rune trader as well.
/signed, hate trying to sell this type of stuff.. wait for a week and there be unwanted, alrdy stacking up taking storage space
We don't need lvl 5s running around with elites (well, we'll still get that, but quite a few aren't smart enough to figure out how to buy them from other players). Convenience, as posted above, comes with a price. The price of having to work for it. Fighting a bunch of buffed enemies is equal to that of capping in normal mode. I see no problems with it.
Plus, with any luck, elite tomes may be of some money gain. >
We don't need lvl 5s running around with elites (well, we'll still get that, but quite a few aren't smart enough to figure out how to buy them from other players). Convenience, as posted above, comes with a price. The price of having to work for it. Fighting a bunch of buffed enemies is equal to that of capping in normal mode. I see no problems with it.
Plus, with any luck, elite tomes may be of some money gain. >

Originally Posted by Faer
For once, I believe the price of something should be regulated directly by the players, not by the stock level of an NPC (somewhat like weapons).
The market price for any item is the price at which you have the same number of buyers and sellers of that item. If the price is too high you have too many sellers, too low and you have too many buyers.
Now the traders do adjust their prices to bring their price towards the market value, but the players don't do it as well because they don't have anywhere near as much information as the traders do. Then add to that people who are holding out for a better price which might not come, and then the players will take much longer to reach the market price.
Then we come to the problem of the buyers and sellers finding each other. By having the trader act as a middleman, the transactions happen quickly. But without the trader the players must go looking for the person they want to trade with, then agree on a price. Thats time that most players would prefer to spend actually playing guild wars.
Yes the traders aren't perfect, but they work better than the current system. While other systems will be better, they will also require a lot more work on ANETs part to implement.
As for which trader to stick these tomes with, adding them to the scroll trader seems like it would fit. Though spawning new trader NPCs wouldn't hurt.
Originally Posted by Eldin
We don't need lvl 5s running around with elites (well, we'll still get that, but quite a few aren't smart enough to figure out how to buy them from other players). Convenience, as posted above, comes with a price. |
2 - For them to give the elite to the level 5 character, that means they must of unlocked it either in PvP or on another character. Unless they jumped right into PvP and this is their first PvE character, that means they already have a character they could use to grind for the tomes themselves.
Plus, with any luck, elite tomes may be of some money gain. |
But tbh i'm with Faer. They gave us Signet of Captures and Skill trainers with increasingingly powerful skills further into the game. Been able to just gain any skill in the game wherever you are is slightly too convenient...
I might stretch to the Skill Trainer selling them... but only non-elite versions. If you want an elite, cap it yourself or pay extra.
I might stretch to the Skill Trainer selling them... but only non-elite versions. If you want an elite, cap it yourself or pay extra.
You'll pay extra...
To the trader.
You think Elite Tomes will be sold for 1k? No, mate, no.
I'm positive their prices will match, ectos, black dyes and sigils.
Even more.
Traders won't really make their prices 'cheaper', but 'fair'.
Don't you like fair prices?
To the trader.
You think Elite Tomes will be sold for 1k? No, mate, no.
I'm positive their prices will match, ectos, black dyes and sigils.
Even more.
Traders won't really make their prices 'cheaper', but 'fair'.
Don't you like fair prices?
Originally Posted by Evilsod
But tbh i'm with Faer. They gave us Signet of Captures and Skill trainers with increasingingly powerful skills further into the game. Been able to just gain any skill in the game wherever you are is slightly too convenient...
mazey vorstagg
Seeing as tome drops are not scaled they will drop wutie frequently for a solo farmer. I cannot be bothered to have to spam towns to sell them. I'd rather a trader I can sell them too even if that means getting 7k for each one rather than the 10k price they cost to buy.
I think this seems fair that A-net should introduce it
Seeing as tome drops are not scaled they will drop wutie frequently for a solo farmer. I cannot be bothered to have to spam towns to sell them. I'd rather a trader I can sell them too even if that means getting 7k for each one rather than the 10k price they cost to buy.
I think this seems fair that A-net should introduce it
I changed my mind. /notsigned
Having this mechanism installed could potentially greatly diminish the in-game value of skill hunter titles.
I would, however, like to see a trader for non-elite tomes.
I changed my mind. /notsigned
Having this mechanism installed could potentially greatly diminish the in-game value of skill hunter titles.
I would, however, like to see a trader for non-elite tomes.
Originally Posted by Dubby
I changed my mind. /notsigned Having this mechanism installed could potentially greatly diminish the in-game value of skill hunter titles. I would, however, like to see a trader for non-elite tomes. |
convenience should come at a price; - but this only gives access to SKILLS YOU ALREADY HAVE UNLOCKED. DEE DUH DEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I capped Jagged Bones on my warrior so my hero necros could use it; my l15 necro should get to use it without having to go all the way through Snorefall again.
