


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Minstrel (Mi):
-Dancer of Death, Song of Passage
"Discordant Harmony, Music is Rythemed Pain".

-Coming Soon^^....

Skill and Boss Color:
-Orange Red


Orange Red Pixie

Followed God/ess/s:

Racial Availability:
-Human and Sylvari

Health and Energy:
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 25.
-3 pipes of energy.



-Starter Armor: AL 15
-Low: Al 20-30
-Medium: AL 40-50
-Maximum: AL 60


-Bonus Armor +5 (While 1 or more creatures are affected by your Dance, Song or Play)
Armor +5 (While 2 or more creatures are affected by your Dance, Song or Play)
Armor +5 (While 3 or more creatures are affected by your Dance, Song or Play)

-Bonus Armor +15 (While Casting)

-Musical Instruments or just Instruments.

Health Degeneration 1-3, Chance 50%(req.9 Renowance/Harmonious Play)
Interuptibility Chance -50%
Two Handed

Health Degeneration 3-5, Chance 25%(req.9 Renowance/Discordant Play)
Casting Speed +33%
Two Handed

Health Degeneration 2-4, Chance 33%(req.9 Renowance/Romantic Play)
Energy Cost -15%
Two Handed

Coming Soon^^!...


-For each 2 Ranks of Renowance, You gain 1 Energy, Whenever an ally is affected by your Plays, Dances and Songs. If this reaches 9 ranks you are able to Move while Casting.

Melodious Play
-Specializes in Buffing and Supporting Allies.

Discordant Play
-Specializes in Interrupting and Lowering Casting Speed and Duration of Spells and Skills.

Romantic Play
-Specializes in Energy-Management and Charming and Confusing Foes.

Skill Listing:


-Shout, 10e|60r : Allies within Earshot gains Encore, When affected by Encore, For 5-9 seconds, Affected Allies Next Dance, Song or Play would Recharge Instantly. If you and an ally Duo's the same Song both you and that ally's skills are recharge instantly.

-Skill, 5e|1c|20r : You're Next Dance, Song or Play's Effecting Range Increases by 50%.

-Skill, 5e|2c|25r : You gain 2-5 Energy for Each Affected Allies by you're Dances, Songs or Plays (Maximum 15 Energy).

Melodious Play

White Music[Elite]
-Play, 15e|10c|45r : While Casting, Allies within Earshot Cast Healing and Enchantment Spells 50% faster and Heal for 50% more. Harp Required. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance. This Play's Casting Time increases by 2-10 seconds.

-Song, 10e|3c|30r : While Casting, Allies within Earshot can't be Interrupted. This Songs's Casting Time increases by 5-14 seconds. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Ignoring Troubles
-Dance, 5e|4c|15r : While Casting, Nearby Allies can't be Affected by Hexes. When this Dance is Duo'd, Allies Adjacent to you are Healed from all Hexes. When Dancing you are Easily Interrupted. This Dance's Casting Time increases by 8-13 seconds. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Discordant Play

Dance of Death[Elite]
-Dance, 10e|5c|45r : While Casting, Nearby Foes are Interupted each second. Whenever a foe is Interupted they take 10-35 Dark Damage. When Dancing you are Easily Interrupted. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Broken String
-Skill, 5e|1/4c|20r : If you're Playing, You are Interrupted from you're Play, Foes within Earshot are Interrupted.

Sad Opera
-Duo Song, 10e|1c|25r : While Casting, Adjacent Foes cast 50% Slower, Whenever Affected Foes cast and Enchantment they are Interupted. This Song's Casting Time increases by 6-9 seconds. Duo Partner Required. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Romantic Play

Succubus Play[Elite]
-Play, 15e|5c|60r : While Casting. Charm a Random Nearby Foe, The Charm Ends when you or you're Allies hit him. 50% chance of Success. This Play's Casting Time increases by 4-10 seconds. Violin Required. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Heartbroken Song
-Song, 10e|3c|45r : End all Charms. While Casting, all affected foes suffer from Confusion. This Song's Casting Time increases by 9-24 seconds. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

Dance of the White Rose
-Dance, 10e|1/4c|25r : While Casting, Nearby allies gain +1-3 Energy Regeneration and Whenever Nearby Foes attack they suffer from Charm for 9-15 seconds. This Dance Casting Time increases by 3-7 seconds. When Dancing you are Easily Interrupted. You can't Move with 8 or less Ranks of Renowance.

-Coming Soon^^!...

I. Musical Instrument System
-Musical Instruments, Degenerates Health or Energy unlike other weapons but when equipping them it slowens your Movement Speed. And Consist of 3 Types, the Flute, Piano and Violin.

