Programming G-Keys On A Logitech G11 KB
Sar Far Cain
Yes i Dont Know If This Is The Place To Post This But I Was Wondering i Just Bought A G11 And Was Wondering How To Config It For GW Ive Seen Some Post Talk About The G15 And Told of Some Of Their G-Key Binds But Dont Know How They Got Them To Bind It (ex. Someone Bind G7 To Pick up Items) I was just Was Wondering If Someone Had One And Could Tell Me Their Binds And How They Config It To Do IT Ty
Same, my girlfriend got this for me for my birthday a few weeks ago and im also wondring how to get binds like that.
for picking up items, i'm guessing they just made a macro that hit the "Targeting: Item -Nearest" and then Space bar.
Originally Posted by Sar Far Cain
Yes i Dont Know If This Is The Place To Post This But I Was Wondering i Just Bought A G11 And Was Wondering How To Config It For GW Ive Seen Some Post Talk About The G15 And Told of Some Of Their G-Key Binds But Dont Know How They Got Them To Bind It (ex. Someone Bind G7 To Pick up Items) I was just Was Wondering If Someone Had One And Could Tell Me Their Binds And How They Config It To Do IT Ty
No seriously you should read the manual or visit the support site.
There is 2 ways, I myself you a G15, there is the quick 'key bind' method which is easy and simple. Or there is the advance programming method which is even easier then the first.
Once you know the guildwars shortcuts [hot keys] it's about as easy as learning to type without captialising the starting letter of every word!
Crap your in trouble then.
No seriously you should feel like an idiot for typing like that!
iF yOu iNsIsT oN CaMeLtYpInG, pLeAse dO iT lIke pRo'S.
Originally Posted by Roshi_ikkyu
Crap your in trouble then.
No seriously you should feel like an idiot for typing like that! |
"Your" indicates possession.
"You're" is short for "you are."
Originally Posted by
iF yOu iNsIsT oN CaMeLtYpInG, pLeAse dO iT lIke pRo'S.
For more information:
At this time I'd like to point out that I'm not really this picky about grammar. I'm just making a point about glass houses and the hurling of heavy objects of high hardness (stones, etc.)
Originally Posted by Dex
Well, if we're going to be picky about the way people type...
...At this time I'd like to point out that I'm not really this picky about grammar. I'm just making a point about glass houses and the hurling of heavy objects of high hardness (stones, etc.) |
I wasn't decending into grammar nazi mode.... oh wait I'll stylise it so it appeal to your understanding Grammer Natzee
I'd like to point out that I'm not really this picky about grammar. |
CR3AT0R What I can suggest for you girlfriend (other then reading the manual and visiting the support site) is google-ing the keyboard and web-forums. Find examples of what other people have applied there "macro keys" too, then transferring to GW.
So far I only use my keys for hot key functions. I add the wordly because some people assume you can create a farming bot with the 'macro keys'. But they don't work like that.
Originally Posted by Sar Far Cain
Yes i Dont Know If This Is The Place To Post This But I Was Wondering i Just Bought A G11 And Was Wondering How To Config It For GW Ive Seen Some Post Talk About The G15 And Told of Some Of Their G-Key Binds But Dont Know How They Got Them To Bind It (ex. Someone Bind G7 To Pick up Items) I was just Was Wondering If Someone Had One And Could Tell Me Their Binds And How They Config It To Do IT Ty
Turn the caps-lock off and stop typing like a 'tard!
Originally Posted by Roshi_ikkyu
Wow, Atleast my reply was kinda on topic. The only probelm I had with his/her style of posting was the @#$% caps. Its not a slight mistake, it certainly doesn't happen by accident. I don't think he posted and then went 'oops, I over used the caps abit'.
I wasn't decending into grammar nazi mode.... oh wait I'll stylise it so it appeal to your understanding Grammer Natzee |
Sar Far Cain
Ok Ive read what you guys put and frankly i dont care about the way i type it doesnt matter is it hurtting u no i dont think so but all im asking is how to program My G-keys is that to hurt to reply about if you dont know well ok but if you do know i would like you to tell me and there i used Min. caps happy?
Originally Posted by Sar Far Cain
Ok Ive read what you guys put and frankly i dont care about the way i type it doesnt matter is it hurtting u no i dont think so but all im asking is how to program My G-keys is that to hurt to reply about if you dont know well ok but if you do know i would like you to tell me and there i used Min. caps happy?
I'll try to define it in a simpler method.
With your keyboard came software, I'll assume that its been installed. Most of the information supplied bymself will relate directly to the G15, the next keyboard in the series. Primary difference is a LCD screen for specific game play information. (But ignore that, the processes required aren't supported by GW and Anet. Its a function they have to enable)
Logitech G-series Key profiler is the programme that you'll need, if it wasn't with your keyboard(hardware) in the form of a CD (disk). You'll need to contact the supplier of the hardware or the Logitech support site.
Check the Logitech support site because they always have patches and updates that improve the use of your hardware.
Open the Logitech G-series Ky profiler, and click on the help tab located in the top left corner. First option down is tutorials, select that option and follow the natural progression of tutorials, to learn how to achieve the best preformance. These don't just cover game play but use for the G11 and G15 in a general keyboard sense
I'm going to guess-timate that I lost your attention somewhere in that short example. And just incase I'll offer a version for the intelligently challenged.
MR key, top left hand corner of keyboard, 4th silver button along. Is for quick record 'macros'. Press it then a G button (listed on the left hand side, G1 to G18) then do the keyboard action, what buttons you want that selected macro key, to record. Press MR again. You just recorded a quick access macro!
As for if you wanted a fully supported and defined series of macros assigned to Guild wars. It hasn't been developed yet. Why? Its a function that has to be supported by the game creators.
Good luck.
You could try mod forms for a series of macros that fans have created, best chance is to just google G11 mod guildwars.
This macros aren't against the EULA?
Originally Posted by FireSnake
This macros aren't against the EULA?
To actually create a bot out of the G15 or G11 keyboard would be a mission and a half, since it only records linear key press progression.
white wolfgang
I thought it was? saw that in an old thread a long time ago.
Can you prove your statement? Not being a wise arse It just would be nice to know if you have one you can actually use it without fear of losing ones account over a keyboard.
Can you prove your statement? Not being a wise arse It just would be nice to know if you have one you can actually use it without fear of losing ones account over a keyboard.
Gareth G
Originally Posted by Sar Far Cain
Ok Ive read what you guys put and frankly i dont care about the way i type it doesnt matter is it hurtting u no i dont think so but all im asking is how to program My G-keys is that to hurt to reply about if you dont know well ok but if you do know i would like you to tell me and there i used Min. caps happy?
Bad grammar and no punctuation may not be a big deal to some people, but this is a place for communication. If you can't be bothered to communicate effectively, then expect to be criticized for it once in while.