Master Sword Keeper
In standard GW's PRICING.
Nuff said. Trader's are a waste of time.
Nuff said. Trader's are a waste of time.
Originally Posted by Master Sword Keeper
In standard GW's PRICING.
TOMBS ARE 1k STANDARD. ELITE TOMBS are WORTH 3k. Nuff said. Trader's are a waste of time. /notsigned |
I expect to see your sources for these prices. In fact, I'd like to see where you got the idea that anything other than items sold by merchants had a fixed price, because I always thought that their prices were fluid because their prices moved up and down over time.
Im nearly legendary skill hunter with just 40ish more elites to go. I dont want this title to be aquireable via a trader.
Go work for it.
Im nearly legendary skill hunter with just 40ish more elites to go. I dont want this title to be aquireable via a trader.
Go work for it.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
With the addition of tomes, we now have a new way to unlock things... however the only way to trade them right now is via trade spam. It would be nice if there were a trader that can handle them for at least the elite tomes. Non elite ones would be okay to trader, but the price needs to be reasonable (less than 1k).
Only available to people who have beaten the game though. :P
Aki Soyokaze
I agree with the above statements that on a matter of convenience there should be no trader added for tomes. The ability to simply go to the nearest tome trader and get a full skill bar without stepping foot outside a city is far too easy.
Regardless of the frustration of capping, you're playing and developing a character that you choose to play. The effort that you put into the development of your character should come at a cost in either time or gold. And while yes, going through 'snorefall' just to get one skill might not seem like it's worth it ultimately you're the one that's making the choice to develop another character. So if you want the tome that gets you the skill you want then one should have to work a little harder than going to the nearest trader to acquire that ability.
And while there are those that say they don't want to put up with trade spam it just comes back to the issue of convenience. Player X doesn't want to go into a city and look through trade to find what they want; Player X doesn't want to watch Enter up arrow, Enter up arrow, Enter up arrow; Player X doesn't want to spend time etc. It seems more likely that the issue is with either trade chat or players who just want to fly through the game. If you want something you should work for it.
I agree with the above statements that on a matter of convenience there should be no trader added for tomes. The ability to simply go to the nearest tome trader and get a full skill bar without stepping foot outside a city is far too easy.
Regardless of the frustration of capping, you're playing and developing a character that you choose to play. The effort that you put into the development of your character should come at a cost in either time or gold. And while yes, going through 'snorefall' just to get one skill might not seem like it's worth it ultimately you're the one that's making the choice to develop another character. So if you want the tome that gets you the skill you want then one should have to work a little harder than going to the nearest trader to acquire that ability.
And while there are those that say they don't want to put up with trade spam it just comes back to the issue of convenience. Player X doesn't want to go into a city and look through trade to find what they want; Player X doesn't want to watch Enter up arrow, Enter up arrow, Enter up arrow; Player X doesn't want to spend time etc. It seems more likely that the issue is with either trade chat or players who just want to fly through the game. If you want something you should work for it.
are you freaking kidding me in anyway to include something like this? this one thing already pisses me off enough.. I who dished out 290k plat to go for skill hunter title now can just buy tomes instead of capping them wtf is this all about? seriously i think tomes should be taken out of the game completely. and if you want a trader that makes me even more p/od come on now think seriously
are you freaking kidding me in anyway to include something like this? this one thing already pisses me off enough.. I who dished out 290k plat to go for skill hunter title now can just buy tomes instead of capping them wtf is this all about? seriously i think tomes should be taken out of the game completely. and if you want a trader that makes me even more p/od come on now think seriously
Originally Posted by KazeMitsui
are you freaking kidding me in anyway to include something like this? this one thing already pisses me off enough.. I who dished out 290k plat to go for skill hunter title now can just buy tomes instead of capping them wtf is this all about? seriously i think tomes should be taken out of the game completely. and if you want a trader that makes me even more p/od come on now think seriously |
Im on max tyria and cantha elites atm, 95/141 on elona and only have 12 skill points left, so I also need to farm a lot to get more XP.
Elite tomes I believe are very rare drops, and I would personally value them at 5-10k each. If they cost less then this, then reduce their drop rate plz.
Originally Posted by Dubby
I changed my mind. /notsigned Having this mechanism installed could potentially greatly diminish the in-game value of skill hunter titles. I would, however, like to see a trader for non-elite tomes. |
5,210,000 gold.
Would you really think everybody would buy the title when you can capture a lot of skills much easier.
Nope, they'll just use the tomes for that particular skill that is at the end of a mission and is a hell of boring to capture.
