This build is designed to drain a target's energy to 0, at which point they take a large amount of damage. This build can be used on any enemy with great effectiveness in PvP.
This is the basic part of the build...the rest can be changed according to what you are doing....12 curses, 11 domination, 9 fast casting, 10 inspiration
[skill]wither[/skill][skill]malaise[/skill][skill]ether phantom[/skill][skill]energy burn[/skill][skill]energy tap[/skill][skill]ether feast[/skill]
the other 2 skills can possibly be [skill]mind wrack[/skill] [skill]faintheartedness[/skill] [skill]parasitic bond[/skill] [skill]empathy[/skill] [skill]spirit shackles[/skill] or [skill]resurrection signet[/skill]
Pick a target and cast the skills in order, including energy tap and ether feast to drain more energy. After casting ether phantom, pick another hex to cover the three energy degen skills. This build works well in AB, but just be sure to be in the back line and avoid being directly attacked. If you pick a distracted target, they wont know what hit them =D
Me/N Wither Shutdown
Dutch Masterr
I used a variation on this build to great success in AB and RA battles awhile back, since you can very easily take down a caster, and severely hurt other classes, in a few seconds. I incorporated more life management, going mainly Curses / Blood / Ins / FC with stuff like Life Siphon, etc. What weapons / armor do you use?
So you're basically trading your usefulness for their usefulness, except you're expending a whole lot of energy doing it and they aren't.
Dutch Masterr
Originally Posted by P A L P H R A M O N D
I used a variation on this build to great success in AB and RA battles awhile back, since you can very easily take down a caster, and severely hurt other classes, in a few seconds. I incorporated more life management, going mainly Curses / Blood / Ins / FC with stuff like Life Siphon, etc. What weapons / armor do you use?
I use armor armor that gives extra energy (forget the name) or radiant insignias....for a staff i use the Willcrusher, but any +15-20 energy domination staff will do. You could also probably use 20% hsr domination wand with a 20% hsr curses offhand.