nice feature...if it was implemented
i recently wrote to ANet about an awesome feature me and my bro thought up, and they said to post it on a fansite, so why not go to the #1? the following is copy and pasted directly from my email.
my brother and i thought of a nice account mod that we wish you could implement.
he is stuck in a certain place in the game, and he wants me to run him, but since we use the same account, i cant. WHAT IF you made it so multiple people could log onto the same account? you might be saying "then what if someone logs onto your account?" well, you could have a little pop-up that says "Your Character "name" has been logged in." another prob is "what if its someone you dont know?" another solution is to have a lockdown pass word. if its someone you dont know, enter the lockdown password and the account will be taken offline, so that you can change the password and/or email.
this is a nice feature that i hope will be of use.
my brother and i thought of a nice account mod that we wish you could implement.
he is stuck in a certain place in the game, and he wants me to run him, but since we use the same account, i cant. WHAT IF you made it so multiple people could log onto the same account? you might be saying "then what if someone logs onto your account?" well, you could have a little pop-up that says "Your Character "name" has been logged in." another prob is "what if its someone you dont know?" another solution is to have a lockdown pass word. if its someone you dont know, enter the lockdown password and the account will be taken offline, so that you can change the password and/or email.
this is a nice feature that i hope will be of use.
Many many people have multiple accounts just so that more than one family member can play at the same time. So while it would be nice it would be a fundamental change that would affect sales.
edit: fyi Sardelac Sanitarium is the correct forum for suggestions.
edit: fyi Sardelac Sanitarium is the correct forum for suggestions.
It would be nice for us but not for ArenaNet
8 people could share a 3-campaign account, meaning they make 3 sales instead of 24!

I'll be moving this to our Sardelac Sanitarium, where game suggestions go, but I see many problems with this just at first glance.
You mention a lockdown password, there's no way to know which party is going to use that lockdown password. Enough people have had their accounts hacked/stolen that this would be devastating. I imagine some of the tech to implement this might be difficult as well.
The bottom line is, there just isn't enough of a need for it to be implemented. Besides a few circumstances, I can't see something like this needing to be a widespread feature.
You mention a lockdown password, there's no way to know which party is going to use that lockdown password. Enough people have had their accounts hacked/stolen that this would be devastating. I imagine some of the tech to implement this might be difficult as well.
The bottom line is, there just isn't enough of a need for it to be implemented. Besides a few circumstances, I can't see something like this needing to be a widespread feature.
The reason this shouldn't be implimented is bot farmers. Imagine if 4 bots could run off the same account (most bots don't seem to link campaigns). Bot farmers would then need to only purchase one copy of the game instead of 4 to make the same profit.
The reason this shouldn't be implimented is bot farmers. Imagine if 4 bots could run off the same account (most bots don't seem to link campaigns). Bot farmers would then need to only purchase one copy of the game instead of 4 to make the same profit.
It's one of the basis of the Eula.
1 account ---> 1 player.
End of story.
1 account ---> 1 player.
End of story.
yea... wow..... no if you want more than one person playing you have to buy more than one account...... or else someone could just pay someone 10$ and get their own slot to play on..... no thanks
Kale Ironfist
I'm surprised that you're asking ArenaNet to support breaking their EULA. You were told one person per account, yet you're playing with your brother on the same account.
alot of people share accounts i have met more then one husban/wife combo and a GF/GF combo that shared an account as they only have one computer.
to the OP
to much abuse to many problems from something like this.
~the rat~
to the OP
to much abuse to many problems from something like this.
~the rat~
Yeah, sorry you can't afford another account and all, but this won't fly.
you all hae some valid points, especially the 24 sales thing.
maybe for a premium charge of, say, $20 would get you the possibility of 2 players at the same time, then another $10 for each other player you want logged on?
maybe for a premium charge of, say, $20 would get you the possibility of 2 players at the same time, then another $10 for each other player you want logged on?
If you're going to spend $30, buy another Prophecies game which should be about $35.
lol yea good point >.<
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
The reason this shouldn't be implimented is bot farmers. Imagine if 4 bots could run off the same account (most bots don't seem to link campaigns). Bot farmers would then need to only purchase one copy of the game instead of 4 to make the same profit. |
Originally Posted by fortune82
he is stuck in a certain place in the game, and he wants me to run him, but since we use the same account, i cant.