Retarded idea. There's a reason skill trainers are there and there are cap sigs...lazy people that just want to ebay their gold and get sweet tooth, skill hunter x 3, max skill hunter for easy koabd.
Don't care what price you make it. It's the concept of buying titles so easily, especially since skill hunter should be one of those titles that show dedication in capping.
Retarded idea. There's a reason skill trainers are there and there are cap sigs...lazy people that just want to ebay their gold and get sweet tooth, skill hunter x 3, max skill hunter for easy koabd.
Don't care what price you make it. It's the concept of buying titles so easily, especially since skill hunter should be one of those titles that show dedication in capping.
Calluette Hanuette
Easy enough to get anyway, found like..8 mesmer tomes and 2 elite mesmer tomes in one map vanquishing... >>; Just work for it, and if there are already skill trainers, why this? o.O Stop being lazy and cap or get the tomes yourself... >>; Also, I hate traders so...yeah~ ~.~
Easy enough to get anyway, found like..8 mesmer tomes and 2 elite mesmer tomes in one map vanquishing... >>; Just work for it, and if there are already skill trainers, why this? o.O Stop being lazy and cap or get the tomes yourself... >>; Also, I hate traders so...yeah~ ~.~
Alex the Great
Originally Posted by Faer
I disagree, on the grounds that convenience should come with a higher price. Tomes have made it possible to obtain amazing skill bars before ever leaving Ascalon City, without using a single skill point, and people should have to pay for that level of convenience.
For once, I believe the price of something should be regulated directly by the players, not by the stock level of an NPC (somewhat like weapons). |
I hate farming and That would just be another thing farmers could use to get great bars.
Here's an idea: using Tomes should take skill points.
To me that's the real problem with them. Traders ... well ... maybe only for the normal (non-elite) tomes? That would keep the elite tome's value up and not impact the skill hunter titles.
To me that's the real problem with them. Traders ... well ... maybe only for the normal (non-elite) tomes? That would keep the elite tome's value up and not impact the skill hunter titles.
um Anet might as well remove skill trainer if they add tome trader for under 1k. 1k+1 skill point for 1 skill vs under 1k for the same skill.
/ not signed
/ not signed
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Would you really think everybody would buy the title when you can capture a lot of skills much easier.
Nope, they'll just use the tomes for that particular skill that is at the end of a mission and is a hell of boring to capture. |
Originally Posted by Eldin
We don't need lvl 5s running around with elites
Traders make prices fair and prevent people from scamming and abusing.
Anyone against traders just want to get more gold than what things cost.
Would this make skill trainers useless? No. Traders can have minimum and maximum prices set.
That is, they could sell non-elite tomes for 2k or 3k, if they want to, for the extra of 'you don't need an skill point'.
The same for Elite tomes, making the have a minimum of 10k or even 20k.
The point is not that if this would make getting skills easier, but it will put another, much more important limit, the maximum limit.
Traders make prices fair and prevent people from scamming and abusing.
Anyone against traders just want to get more gold than what things cost.
Would this make skill trainers useless? No. Traders can have minimum and maximum prices set.
That is, they could sell non-elite tomes for 2k or 3k, if they want to, for the extra of 'you don't need an skill point'.
The same for Elite tomes, making the have a minimum of 10k or even 20k.
The point is not that if this would make getting skills easier, but it will put another, much more important limit, the maximum limit.
Tomes were a horrible idea to begin with....this is even worse.
I"ve worked damn hard to cap every elite so far, and now anyone can just buy elites, and ultimatly have the same title without leaving Ascalon City.
I"ve worked damn hard to cap every elite so far, and now anyone can just buy elites, and ultimatly have the same title without leaving Ascalon City.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Let's say... The average price of an elite skill tome would be 10k.
90+140+291 5,210,000 gold. Would you really think everybody would buy the title when you can capture a lot of skills much easier. Nope, they'll just use the tomes for that particular skill that is at the end of a mission and is a hell of boring to capture. |
Most elites that are easily cappible I don't see people using this for, maybe if they have feast of corruption unlocked but not capped they'd use this for. I see them using this for harder elites to get or someone who PvPs a lot and needs to get an unlocked elite asap for his next pvp run.
Master Ketsu
Originally Posted by Dubby
I changed my mind. /notsigned Having this mechanism installed could potentially greatly diminish the in-game value of skill hunter titles. I would, however, like to see a trader for non-elite tomes. |
The only titles that take skill to get are glads and hero. Every other title = Grind Wars. The majority shouldnt have to suffer just because the title farmers will feel like their E-penis shrunk because of it.
Originally Posted by Master Ketsu
Every other title = Grind Wars.