I think it would be cool to show a title of our characters true level.
Gaile had talked about in GW's 2 having a lvl99 cap or not even putting in a cap to show people the time you've invested. She also mentioned how special the original Christmas items are to her because it shows people she has been around since the beginning. I think it would be a really cool title to show the true level of your character. We get the xp and lvl our characters all the time and all we get is skill points. I have so many of those its not a driving factor to get more xp. But being able to show my Char is really lvl 248 (if we took away the lvl 20 cap.) would be sweet!
Anyone else with me on this?
New Title for thought. The ability to show our "true" level
Doug the Head
Swampgirl Inez
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