Well, since the last RP died, I'm thinking of starting a new one.
With Shiro Tagachi dead, the world was finally at peace. So many were slain over the jade sea. A year has passed, and the heroes have become lazy and fat. Until one day, there was a change that would start a battle much bigger than Shiro, even bigger than the undead Lich...
Starter of the RP:
Luxon Scout: *Running towards town bruised up and clothes tattered*:
"The jade sea is becomming red and a jade army of fighters is forming!"
Luxon Leader: Damn... This means we''ll have to change the name of the Jade Sea to the Crimson Sea! Call the Cartographers!"
Luxon Scout: "NO! They're headed towards the town fully armed! Mobilize the guards!"
Luxon Leader: "Who do you think you are?!? I'm the leader here. Guards! Prepare to defend the gates!"
In this RP, our Heroes must fend off the first wave of jade attackers, and find the reason that the Jade Sea is turning red, and stop whoevers doing it.
(Post Character Descriptions)
[Try using a template similar to this]
Name: Marcell Benevento
Proffession: Ritualist (Dagger Ritualist)
Age: 15
Backround: A Prodigy, first learning to wield weapons at age 6, he chose the daggers over anything else. Even though his proffesion was the ritualist. He found a way to use his daggers as effectively as assassins by imbueing the power of spirits into them. For fighting in his manner, he's been shunned by both the assassin community and the ritualist one. So, he's had to fend for himself since the beginning, and now because of that, he's become a survivor, livving off of nothing for extended periods of time. Because of being alone for most of his life, he has learned to distrust people.
Physical Description:
Very tall for his age: 5'10
A very slender and fragile looking person: Weighing 120 Lbs
Blind like most ritualists, and uses inner sight to guide him.
Personality: He's quiet and yet has an inner sense of humor. He doesn't like to pick fights, and tends to distrust most people.
We'll start the RP once we have like 3 people, but more people can join midway.
The Jade Guild (RP)
Brother Doug
I don't technically think 'Tales of the Underground' is 'dead' yet. There are slow times in an RP, and since school's coming to a close for most people, exams and projects are looming closer and closer.
People are busy right now. I suspect 'Tales' will pick up again after a bit.
However, I'm not discouraging you from starting another one. Oh no, not at all. This gives other people a chance to join in the fun!
I'd join, but I'm quite busy right now, and I'm already busy with 'Tales.'
Happy RP-ing!
People are busy right now. I suspect 'Tales' will pick up again after a bit.
However, I'm not discouraging you from starting another one. Oh no, not at all. This gives other people a chance to join in the fun!

Happy RP-ing!
Heh, thanks. Sorry I kind of announced it "Dead". Usually RPs are near the top all of the time, and since it dipped that low, and usually when an RP gets buried under a few threads, it dies.
Dro-Ridley Wyvern
OOC: Alright budy Ill help you out but first I must know where this fight is going to take place
Name: Barris Wyvern
Proffetion: Ranger/Ritualist
Age: 23
Background: Rasied in ascalon, Daughter of the Wyvern family. Raised to use the bow. She used her bow to bring justice for thows who could not have any. She was well know for leading a unit called the "Azure Knights." A group of archers that were well know for being able to do any thing. She was well known on the luxon side in her part in leading the assualt on Aspenwood. After loosing the battle for The Aurios Mines she and her unit where posted at "------." She uses the powers of grenth to make her Stoneshard hornbow more strong. Her build is Spiritual Duo of Glass. She created the build while traveling to The Aurios Mines to defend it from the kuzick advancing forces. She met Outcast Raiders and defeated them single handedly. After wich she learned glass arrows.
Personality: She is sarcastic all the time, grouchy, and always seems to be ticked. She is ruthless and comanding. If you where to not to follow orders and jeperdies the mission, just put people in risk, she would not spare one moment of thought and would kill you. She will not take back talk. She will not take kindly to courdly sudgestion. She is the perfect leader but lacks social skills enless...your Wyvern Kin.
looks: She is very small. Wheres 15k Luxon armor.
OOC: Ill do some more things once you get it started.
Name: Barris Wyvern
Proffetion: Ranger/Ritualist
Age: 23
Background: Rasied in ascalon, Daughter of the Wyvern family. Raised to use the bow. She used her bow to bring justice for thows who could not have any. She was well know for leading a unit called the "Azure Knights." A group of archers that were well know for being able to do any thing. She was well known on the luxon side in her part in leading the assualt on Aspenwood. After loosing the battle for The Aurios Mines she and her unit where posted at "------." She uses the powers of grenth to make her Stoneshard hornbow more strong. Her build is Spiritual Duo of Glass. She created the build while traveling to The Aurios Mines to defend it from the kuzick advancing forces. She met Outcast Raiders and defeated them single handedly. After wich she learned glass arrows.
Personality: She is sarcastic all the time, grouchy, and always seems to be ticked. She is ruthless and comanding. If you where to not to follow orders and jeperdies the mission, just put people in risk, she would not spare one moment of thought and would kill you. She will not take back talk. She will not take kindly to courdly sudgestion. She is the perfect leader but lacks social skills enless...your Wyvern Kin.
looks: She is very small. Wheres 15k Luxon armor.
OOC: Ill do some more things once you get it started.