Fix Rurik On Nolani
Was doing Nolani on Hard Mode and when you get towards the end he just runs in and aggros everything known to man making the mission very hard. Please make it so Rurik is like a regular ally and just sticks with your party and moves with you are your pace and not his own.
Onarik Amrak
Rurik has been like that forever... I can imagine how that could be particularly bad in Hard Mode, though. LoL
After the cutscene when the gate opens just go right instead of following him to the Stormcaller. You can avoid the entire group of Char waiting there and kill Bontfaaz Burntfur easily. That said, it would indeed be better if Rurik stayed with your party.
The key fix for this would be to add a stop point at the horn for rurik. and make it so he will not blow it untill you tell him too. then your party can go down and clear the zone from a few of the extra mobs first, then go back and tell him to blow and proceed as normal.
then anet will not have to change the script very much for this problem. its just adding a click prompt to his script which should have always been there, but in normal mode rurik is strong enough to deal with the extra mobs, in hard mode he is not.
I am starting to wonder if rurik is lev ampped up in Fire islands... If so if he is lev 30 in there, he should be in previous missions as well when he is an ally in hard mode. that would also be of help for his leroy jenkins moments...
then anet will not have to change the script very much for this problem. its just adding a click prompt to his script which should have always been there, but in normal mode rurik is strong enough to deal with the extra mobs, in hard mode he is not.
I am starting to wonder if rurik is lev ampped up in Fire islands... If so if he is lev 30 in there, he should be in previous missions as well when he is an ally in hard mode. that would also be of help for his leroy jenkins moments...
Yeah, he's a bit reckless, but it's doable. He does stay at the horn for a bit, giving you time to pull the mob with the boss up to the horn. He will stay with you since there, but as soon as the mob is dead, he takes off. After that pint, it should be cake.
/signed to fix rurik or leroy as my guild calls him. Making him an ally would help alot since then the monks would heal him.
~the rat~
~the rat~
....Ok first off I just want to say I agree that Rurik should be fixed... HOWEVER my party did this with the MM and Sin playing half monk, soo it's really not that bad. The great thing is that he tanks really well! ^_^
Dean Harper
/signed, i just did nolani academy today on my new necro and we almost didnt make it even with a monk helping us.... lucky i had wells.....
Himo Viet
me and my group pulled it off. and the funny part was rurik wasnt the problem
Please, make it so after the horn cutscene he acts as a ghostly hero, and do not follow until a player talks to him.
That should be done for all the escorted NPCs.
That should be done for all the escorted NPCs.
Nexus Icon
I think they should make Rurik behave the way he did in beta....
I kid, I kid!
I kid, I kid!

skip it this way you can at least pull 1 group and maybe kill it before he charges off >.>
Strange Guy
Uhmm my idea is much better than you guys!
Want to hear?
Press /Rurik-sit -> He sits down like a child!
Press /Rurik-dance -> He dances!
Press /Rurik-run -> He ran away in circle or whatever
To be continue!

Press /Rurik-sit -> He sits down like a child!
Press /Rurik-dance -> He dances!
Press /Rurik-run -> He ran away in circle or whatever
To be continue!
Hm... won't be a really bad idea at all to make all NPC allies have an NPC panel much like the animal panel...