II. Harp Weapon
-Harps are Easy-to-Use Instruments and it sound Tranquils the Mind.
By Playing this Instrument causes your Interrupt Rate to Lessen.

II. Flute Weapon
-Flute are Magically Attuned Instrument. The Flute can suck the Magic out from casting straight to the Music.

II. Violin Weapon
-The Violin, Lyssa's Favorite Instrument. Cause of Lyssa's Favor in this Instrument she has given a Special Trait giving this Instrument the Ability to Charm, Confuse and to Lower Energy Costs.

III. Charm System
-When affected by Charmed you can't attack the Charmer and the Charmer would appear as you're Ally.

III. Confuse System
-When affected by Confusion you are treated as Hostile to all sides for a limited time.

I. Perfoming Skills System
-Performing skills are divided into 3 groups "The Dance", "The Play" and "The Song". Performing skills have Special type of System like Duo System and more.

II. Dance System
-When Dancing you are Easily Interruptible when you are Interrupted the Dance Ends also with a Limitation that your Movement Speed is Slowened by 33%. You are limited to one Dance at a time.

II.Play System
-When Playing It is required for you to wield a M. Instrument. When playing you're Movement Speed is Slowened by 33%. You are limited to one Play at a time.

II. Song System
-Songs are like and treated as Shouts but with a Duo System and you are Limited to one Song at a Time.

II. Duo System
-Duos are Special Type of Skills which requires a Partner or you may Optionaly play with a Partner.

II. Required Duo System
-Required Duo System Needs a Partner so to the skill of your choice works.
To find out which is a Required Duo the Skills Type would have a Duo written on it.

II. Optional Duo System
-Optional Duo actually doesn't need a Partner, But adding Partners to this just Improve your Plays, Dances and Songs. Optional Duos are aren't written on the Skill Type.

II. Synchronize System
-Synchronize helps you make Duos. A Synchronize may only be activated when an ally and another ally within their areas use both same and duo skills.
When the ally starts casting you too need to cast before that ally ends his Casting, When this is Successful both of you would cast same time. Making it a successful Duo Performance. Be reminded Synchronize System may only just work when an ally is still casting the skill but you may still Duo with a Partner who has already started before you, Synchronization just supports your Duo.

Coming Soon^^!...

Coming Soon^^!...


__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________

More CCs of mine^^.
CC Case



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


I like it still a few things spring to mind.

You haven't explained the weapon, it deals chaos damage to adjascent, ok...
Does it do so each second?
How does it deal this damage (magic probably) but a bit more defined.
And what would it sound like when you attack? some horrible sound, normal music or (ohhh ohhh great idea) white noise folowed by sonic boom.

Also during a play you should be able to walk, but not run. Afterall you are just playing an instrument, doesn't require your feet.
And if they can't move how are we going to have parades at special events.

And if the weapon's attack is normal music would you not also be attacking while in a play?

For charms I'm sure can't attack the charmer would work, but I would want to make it so that the charmed creature targets you as an ally.

So they can't attack you because you are an invalid target.
Additionally, if the charmed target uses a team affecting abilety, such as heal party or shouts and chants they would affect you as well.
That way the imobelisation from the skill used to carm and the 50% failure is worth it even when not in PvP.

Now on the skills.
Dance of Death[Elite]
-Dance, 10e|45r : For 5 seconds, Foes Nearby you, Takes 15-35 Shadow Damage for each Dead Creature within Earshot each second(Maximum 75 Damage). When Dancing you are Easily Interrupted.
Is overpowered, you could deal 375 armor ignoring damage with 2 corpses, you should at least need 6 corpses to hit the 75 dmg cap if it is armor ignoring.
Elementalists AoE skills are all effected by armor, if you make it deal dark or chaos damage 4 corpses sould be enough to keep it balanced.

Dance of the White Rose
-Dance, 10e|25r : For 3-7 seconds, Nearby foes gain +1-3 Energy Regeneration. When Dancing you are Easily Interrupted.
What? why do I want to restore a foes energy?

Broken String
-Skill, 5e|20r : If you're Playing, You are Interrupted from you're Play, Foes within Earshot are Interrupted.
Wow this is soo like the elite version of cry of frustration I want on my mesmer.
Which is probably why it is overpowered, it is way too l33t of an interupt.
Sad Opera
-Song, 10e|45r : For 1-3 seconds, Foes within Earshot are Interrupted for each seconds, Whenever They are Interrupted they take 35 Chaos Damage.
This one is twice as bad.

Even if discordant play is supposed to be a interupt attribute it should not be usable to paralise all foes in earshot, perhaps it should instead distract foes cause effects like increasing recharge times by X% in earshot, foes in earshot use a spell they lose 1 energy and other effects.
Earshot is a huge range any effects in earshot have to be weaker to balance this, this makes it rather dificult to make blanced earshot effects.

