I would like to see some changes to the Mesmer skillz -

About Inspiration skillz becoming Inspiring ??
Skillz that reduce (fire/ice/earth/lightning) damage to the whole party rather than just the mesmer - we're supposed to be inspiring arent we? Cant we use the powers of our minds to persuade our fellow team mates that those meteors falling from the skies, sub zero temperatures and flesh rendering storms dont really hurt as much as all that?
Illusion skills (oki got zick of the ..z'ing) Why cant we create illusions ? Like make clones to draw off the enemy like the valkerie clones in D2. Cant you imagine it. Create an illusion over the ridge, watch the hordes go charging away after it and you can make a clean get away. Hell put the cloen up in front of you and let it tank some whilst you send backfire and degen at the hordes... Illusion skills should be able to change the AI of the enemy and make the hordes fight amoungst themselves (its just a hex so normal hex removal skills apply to counter) (Can you imagine that in PvP ? All of a sudden everything points to a mate as being an enemy? You takes on the skin of one of the opposing team, his cape changes colour and no one can communicate with him and the auto targeting lets you target him - lol)
Anyway as you can see these arent all that thought out and Im sure some smart alec will come along to pick and worry a bone - but I think that this could be fun. Number crunch your way through it to protect All Mighty Balancos the God - but this might work.