No Req8's in HM!
Details: After getting over 40-70 Golds from Monster Drops, chests, etc. I have not found a single Max Gold item That is req8...this is all in HardMode Factions, the monsters are lvl 26 (if that matters)
Seems like Rarity of req8 are equal to NF now in this done on purpose or what?
This may belong in "Outstanding Bugs" but i dont know how this stuff works
PM Me to ask where this is if you need to know, k bye
Seems like Rarity of req8 are equal to NF now in this done on purpose or what?
This may belong in "Outstanding Bugs" but i dont know how this stuff works
PM Me to ask where this is if you need to know, k bye
req8 in NF is very rare. You may see alot of req8 item but the majority of these are from cantha or tyria. Req8 rarity in NF is about equal to req7 rarity in the previous campaigns
I'm pretty sure this is intended... it's probably another lame attempt to stop PvE gaining an advantage over PvP by having the ability to deal pathetic damage at 8 weapon stat instead of 9. Hardly an advantage, but it doesn't really matter.
dies like fish
Higher Levels= Higher requirements
I see a ton of req 8 and req 7 weapons . . . but none that are max damage

I even got a r8 Gothic Dual axe purple, and it's max so I don't think it's supposed to be that rare.
I got it in normal mode tho, from a chest.
I got it in normal mode tho, from a chest.
Max Req 8s in nightfall are about the same as Max Req 7s in Factions and Prophecies.
umm how is this a bug....... req 8 and 7 have always been rare... thats why they sell for so much.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
I'm pretty sure this is intended... it's probably another lame attempt to stop PvE gaining an advantage over PvP by having the ability to deal pathetic damage at 8 weapon stat instead of 9. Hardly an advantage, but it doesn't really matter.
- Mo/W with shield bash can get full benefit from his req 7 shield with 7 tactics, whereas a PvP char would have to spec 9.
- Support paragon with low spear mastery would want a req 8 spear so he needs to invest less points to get "wanding" damage.
- Most common paragon builds today have 14-16 spear and 12 leadership (breakpoint on anthem of flame) which doesn't leave 9 points to meet the req on a command shield unless you run a major leadership.
- Conjure flame warrior (assume no tac for heal sig) doesn't want to spec 9 str because he'd get more damage from 11 fire/7 str or even 12 fire/4 str than 10 fire/9 str.
If you're running a DPS character, you obviously have 14-16 in your damage attribute, so there weapon req is irrelevant.
Feathermoore Rep
I think yall missed the point. He is saying he hasnt found any req8s in Factions. Which only after, his assumed exaggerated, range of 40-70 golds is quite possible. He compared Faction req8s to NF req8s.
True req8s are rare, but there not THAT rare as req7s (Prophecies n Factions) and req8 (NF).
True req8s are rare, but there not THAT rare as req7s (Prophecies n Factions) and req8 (NF).
some of u guys are brain dead, this has nothing to do with nightfall so get that out of your head.
What hes trying to say is req 8's dont drop with the same frequency in hard mode as the did in normal, and no i dont think he is exaggerating. Im a hardcore chest runner and ive yet to see a req 8 from easily 100 chests. Its BS period. Anet cant do anything without tossing a nerf in for 'honest hard working' farmers.
What hes trying to say is req 8's dont drop with the same frequency in hard mode as the did in normal, and no i dont think he is exaggerating. Im a hardcore chest runner and ive yet to see a req 8 from easily 100 chests. Its BS period. Anet cant do anything without tossing a nerf in for 'honest hard working' farmers.
Hell Raiser
I got a req 8 16 armor white Skeleton Shield from Tyria in HM, so they do exist. Req7 and Req8 should not be common. They're rare, as they should be. However, those who farm to death only want req 7/8 so they can make more gold, not so they can cheat in PvP. I think it is intentional, and works fine.
Feathermoore Rep
You idiot. We are talking about gold items. No one cares about white crap.
And im saying he may have exaggerated his chest numbers. 40-70 is a pretty retarded range. I think hes done a maximum of 40 by that range personally and just wanted to make his post seem more credible by boosting the range.
But in all my playing the only gold req8 I've had drop on me (that was memorable at least) was a req8 Fellblade. Unfortunately it was 14^50, but I keep it anyway just becuse the different between 14 and 15^50 is so minimal. (and it looks kick a$$ on my ranger).
But hey drops are still random. Get over it. Quit your bitc...I mean crying.