Well this is a bit off topic and has probably been mentioned countless times, but I have to say it. Being ran can be harmful to that players learning of the game, it will also mean that they not having enough experience won't be a valuable contribution to the team. If the player decides they just want to get to the next area, then at lest being lazy will cost them some money. I'm sure your brother will eventually have a better time playing Guild Wars if he doesn't get ran;and his team mates will too

Not wanting people to share there accounts is very reasonable; just be thankful you don't have to pay a monthly fee.
Edit: and Anet should be able to extract as much money from bot farmers as possible.
A variation on a theme.
The fundamental problem remains, what of families that want to play together, but don't want to spend the extra 50$/campaign x 3+ campaigns to do so?
What if you could buy a "split permission" to split an account between multiple players. Basically, you pay say 10$ or 20$ respectively to ANet so that you can play 2 or 3 people respectively using the same account.
Another crucial restriction is that these people can only go on missions and explorable areas as a group. This puts a huge damper on farming and lost sales, as most solo farmers want to implement solo bots farming in separate instances, and most people want to be able to go where they want. Mainly only families want to play together.
And if you share passwords with strangers, *tough*
The fundamental problem remains, what of families that want to play together, but don't want to spend the extra 50$/campaign x 3+ campaigns to do so?
What if you could buy a "split permission" to split an account between multiple players. Basically, you pay say 10$ or 20$ respectively to ANet so that you can play 2 or 3 people respectively using the same account.
Another crucial restriction is that these people can only go on missions and explorable areas as a group. This puts a huge damper on farming and lost sales, as most solo farmers want to implement solo bots farming in separate instances, and most people want to be able to go where they want. Mainly only families want to play together.
And if you share passwords with strangers, *tough*
i agree with alaris. thats the point i was trying to make. my bro is a n00b at ANY pc game. i could stand over his shoulder, telling him what to do, but it SO much easier to show him, but he's a weenie and wont let me take control of his char. if we had that "same map/mish" thing, then i could help him and show him exactly what to do.
Kuldebar Valiturus
I understand the attractiveness of the idea from the standpoint of the players, but it would be a really raw deal for ANet, the business.
It's already a free to play game that doesn't force you to spend real money to get the "good" stuff or similar gimmicks like those other "free" games. Sure, you do have to buy the game, but it's all up front, straightforward with no "gotcha's". Unless you count liking the game so much you just have to buy the other Campaigns... :/
It's already a free to play game that doesn't force you to spend real money to get the "good" stuff or similar gimmicks like those other "free" games. Sure, you do have to buy the game, but it's all up front, straightforward with no "gotcha's". Unless you count liking the game so much you just have to buy the other Campaigns... :/
i can see someone having their chars specced out and since u can already run 2 instances of Gw ont eh 1 pc, they could potentially farm UW or FoW with just the chars on their acct.
heck think of botters
4 chars slots (proph only)
4 simulatneous logins, 4x the ammount of farming in teh same ammount of time.
i can see someone having their chars specced out and since u can already run 2 instances of Gw ont eh 1 pc, they could potentially farm UW or FoW with just the chars on their acct.
heck think of botters
4 chars slots (proph only)
4 simulatneous logins, 4x the ammount of farming in teh same ammount of time.
Master Sword Keeper
okay for starters there are no limits to running. If Anet didn't want running
they shouldn't of built the first game to be run in the first place.
Therefore it's their fault not ours. yes I'm against this idea consistantly to target bot programs that Gaile is able to knock out. Why can't the programs just enable a programmable code like in...lets see.. "Sacred". All it takes is a few firewall Protocols and waluh! Easy.
Nightfall can be run so why are you complaining again? I can run any profession any level anywhere. You don't need to agro any monsters just play the game like you would be avoiding people in R.L. Just hide, camp and make sudden actions. You people obviously aren't thinking anymore.
Still....I would of loved to have at least one of my other chars join me. Just to see my 2 warriors fighting together. Would be so beautiful to watch.
/signed because of your inspiration.
they shouldn't of built the first game to be run in the first place.
Therefore it's their fault not ours. yes I'm against this idea consistantly to target bot programs that Gaile is able to knock out. Why can't the programs just enable a programmable code like in...lets see.. "Sacred". All it takes is a few firewall Protocols and waluh! Easy.
Nightfall can be run so why are you complaining again? I can run any profession any level anywhere. You don't need to agro any monsters just play the game like you would be avoiding people in R.L. Just hide, camp and make sudden actions. You people obviously aren't thinking anymore.
Still....I would of loved to have at least one of my other chars join me. Just to see my 2 warriors fighting together. Would be so beautiful to watch.
/signed because of your inspiration.