Skill trainer in guild halls cost 100k...but.. are they worth it. Not in my opinion. From a skill trainer you can buy prophicies skills for prophicies professions. Why not just update this to make it so you can buy the skills for ALL PROFESSIONS and ALL CHARACTERS. Just make it so you can have the basic Kamadan, Shing Jea, Ascalon skills and your un-lockable PVP skills. It is stupid to have to go to the guild hall, unlock a pvp skill, and then go to KAMADAN or KAINENG to get your skill..when you could just go to the person next to you in the guild hall.
/Signed for this.. anyone?
Skill Trainer
Exterminate all
Diddy bow
The skill trainer is a bit stupid and this has been suggested before...
anyways i think ALL skills is a bit exssesive i think having any skill you have unlocked and more importantly some friggen skills for sin, derv and paras (stupid rits :P)
anyways i think ALL skills is a bit exssesive i think having any skill you have unlocked and more importantly some friggen skills for sin, derv and paras (stupid rits :P)
yea just make the god damn skill trainer work like the priest of bath, then you wouldnt get it abused cause it would only have the skills for your campaign and skills you have unlocked..... currently his only use is sigs of capture. but yea this has been suggested a mana a times
/signed but next time use index my friend
/signed but next time use index my friend
Offer all unlocked, regardless of campaing:
Along with all unlocked, offer all skills offered by trainers the current character has talked to:
Offer all unlocked, regardless of campaing:
Along with all unlocked, offer all skills offered by trainers the current character has talked to:
SO a new character can just goto the Guild Hall and buy whatever he wants and goto the level 10 arenas and have a field day? Why make it free for them to do that????
Because it costs 100k to put him in your hall Frazzy, there should be some benefit for that cost...
Swampgirl Inez
From the READ FIRST Sticky thread:
See the links in the previous post. Closed.
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