Possible side effect of the loot scaling?
Just for gits and shiggles I took a look at the gold sellers on eBay to see what the effects on gold prices have been.
They're gone. All the gold sellers on eBay are gone. Either eBay did a crackdown, or this is really working.
They're gone. All the gold sellers on eBay are gone. Either eBay did a crackdown, or this is really working.
Evan montegarde
The first. Ebay removed all online game auctions a while back.
Originally Posted by Evan montegarde
The first. Ebay removed all online game auctions a while back.
Neo Nugget
items = gold
Not so much a side effect as a DIRECT effect. I did a google search to find gold sellers and it seems that prices have either skyrocketed... or the people moved on to farm for more profitable games! Many sites say "There are currently no Guild Wars items available". Rejoice!
Originally Posted by TheLordOfBlah
items = gold
Gold sellers were there just a couple days ago. Pages of them.
Alex the Great
3 cheers for Anet
you did the impossible
how bout an auction house?
you did the impossible
how bout an auction house?
consider this alternate explanation:
because of the loot scaling, tons of people quit the game, and the gold sellers now have no customers, and so they shut down.
this is almost certainly not what really happened, but I think we're jumping to conclusions if we say that Anet has succeeded with the loot scaling.
(especially with all the reports of bots at Bergen Hot Springs)
because of the loot scaling, tons of people quit the game, and the gold sellers now have no customers, and so they shut down.
this is almost certainly not what really happened, but I think we're jumping to conclusions if we say that Anet has succeeded with the loot scaling.
(especially with all the reports of bots at Bergen Hot Springs)
Alas Poor Yorick
Yay - fewer gold sellers!
Oh, wait, I can't afford to buy anything in the game anyway -- so what the H do I care if there fewer gold sellers?
Oh, wait, I can't afford to buy anything in the game anyway -- so what the H do I care if there fewer gold sellers?
Originally Posted by Alas Poor Yorick
Oh, wait, I can't afford to buy anything in the game anyway -- so what the H do I care if there fewer gold sellers?
I was in LA not an hour ago and I saw someone whining about how the price of his gold has almost doubled since the nerf.
Needless to say I was one of the many who reported him for claiming to buy gold. However, if he wasnt just doing this for some sort of "macho look at me lol" effect, you might be right. It would make sense. Harder to get gold, therefore less to sell, therefore higher prices to make the most of what you have.
Anyway, any sort of anti-gold-selling works for me, even if it does make it that little bit harder for me to get my Sin Vabbi armor
Needless to say I was one of the many who reported him for claiming to buy gold. However, if he wasnt just doing this for some sort of "macho look at me lol" effect, you might be right. It would make sense. Harder to get gold, therefore less to sell, therefore higher prices to make the most of what you have.
Anyway, any sort of anti-gold-selling works for me, even if it does make it that little bit harder for me to get my Sin Vabbi armor

I just checked the german ebaysite and there are still five pages of item/gold sellers. There is actually a great decrease in goldsellers, but if I remember it correct, the price for ebaygold has risen quite a bunch. 110€ for 1000 Plat. Duh. But if there are still enough crazy people buying, esspecially at that price, it's just a matter of time until the sellers return.
The lootscaling did just one thing. Botters take longer to get the same amount of gold.
The lootscaling did just one thing. Botters take longer to get the same amount of gold.
A.Net didn't do anything. Ebay cracked down on game-type auctions(selling gold, weapons etc.)
Just on google.
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,200,000 for guild wars gold |
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Fender
Ummm..... That's EXACTLY why you should care. Less people buying gold means less inflation. That gold you do have is becoming more valuable.
The merchants and skill traders don't give a rat's ass that there is less gold in circulation.
The lootscaling did just one thing. Botters take longer to get the same amount of gold. |
And also, it might even boost their profits. Since gold will for some be even harder to come by legally, the demand will rise, but supply will stay reduced.
So in the end, they might even profit much more for selling gold for more money.
No matter how they "adjust their bots" bots will still make less money now they did before loot scaling (think about it, bots are getting an 1/8th of the gold they used to (or with solo HM farming, lets say a 1/4th). This is brillant and I'm quite pleased.
Also, to Neshim who just googled "guild wars gold," did you actually look at those thousands of sites? Half of them are probablly redirects to threads on forums like this and other sites. Its doubtful that there are 2.2 million GW gold selling sites when only 3 million copies of the game have even been sold
Use your head people.