And im saying he may have exaggerated his chest numbers. 40-70 is a pretty retarded range. I think hes done a maximum of 40 by that range personally and just wanted to make his post seem more credible by boosting the range.
But in all my playing the only gold req8 I've had drop on me (that was memorable at least) was a req8 Fellblade. Unfortunately it was 14^50, but I keep it anyway just becuse the different between 14 and 15^50 is so minimal. (and it looks kick a$$ on my ranger).
But hey drops are still random. Get over it. Quit your bitc...I mean crying.
I think people are trying to say is Hard mode does not in any terms = Elite drops(req8/7)
Its just more exp, higher lvl, more difficult..... higher chance of rare drops(gold+purple but not req 8 and 7) and so forth.
Its just more exp, higher lvl, more difficult..... higher chance of rare drops(gold+purple but not req 8 and 7) and so forth.
Patrick Smit
I have seen the frequencies somewhere, though I can't recall where and what they exactly were. Though what somehow oozes from my mind is that a mere 100 chests is not near the safe number to draw conclusions on the existence of req8 items or not.
Best show that your findings significantly differe from normal frequncies, otherwise its just gutfeeling or whining on not getting that nice item.
Best show that your findings significantly differe from normal frequncies, otherwise its just gutfeeling or whining on not getting that nice item.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
I'm pretty sure this is intended... it's probably another lame attempt to stop PvE gaining an advantage over PvP by having the ability to deal pathetic damage at 8 weapon stat instead of 9. Hardly an advantage, but it doesn't really matter.
For casters a req. 7 shield is an enormous advantage. For conjure warriors as well.
A better solution would be to just make all items req. 9 when you enter a PvP outpost, but do not make the mistake to think it doesn't matter.
Eir Of Asgard
It has been always been more possible to find rare req.7-8 in regions with lowlvl monsters such as kourna, the city districts of cantha (for exemple nahpui quarter) and so on.
Also a lot of the req. 7-8 Items was not max dmg/def/energy.
But, and that's important: some are max and lowreq.
I dont think there will be no req.8 items in hardmode, but they will be more rare, because of the higher monsterlevel.
Also a lot of the req. 7-8 Items was not max dmg/def/energy.
But, and that's important: some are max and lowreq.
I dont think there will be no req.8 items in hardmode, but they will be more rare, because of the higher monsterlevel.
Eir may be right.
I have 300 chests till my next title, ill track how many req 8's if any i get.
All the mobs are lvl 24 or higher.
I have 300 chests till my next title, ill track how many req 8's if any i get.
All the mobs are lvl 24 or higher.
I've had hundreds of NF golds, never seen a r8 before. The only less than 9 max equipment I have seen came from Tyria/Cantha.
I am not saying they do not exist, I know they exist. I am saying I have had tons and tons of golds and have not gotten one myself. 40-70 golds is not anywhere near large enough sample set to determine that they do not drop in HM.
I am not saying they do not exist, I know they exist. I am saying I have had tons and tons of golds and have not gotten one myself. 40-70 golds is not anywhere near large enough sample set to determine that they do not drop in HM.
Just so you know, i wasnt exaggerating, now i've gotten 120 Golds same place, still no Req8s, no not in NF. NOT NORMAL MODE
Rarity seems to be of previous req7s. I view Req7s in Tyria/Cantha , and Req8s in Elona as "Round off bugs" no i don't literally mean bug, but its like a 15.5armor shield can have req7, and then rounded up to 16armor...this is only my personal explanation/view on reqs lower than intended. Ofcourse this theory can never be confirmed or disproven, it is supported by the idea that req7 max golds drop more frequently from LOW lvl monsters (which is why you see more req7 Crenellated swords/celestial swords than Oni Blades for example).
That is all
No flames are necessary (nor welcome)
Rarity seems to be of previous req7s. I view Req7s in Tyria/Cantha , and Req8s in Elona as "Round off bugs" no i don't literally mean bug, but its like a 15.5armor shield can have req7, and then rounded up to 16armor...this is only my personal explanation/view on reqs lower than intended. Ofcourse this theory can never be confirmed or disproven, it is supported by the idea that req7 max golds drop more frequently from LOW lvl monsters (which is why you see more req7 Crenellated swords/celestial swords than Oni Blades for example).
That is all
No flames are necessary (nor welcome)
Diddy bow
Im sure ive found a few req 8 blue/whites in hm cantha no golds though

Xx Devour Xx
i got a gold max req 8 14^50 dead bow from the skeleton rangers out side of bergen in hard mode. guess its just luck :S