Looking for A Dervish Running Build [SS to Kodash]
I've been trying out quite a few builds for dervish to run from sunspear sanctuary to Kodash Bazaar, but nothing seems to work. anybody have any workable builds they can tell me, would be much appreciated
running in nightfall is near impossible -- you would have better luck fighting your way up with heros and henchies.
Xiaxhou of Trinity
warkaster you pessimist....running in nightfall is not near impossible, jennur's horde is runnable as well as the quests in the realm of torment. I don't know the route to Kodash from SS though I would really like to get a run there for my sin, and I've seen some runners spamming in SS (before i needed the run how convenient) so I suppose it's doable, I just dont know the route there or else I would fight the way myself =]
Originally Posted by Xiaxhou of Trinity
warkaster you pessimist....running in nightfall is not near impossible, jennur's horde is runnable as well as the quests in the realm of torment. I don't know the route to Kodash from SS though I would really like to get a run there for my sin, and I've seen some runners spamming in SS (before i needed the run how convenient) so I suppose it's doable, I just dont know the route there or else I would fight the way myself =]
dude from SS to Kodash you have to go through at least 4 areas, one of them being the Yahtendi Canyons.......where there is no way around agro and most of the groups have at least one boss in them. trust me fight there its not that hard with a full group it should only take you about 45 minutes.
dude from SS to Kodash you have to go through at least 4 areas, one of them being the Yahtendi Canyons.......where there is no way around agro and most of the groups have at least one boss in them. trust me fight there its not that hard with a full group it should only take you about 45 minutes.
its kind of funny i showed members in my guild how to do it now they do the run regularly for cash. so i wouldn't say impossible til you ruled all possibilities. and if you want a tip on how to do it pm in game LOrd ayabara