# Remove all Dying Nightmares from UW. These were only put there to demote solo farming. They are just an annoyance at this point and serve no valid purpose.
w/rt, rt/me, trappers and countless other builds arent even remotely affected by these things, they are nothing more than a bother for solo 55'ers, if your gonna stop people from solo-ing a place, do it properly, stop EVERYONE from solo-ing, not just the monk. And don't bother adding a "super monster skill" like you did in tombs, we proved that didnt work. *cough* solo sin *cough*
# Restore Protective Bond to a useable form. You've nerfed this into oblivion, again only to deter solo farmers because this was not a widely used PvP skill. Please put it back to the way it was.
since the nerf. I have seen 0 uses for this. seen 0 builds for it. seen 0 possible ways to use it in anything. Sure, it was powerful, but now, its more useless than Peace and Harmony (well, mabye only just as useless)
# Restore Bathazar's Aura back to a useable form. It should last 10 seconds like before, and it should have a 10 second recharge. Not sure how this would affect PvP, but I don't see alot of smite builds anyhow...
Sure, I have no problems with it as I have other skills, but if this was un-nerfed Id use it, but since it is, I never will.
# Put the griffons back outside Augury Rock
we're gonna solo. No matter what. Just give us some variation in what we solo