It needs a bigger focus on the damage and sabotage, even with the overpowered interupts, the function seems to be a lot like a paragon, because with spears the paragon also has 1 damage atribute, for a true damage/debuffer class you would need 2 atributed usable for dealing damage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Cause of the Damage "Shockwave"!
I didn't say that you can't attack while playing I think(I edited it a little so I forgot^^)
I Nerfed the others^^.
I made Romantic Play into Damaging too,



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Yea balance is better now, some skills are a bit confuzing in their discriptions, but you are working on 4 CC's so I guess it is to be expected.

If I found a good looking intrument I would play one(pun << get it?)... I don't think they had baseguitars back then



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



I would reason (or BS) that musical damage are not done purely from the sound/voice/music, rather are a form magical energies that the Singer/Bard/Minstrel use and control, but in the form of music-like melodies. (but would still count as sonic damage) Thus common-day real life logic can not be use to explain why someone playing a Guitar would hurt/kill you.

Anyway... cann't say no to a Bard/Minstrel. The seperation of play, song, and dance help it stand out a bit from Paragon... thus the function still very similar.

Other than that... well.. nothing too surprising. And why need to work on 4 cc at once?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007


Scavenger Pirates


I like the idea of the duo system. Combo-ing attacks would be really cool.

If the dances are easily interrupted, doesn't that mean that you're pretty much dazing yourself and your dance will never last more than like 2 seconds?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Nope^^, You forgot Harmonious Play and The Charm System^^.
Harmonious Play is use to prevent Interruptions but some skills from HP are used for other Buffs too^^.
And Charm is used to Prevent enemies from attacking you, It's like Pacifism but with Joining in their Ally List^^.

BTW, The Concept Class Models are actually doing a Duo^^.
The other one is Singing and the other one is Playing^^.

Correct Jeans

Correct Jeans

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2007


Free Willzyx [MASA]


quick question. If u charm a foe, will they attack other foes for u? Like if ur fightning shiro and the lich lord, cud u charm shiro to kill the lich lord and all the margonites? And suppose ur just fighting shiro as a solo. If u charm him and he is the only opponent on the map, do u win?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Uhm, You can't Charm other foes to kill other foes that would ruin PvP and it is Overpowered in PvE.
And you won't win If you Charm Shiro cause the Objective there is to Kill him.
I think I need to Nerf Charm, You can't anymore Charm Bosses from Yakslapper to Shiro.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


There's a better way to do that you know, bosses already have hexes and conditions last 20% shorter on them, I immagine the same would go for charms.

Unlike pascifism a charmed foe can still attack your allies,
and the carm ends when sombody hits that foe(hmmmm, perhaps too much like pacifism)
And pasifism also works on bosses so why wouldn't charm work.

I think you should make charming a little more different from pacifism, let it stay when your team attacks the foe, because that foe can still attack your team, the charmer is the only one that is safe.
Make it only you using a skill on or attacking that foe end the carm not your team.

So a 1v1 Shiro farm, you charm shiro, Shiro can't attack you for X seconds, but still move and cast so he he uses his self heals and moves around a little with his dumb AI.
You can only move at reduced speed because you have to keep playing(or are imobelised because of a dance)
You attack or try to get way from him(or heal yourself), either way the charm ends because of timeout or you interacting with foe and the fight continues, all you did was buy yourself some time nothing unbalancing if you ask me.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


okay^^, I will take out the nerf^^.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Duo System Implemented^^!..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Improved Duo System^^!..

Improved Musical Instruments^^!..



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Use the edit button.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Use the edit button.

I don't understand.

Master Sword Keeper

Master Sword Keeper

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Dead Isle

Farmers Of Woe [FoW]


Man how hard would it be to move in that get-up?

A dervish with a dress is hard enough.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Changed Weapons and Skills^^!..


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Imperial Guards (TIGI)


It's an interesting idea. The idea of a bard is not new, of course. My thing would only be that I'd sort of hate to see people dancing and singing in a PVP battle. Doesn't make a lot of sense. I suppose it is supposed to be some sort of 'charming' which is a magical ability, so it isn't that charming means you'd stop fighting in PVP to listen to someone play a song in the middle...

Perhaps charming means slowing down their rate of attacking, moving, and casting spells. At the highest level, they'd would be rendered basically useless, though I think all 'charm' spells should have a really long casting time.. and the effect of the charm spell actually takes effect during casting time...

So it wouldn't be such a big thing to charm an enemy, since it keeps you occupied to do so. That I could buy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


The Charm which I mean is Seduce.
And cause they are Seduced by you they'll not hit you and they will also they may even want to heal you^^!
But Controling People is too Over-Powered^^!