I'm havign a rough time judging this, I have bought about 5 lockpicks, and only one of them didnt break first time, of them one was purple and I havent had a fantastic drop from the chest of them.
I have 20% chance of the pick not breaking
However on the up side of this i have had about 10 lockpicks drop while doing a map, and 3 of them didn't break first time, one actual lasted three attempts!
But that one produced 2 gold armours, Superior Illussion and Hammer Mastery, and 1 elite necromancer tome , so once salvaged I have 2 25g runes, and 1 armour destroyed. The price of runes has came down terribly. This was from Vabbi when i was farming the lightbringer title
Over all the percentage, no matter where you are, is awful, it should be a lot higher. The effects of having these absurdly expensive and time consuming titles on it is negligible.
The basis of the idea is great it just doesn't seem very worthwhile in implementation. Though the drops of the picks seems quite high in the desolation. Oh and the two armnours i got didnt even have insignia on them!
Hopefully the devs will notice this and change it for the better, but as it is at least im gettign more to a title i had stoped concentrating on recently