Inreased party size in Hard Mode



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Hard mod it's not really impossible, but there are some areas, most of them in Ascalon, that turns quite a hell, since the party size stays the same.

So killing groups of 6 charr that where not a problem, turns into a ell, even with tricks like Greater conflagration>Winter>Mantra of Frost and a whole lot of interruption, healing and protection.
Why? Level progression and party sizes. You get to areas with parties of 6 enemies when you can't .
It's easier to get Vanquisher in Perdition Rock than in Diessa Lowands.
I even got Vanquisher in North Kryta with the "Defend North Kryta" quest active, so it's not that hard mode is too hard, it's simple about the limits of a character can do.

I discarded reducing enemy party sices because how Hard Mode is set.
They just increase levels, AI and give elites and bonuses, without making any real changes to the maps. So if "Mahoma can't go to the mountain..."

I ended up with plaer party size. This would be easily fixed by allowing in some particular outposts, that activating the Hard mode button increased the party size.

To prevent this feature from allowing to make 6/6 or 8/8 parties in some outposts in normal mode, if you fill the 6/6 or 8/8 party, you either can't switch back to normal until your reduce the party or just kick anyone over the 4/4.

I repeat I had this problem only in some parts of Ascalon, where a group of 4..6 charr can keep your increasing your DP and /deaths count util you hit 60% too much fast to be fun.

I don't want hard mode 'easier', but as they said in Anet, they will have to tweak some places after some time. Once they are tested

You could still go from other places for those areas but... geez... having to walk from Yak's Bend to get to some places in Ascalon is somehow a pain. Too slow. And I do like big parties.

The point is. Would this harm Hard Mode in that areas or just make such specific areas less a pain and more fun? Maybe to fast to say this?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

668 the neighbor of the beast



do you have heros? I know this isnt a salution to the people who do not have NF but I have had no problems so far with lvl 20 heros.

~the rat~



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Yep, I have.

Y have them fully equipped too.

I found problems only in some areas whith 4 or more enemy parties and patrols.
Everywhere else was normal. Not easy, nor boring, nor very fast or too slow.

Exactly the way Ward Mode should be.

But there are particular spots, like Grendicth Courthouse, where you can't barely walk some metters far from the entrance without having a wipe after another.