Also, to Neshim who just googled "guild wars gold," did you actually look at those thousands of sites? Half of them are probablly redirects to threads on forums like this and other sites. Its doubtful that there are 2.2 million GW gold selling sites when only 3 million copies of the game have even been sold

Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by NoChance
consider this alternate explanation:
because of the loot scaling, tons of people quit the game, and the gold sellers now have no customers, and so they shut down. this is almost certainly not what really happened, but I think we're jumping to conclusions if we say that Anet has succeeded with the loot scaling. (especially with all the reports of bots at Bergen Hot Springs) |

A few more facts: Gold is now substantially more expensive to buy in RL cash. Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. The average player is making more from playing. And yep, we're dealing with bots and sales-spammers regularly, too.
Things are going well.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Things are going well.
![]() |
Good, sounds like everything is going right.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
A few more facts: Gold is now substantially more expensive to buy in RL cash. Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. The average player is making more from playing. And yep, we're dealing with bots and sales-spammers regularly, too.
Angel's Sorrow
Originally Posted by Series
Not so much a side effect as a DIRECT effect. I did a google search to find gold sellers and it seems that prices have either skyrocketed... or the people moved on to farm for more profitable games! Many sites say "There are currently no Guild Wars items available". Rejoice!
SO yes...Rejoice. These sites are getting richer now.
How do I know this? I know someone who bought gold from these sites and had a looong nice chat with the sales people there.
And as Gaile said...people are playing more after the update...I know a few people who are playing much more or should I say trading much more. Getting rid of all the stuff they got for gold. Who knows what they do with that gold uh
Bryant Again
Hah, I opened this thread, expecting to see something bad! This is some cool news. Too bad there are still bots, though...
However, Msceorsky, I did like that barricade in outposts idea...
However, Msceorsky, I did like that barricade in outposts idea...
Player numbers up since the update? of course they are, those bots have to get more gold now, they need to farm in teams of 8.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
A few more facts: Gold is now substantially more expensive to buy in RL cash. Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. The average player is making more from playing. And yep, we're dealing with bots and sales-spammers regularly, too.
Things are going well. ![]() |
i got into a conversation tonight with someone about the idea i posted here about allowing players to set themselves up as AFK merchants. the person i was talking to suggested that this would increase compition between sellers and drive prices down even more. - a logic that i didn't initialy think of, but agree with.
i'm not sure if the dev's have decided on a new trade system or not, but as i stated in this thread, if you want to encurage us to trade with each other, we do need a beter system. -- considering that it might just help to drive price's down by increaseing compition, i thought it was worth another shot to point you twards it again.
just remember to fix our soul reaping first
thanks for all the hard work.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Phew! NoChance, you gave me a start there.
![]() A few more facts: Gold is now substantially more expensive to buy in RL cash. Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. The average player is making more from playing. And yep, we're dealing with bots and sales-spammers regularly, too. Things are going well. ![]() |
I think anyone could have seen it coming a mile away - loot scaling would drive up the cost of gold with RL money. I personally haven't seen IG prices drop, but I'd hypothesized on another thread that high end farmers would have to lower their prices due to the drop in the actual amount of money in the game. I trust Gaile has more accurate intel on this than me, so I'll take her word on it.
Time will ultimately tell on this whole thing, and all that we can do is ride it out. I suspect that the system will be tweaked a few times within the next few months, but ultimately those who continue to play, such as me, will adapt and change with the times.
Well here is my personal view on things at a micro level.
I'm not spending my money on anything at this point. I got armor, weapons galore after 2 years of play. With the expansion coming out, I am best served to just wait. I am getting off my duff and working on the @#$%@ mapping titles.
And oh, if you want to see something funny, go to Altrumm Ruins International District and stand on the stairs. It's like a damn conga line of Mo/Me's running out the exit door.
I'm not spending my money on anything at this point. I got armor, weapons galore after 2 years of play. With the expansion coming out, I am best served to just wait. I am getting off my duff and working on the @#$%@ mapping titles.
And oh, if you want to see something funny, go to Altrumm Ruins International District and stand on the stairs. It's like a damn conga line of Mo/Me's running out the exit door.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
...We have more people playing Guild Wars, and they are playing more hours.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
..Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. ...
The average player would make more from the updates if he/she was able to play in hard mode. Otherwise, not really.
Problems will never be over, since there is always going to be those people who are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want. Unfortunately you can never solve something so quickly without there being a backlash.
Chop it Off
non-hard mode
factions/nf mish's quests.
new sin.
made over 120k in 10 days.
so please people. stop pissing/moaning.
ive seen more gold items drop as of late then i EVER have before loot scaling.
non-hard mode
factions/nf mish's quests.
new sin.
made over 120k in 10 days.
so please people. stop pissing/moaning.
ive seen more gold items drop as of late then i EVER have before loot scaling.
