Originally Posted by SotiCoto
Now... since A-Net don't charge us fees, I understand that they're probably poor as hell and can't afford to fix up their servers to handle this number of people.....
First of all, I can gaurantee you that Anet is not as "poor as hell" If you do the math, they are making as per average player than a pay-to-play MMO. They have sold more than 3 million units in the space of 18-20 months. That's 150 million dollars gross in less than 2 years, and that's not counting the extra money from some of those sales being Collectors edition.
WoW (generally regarded as the gold standard of MMOs will make about $180 million in the same time period from the same number of players.
Anet is not suffering for money. Thier server architecture, and game design is hundreds of times more efficient than WoW's and allows for more flexibility, causing less and less lag, where doing the same for WoW would cost hundreds of times more.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I'm blaming A-Net primarily because I had NO problem before the introduction of Hard Mode... except at one of the previous bonus weekends. Every bit of lag has been correllated perfectly with a spike in activity among the populace.
Blaming Anet for a slow connection is like blaming the New York Nicks for the fuzzyness of the picture of the game that you are watching, or like blaming the bank because when you called thier customer service line on your cell phone, the connection was full of static and interference.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
It might not be serverside fault.... but that is where the evidence points.
What evidence? A tracert? Packet tracking? What evidence, beyond circumstancial and ancedotal, do you really have?
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
My connection is wireless broadband... Running currently at 54mbps.
That right there could be your problem. Wireles is notorious for being quirky and variable at best. Oftentimes it will show a connection of XX, but actual speed varies because it's "Speed" is based on the faster of either download or upload, but for a good solid connection to an online game, you have to have both upload and download to be fast. Wireless is not the best way to connect to an online game. Interference from a dozen different sources can affect it, and it can have blazing fast upload speed while having worse than dialup download speeds. Connect your computer to the CAT5 directly, then come and talk to us.
The other thing is this: Where are you physically located? In Europe, complaints of lag prometed Anet to work with the companies that provide broadband, and in the end solved an issue that was on the ISP's side of things.
Have you reported this? If not, make a report, it could be that there are others in your area that have the same issue, and Anet can start to track the cause, and they can get the ISPs to fix the issues on the ISP's side.
Report the issue to Anet. Run a tracert and see if you can see where the hops are taking the longest. (I can assure you the majority of it will be
before they get to the server) Connect your computer directly to the CAT5 instead of the wireless, and see if makes a difference.
As a previous poster said, there are a huge number of things that can cause the lag, and server load is just one of them. However, becuase of the server architecture, instead of (like other mmo's) a single server assigned to all the people that happened to connect to that server, you can connect to any number of servers for each connection. If a server is filling up, the next connection goes to a different server. It's not like one server is handling too many people.
Anet is not to blame here. And if you haven't reported the issue to tech support, the only person to blame for continued lag is you.