If this is covered in another thread please, please, don't blaze me - just lock this thread and provide a link. Thanks :-)
OK so the one thing I would really like to see in GW:EN is the internationalisation of all 10 character classes. It would be great to create an Assassin in Prophecies, a Dervish in Factions etc.
The main reason for this is that, other than titles, I really don't see any purpose in taking (for example) my Dervish into other campaigns. If I go to Factions, I'll go through Kaineng achieving what exactly? There are no new skills at the trainers, no new items at the collectors, no armours at the armourers. Yeah it's kind of funky to play the other campaigns with a strange character type (I love the funny looks I get in Sanctum Cay...what the hell are you? Whats a D?) but this on its own is not much of a reward for owning all three campaigns.
There are Rt and A enemies, bosses, elite skills and armours in Nightfall even though the classes can't be created there. So there is precedent for supporting classes outside of their native continent.
But of course what would be best is the ability to create an Assassin in Pre-Sear and for him/her to have a distinctly 'Tyrian' look. Maybe a good ol'fashioned cloak-and-dagger Footpad type apperance rather than the pseudo-ninja of Factions. Sure, a Dervish is something very african and therefore you could say native to Elona and it's theme....but with some good artwork there is no reason the class can't be fitted into the look of another campaign. In any case....the gods are the same across the whole world.
The one problem I can see this causing would be the introduction of Assassin/Ritualist/Dervish/Paragon enemies and elite skills to campaigns where they don't exist. It would require some rebalancing of areas and also maybe add a good 20-30 elite skills onto people's Tyrian Skill Hunter track that they thought they had completed (as have I).....
...but isn't this what we'd expect from an expansion pack? We're going to get extra skills and explorable areas ANYWAY which is going to impact titles, so this doesn't create a new problem that isn't already there.
One of the funniest things I find is that you go to the Maguuma Jungle and fight against 'White Mantle Ritualists'. Of course these are necroes....but what a perfect opportunity to just make them Ritualists.
All 10 classes in all 10 campaigns, with extra routes between areas (tunnel from Ascalon to Thunderhead Keep! tunnel from Crystal Desert to Vabbi! do it do it do it), and a new plot layer that breaks down the linearity of the 3 campaigns and gives alternative evolution.... well this would be a perfect expansion for me.
Awaits the usual guru posts saying
- n00b
- don't know what you're talking about
- stop stealing my title!
- this has already been discussed 728 times
Request for GW:EN - retrofit new character classes to old campaigns
I doubt that you actually get "funny looks" in Sanctum Cay. They are just animated toons and don't do "looks". Also, there would be very few GW players, whether they have the other chapters or not, who would actually not know what a D is. And, you would be far from the first character from other chapters to have gone there (my Assassin and Dervish have both been there.)
As to you're other point about White Mantle Ritualists, I agree that it would make more sense if they actually used Ritualist skills - and perhaps they will change that - but on the other hand, you could get complaints from those who don't have the later chapters that they can't get skills to properly counter skills from other chapters.
Tunnels - not a bad idea, but I hope they would do it better than the practically useless "teleporter" that can take you from the Desolation to the Crystal Desert. Not only do you have to walk a long way from the nearest outpost to get there, but when you do, you find out that you already have to have been to the Crystal Desert to use it. Since you can "map travel" to the desert once you've been there, what's the point of this teleporter?
As to you're other point about White Mantle Ritualists, I agree that it would make more sense if they actually used Ritualist skills - and perhaps they will change that - but on the other hand, you could get complaints from those who don't have the later chapters that they can't get skills to properly counter skills from other chapters.
Tunnels - not a bad idea, but I hope they would do it better than the practically useless "teleporter" that can take you from the Desolation to the Crystal Desert. Not only do you have to walk a long way from the nearest outpost to get there, but when you do, you find out that you already have to have been to the Crystal Desert to use it. Since you can "map travel" to the desert once you've been there, what's the point of this teleporter?
Neo Nugget
Yeah white mantle ritualist=necro=?
I would like to create an assassin in NF or proph but i know thats probably never going to happen
I would like to create an assassin in NF or proph but i know thats probably never going to happen

what i would actually like is choosing any chapter, with any specific look for a new char. I like how the tyrian necro looks, but i want to start it in elona. Now that would be great ^^
Originally Posted by Quaker
As to you're other point about White Mantle Ritualists, I agree that it would make more sense if they actually used Ritualist skills - and perhaps they will change that - but on the other hand, you could get complaints from those who don't have the later chapters that they can't get skills to properly counter skills from other chapters.
Originally Posted by Quaker
Tunnels - not a bad idea, but I hope they would do it better than the practically useless "teleporter" that can take you from the Desolation to the Crystal Desert. Not only do you have to walk a long way from the nearest outpost to get there, but when you do, you find out that you already have to have been to the Crystal Desert to use it. Since you can "map travel" to the desert once you've been there, what's the point of this teleporter?
And whereas the problem with overlevelled characters arriving in Ascalon (average level 10), and having no real challenge, existed pre-Hard Mode, it simply doesn't now. Add to this some new A/D/Rt/P skills and content in Prophecies and you've every reason to go and play the campaign in sequential order.
One idea: to make a 'one way' trip you could always join a 'trade caravan' that only travels in a certain direction, say from Vabbi to Ascalon. There could even be a charge, or you could earn money defending the caravan from attackers? If we needed a reason for why it only goes one-way, you could just say that Vabbi won't accept refugees from Ascalon. I bet they wouldn't anyway, those mean old princes.
Oso Minar
It would be nice to add replayability to the original campaigns, especially with the bulk of GW:EN being for level 20 characters only.
Originally Posted by Torqual
One idea: to make a 'one way' trip you could always join a 'trade caravan' that only travels in a certain direction, say from Vabbi to Ascalon. There could even be a charge, or you could earn money defending the caravan from attackers? If we needed a reason for why it only goes one-way, you could just say that Vabbi won't accept refugees from Ascalon. I bet they wouldn't anyway, those mean old princes.
I really like this idea. I'm a sucker for a good story/plot and something like this would be really cool. As you stop through various towns, you have to defend them from raids a la the Sunspears in Kryta/Cantha quests.
granted it would be a good idea to incorporate other classes into previous campaigns but it would also mean the complete re-invention of each campaign with quests, bosses, skills, etc. since they couldnt just throw them in and wish em the best of luck with no bosses to cap from or any skill trainers to learn derv,sin,para,rit skills from. as for tunnels or somethin like that from like vabbi or or sunspear sanctuary (tunnel from command post to anywhere) but make it have some sort of pre-requisit other than you must own the campaign your trying to travel to. i.e. if traveling from the command post you hafta enter the tunnel to whichever town your going to and defend the diggers or somethin like that.