Originally Posted by Nkah Sennyt
Uh, yeah. That. Traps are only overpowered if you're... I don't wanna say dumb enough, but that's the only phrase that comes to mind... to walk into them.
Also, two [well, one conjoined] word[s] for you if you're having walking-into-trap trouble: Pre-prot.
Uh, you should really read posts before replying to them, it'll make you look a lot less foolish in the future. lol
As I said, the trappers like to trap teleport landing sites, so you don't walk into them, you teleport there, and have no way of knowing what's down there when you do so.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Whats needs to happen, imo, is someone on your team needs to identify that trapper, so whenever anyone sees him wander off, just wand him repeatedly. or at least mark the trap by pinging the map.
Heck you can nullify his whole trap setup by going "He trapped the teleporter pads, dont go there."
Ever try to get 12 people in Alliance Battles on four teams, to work together? Not exactly going to happen, and there is so much land to cover it's too hard t keep an eye on everyone. I know, I've snuck off to do the same thing before, and it's eay not to be noticed.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
If your not smart enough to see that running over a spot a ranger has been camping for a long time isn't smart you deserve to die too. To plant those 5 Spike Traps you'd need to be casting traps for at least 60 seconds with QZ up at least.
Read the post please, walking into them isn't an issue.

It's easy not to do that, but if you can't see where you're about to be teleported... it's an issue.
Originally Posted by NJudson
That's pretty funny....but in his defense I don't think there is much anyone can do when smacked with all those traps at once. Hence the title of the thread, "Instant Death Traps".
Yea, but people aren't smart enough to read a post before they reply to it, they'd rather just skim it then make a reply and end up looking foolish.
Originally Posted by anshin
if you fell more then once in that trap... im sorry for you...
Not in the same AB, no. I used the porter several times with no issue, then blam! So I went out the front door and killed the Trapper, but the last time it happened I wasn't the only one through the portal at the same time, and several people died in the explosion. If I get hit once then I don't trust that trapper not to do so again, but often I can do several ABs without seeing a trapper, then next thing you know there are several.
Originally Posted by Sub Frost
# Spike Trap: increased damage to 10..40.
# Trapper's Focus: increased duration to 5..25 seconds.
# Tripwire: increased damage to 5..20.
This updates?
Yes i can see the problem here... such overpowered raw, insane, cataclysmic buffs are indeed a problem...
Uh, FYI... but the attempted 'Sarcasm' thing isn't working well for you, especially when you don't figure in the damage the traps do at a 16 in Wilderness, or the damage they can do when you have 5 or more of each of them go off on you at one time in one spot. Keep trying though.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Wasnt your team paying attention to the ranger who sat there laying traps o.o?
In Alliance Battles? lol no ...not with all that land to cover and all those people and NPCs running everywhere.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
If you give a trapper enough time to set up 10+ traps that you sprung....maybe you should rethink your targeting? It only takes one hit to ruin a trapper's day/
As I keep saying... AB... with all that land to cover and all those people and NPCs... not really so easy to do when one person sneaks off to the side where no one is at and starts dropping traps.