Better Bosses
I'm alittle tired of boss creatures being just like normal monsters just bigger and a few levels higher. If you saw a level 30 boss monster wouldn't you expect it to be a huge, fearsome looking creature with massive attacks not some puny look-a-like? That's what I'm asking for! Giant 3-4 story tall beasts coming out of a carter in the ground blasting at you with huge beamy-lazery thingies! The creature would be reasonably hard/easy to kill though.
Not in guildwars, please go play final fantasy
I saw a boss type thing in WoW (maybe it was WoW "PVP" XD) and that was huge. It's a great visual, but it's not guild wars.
LOL maybe without the tech stuff but I think if we made a raid arena only avalible when the nation has favor. You make a team and your team is pitted agianst a God statue that you see at the Fow and UW area. Naturally there skills will be custom and unobtainible. Since your fighting agianst a god incarnate it should be lvl 50 with alot of health and very powerful.
Even with a good team you have a low chance to kill it. If you do you get a secret srop no one else can get except there.
Even with a good team you have a low chance to kill it. If you do you get a secret srop no one else can get except there.
Like Mallyx?
send me a screen shot of you successfully killing a boos at 0DP with just henchmen on hard about the Nightfall boss that drops Searing Flames.
[wiki]Maw The Mountain Heart[/wiki]
Aren't they big enough for you?
There are many games with huge awesome final bosses, such as Phantasy Star Online. But they are so 'special' and unique, that they are few, and thus, there are only four.
I like more 400 bosses looking a bit alike than 4 looking very different.
Aren't they big enough for you?
There are many games with huge awesome final bosses, such as Phantasy Star Online. But they are so 'special' and unique, that they are few, and thus, there are only four.
I like more 400 bosses looking a bit alike than 4 looking very different.
OMG Mallyx?
His big but he could be bigger.
His big but he could be bigger.
The Dreadspawn Maw
plus glint, the lich,abbadon, and shiro
all of these are bosses that look like nothing else. and some of them are freaking huge.
~the rat~
The Dreadspawn Maw
plus glint, the lich,abbadon, and shiro
all of these are bosses that look like nothing else. and some of them are freaking huge.
~the rat~
I liked the idea viper had, but all this was an idea, but I like having bigger more challenging bosses, because the ones that you see everywhere are too easy
bloody streak
-Maw The Mountain Heart
-Zhu Hanuku
-Dreadspawn Maw
-Maw The Mountain Heart
-Zhu Hanuku
-Dreadspawn Maw