Well it maybe so for ebay, but I just did google search guildwars + gold, and got numerous pages of gold providers. Be it so that most charge 120$ + for 1000K. lol
Hard Mode farmed a req 10 & 11 Colossal scimitar last week made Fow Armor in 2 days of farming. You just have to know where, how and when
hero's/hench. non-hard mode factions/nf mish's quests. new sin. made over 120k in 10 days. |

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Player numbers are up since the update that introduced Hard Mode and made other game changes.
Things are going well. ![]() |
So, thank you!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players.
Well actually.... the only things this is making more affordable are things being sold BY other players.... and for those of us who don't buy from other players anyway, this is a huge hinderance... ¬_¬
Meh... what do I care though?
It is tougher for me to get the armour I want, but at least I can farm my own weapons to some extent now.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
and for those of us who don't buy from other players anyway, this is a huge hinderance... ¬_¬
Travel through on a few int districts, bots still advertising money seller pages (ascalon, great temple and so on)
I signed up for the Sword of the New world open beta after the Soul reaping nerf, but this past weekend I let my computer run afk on 9-rings while I played Final Fantasy 12.
So yeah, "my playtime is up" since the introdction of hard mode.
Anyways, Gaile, I saw a lot of contsnt spamming for the sale of in game gold for cash in the international district one of the great temple of balthazaar. While its sad when gold sales happen on ebay, these sales really ought not to happen ... In game.
WTB: in game mods to police spam.
So yeah, "my playtime is up" since the introdction of hard mode.
Anyways, Gaile, I saw a lot of contsnt spamming for the sale of in game gold for cash in the international district one of the great temple of balthazaar. While its sad when gold sales happen on ebay, these sales really ought not to happen ... In game.
WTB: in game mods to police spam.
Originally Posted by FoxBat
You know how traders work, yeah? Especially for all those non-scaled items like dyes, superiors, and ectos.
They drop at the same rate as before because they're non-scaled... and there is no specific spot for farming them.... so there should be just as many of them as before, going at the same price....
... But people have less gold.
You do the maths. ¬_¬
Sir Kilgore
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Phew! NoChance, you gave me a start there.
![]() A few more facts: Gold is now substantially more expensive to buy in RL cash. Prices within the game currency are dropping, making more things affordable to players. The average player is making more from playing. And yep, we're dealing with bots and sales-spammers regularly, too. Things are going well. ![]() |
Maybe everyone is just out playing rather than hanging around in the outposts or maybe I'm just managing to show up in outposts in the few minutes they aren't well populated, but it is different than it used to be.
If loot drops haven't changed for the "average player" then how in the world could he be making more money?
What prices are dropping? The only thing I've seen is a couple runes below pre-nerf levels while many common runes have increased in price. Ectos seem to be about where they were before the last update and trade spam prices don't seem to indicate significantly decreased advertising prices. Armorers and weaponsmiths are still charging the same amount as they always did. Many materials were already bottomed out in price and can only possibly go up unless the low limit cap is removed. So exactly what prices have been dropping? Are the 4 or 5 rune price decreases what we are talking about here?
Hopefully the increase in RL prices for GW gold will result in less being bought and thereby less GW gold flooding the economy, but it's pretty clear that the botters are still in full swing.
I know it's your job to be all cheery and optimistic about this stuff, but I'm having a hard time buying your outlook based on what I'm seeing on a daily basis.
Edit: spelling
For the last time... As long as things like 15K armor/FoW armor/1K skills... Anything that has a set price excists, people will want to buy it and need cash.
What A-Net did is take away the farming from the Casual Players (hardcore farmers can still farm UW, and bots go in groups of 8).
So the only thing this does, is screwing the casual players, who don't even need 15^50 gold Colossal Scimitars.
Gold is more expensive to buy in RL, cause it's worth more. Also, more people will actually BUY gold now. (casual players don't have the time to farm so long to get the cash they want (Casual players get their cash from the blue/white drops.)
Remember, Casual Players do NOT spend 7 hours a day trying to sell a friggin rare item. (which is now made even more difficult, since weapons are less wanted with every update).
What A-Net did is take away the farming from the Casual Players (hardcore farmers can still farm UW, and bots go in groups of 8).
So the only thing this does, is screwing the casual players, who don't even need 15^50 gold Colossal Scimitars.
Gold is more expensive to buy in RL, cause it's worth more. Also, more people will actually BUY gold now. (casual players don't have the time to farm so long to get the cash they want (Casual players get their cash from the blue/white drops.)
Remember, Casual Players do NOT spend 7 hours a day trying to sell a friggin rare item. (which is now made even more difficult, since weapons are less wanted with every update).